Updating the application

Updating the application#

All you have to do is:

$ cd vulnerability-lookup/
$ poetry run update

Updating the CVE Record editor#


You do not need to do this to update the tool.

We are using the Vulnogram editor. The frontend is directly bundled in a HTML template of Vulnerability Lookup.

If you want to update the bundle you must first generate only the frontend of Vulnogram. Follow the instructions here.

Then from the generated index.html file extract the part … and copy it in website/web/templates/vulnogram/index.html in the Jinja block vulnogram. Screenshot:

Vulnogram code.

Fig. 1 Vulnogram code.#

The headers (CSS inclusion, etc.), definition of the JSON schema, are already available in the file bundle.html.

The JSON schema defined in the file bundle.html is a based on the one provided in vulnogram with few minor changes:

  • the format of the identifier, vulnId, is by default: ^CIRCL-SA-[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{4,19}$. This is configurable in the generic.json configuration file.

  • cveId is optional.

  • vulnId is mandatory.

  • additionalProperties is set to true for the cveMetadataPublished field. This allows us to store the dates of the editions of the vulnerability advisories in vulnerabilitylookup_history.

"cveMetadataPublished": {
    "description":"This is meta data about the CVE ID such as the CVE ID, who requested it, who assigned it, when it was requested, the current state (PUBLISHED, REJECTED, etc.) and so on.  These fields are controlled by the CVE Services.",
    "title":" ",
        "cveId":{"description":"The CVE identifier that this record pertains to.","$ref":"#\u002Fdefinitions\u002FcveId","options":{"grid_columns":3},"links":[{"class":"lbl vgi-ext","href":"'https:\u002F\u002Fwww.cve.org\u002FCVERecord?id=' + context.self","title":"'CVE.org Entry","rel":"'cve.org'"}]},
        "vulnId":{"description":"The vulnerability identifier that this record pertains to.","$ref":"#\u002Fdefinitions\u002FvulnId","options":{"grid_columns":3}},
        "assignerOrgId":{"$ref":"#\u002Fdefinitions\u002ForgId","description":"The UUID for the organization to which the CVE ID was originally assigned. This UUID can be used to lookup the organization record in the user registry service.","options":{"hidden":true}},"assignerShortName":{"title":"Assigner","$ref":"#\u002Fdefinitions\u002FshortName","description":"The short name for the organization to which the CVE ID was originally assigned."},
        "requesterUserId":{"$ref":"#\u002Fdefinitions\u002FuserId","description":"The user that requested the CVE identifier.","options":{"hidden":true},"default":""},
        "dateUpdated":{"description":"The date\u002Ftime the record was last updated.","$ref":"#\u002Fdefinitions\u002Ftimestamp","options":{"hidden":true}},
        "serial":{"type":"integer","minimum":1,"default":1,"description":"The system of record causes this to start at 1, and increment by 1 each time a submission from a data provider changes this CVE Record. The incremented value moves to the Rejected schema upon a PUBLISHED-\u003EREJECTED transition, and moves to the Published schema upon a REJECTED-\u003EPUBLISHED transition.","options":{"hidden":true}},
        "dateReserved":{"$ref":"#\u002Fdefinitions\u002Ftimestamp","description":"The date\u002Ftime this CVE ID was reserved in the CVE automation workgroup services system. Disclaimer: This date reflects when the CVE ID was reserved, and does not necessarily indicate when this vulnerability was discovered, shared with the affected vendor, publicly disclosed, or updated in CVE.","options":{"hidden":true}},
        "datePublished":{"$ref":"#\u002Fdefinitions\u002Ftimestamp","description":"The date\u002Ftime the CVE Record was first published in the CVE List.","options":{"hidden":true}},
        "state":{"description":"State of CVE - PUBLISHED, REJECTED.","type":"string","pattern":"^PUBLISHED$","enum":["PUBLISHED"],"options":{"hidden":true}},

vulnerabilitylookup_history is set to hidden.