recent comment.2024-11-22T08:24:59.238954+00:00Vulnerability Lookupinfo@circl.lupython-feedgenContains only the most 10 recent comments. HASSH Fingerprints2024-11-22T08:24:59.243705+00:00Alexandre Dulaunoy CVE-2024-6387 HASSH Fingerprints
HASSH fingerprints for identifying OpenSSH servers potentially vulnerable to CVE-2024-6387 (regreSSHion).
The primary goal of this repository is to share the generated HASSH fingerprint database. The scripts use the Shodan API to compile a list of HASSH fingerprints for vulnerable OpenSSH versions. The generated database can be used to query Shodan or Censys to identify potentially vulnerable OpenSSH servers. The hasshdb.txt database can also be used with my Nmap NSE script available at hassh-utils.
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