Vulnerability from gsd
2023-12-13 01:24
A flaw was discovered in wildfly versions up to 16.0.0.Final that would allow local users who are able to execute init.d script to terminate arbitrary processes on the system. An attacker could exploit this by modifying the PID file in /var/run/jboss-eap/ allowing the init.d script to terminate any process as root.

  "GSD": {
    "alias": "CVE-2019-3805",
    "description": "A flaw was discovered in wildfly versions up to 16.0.0.Final that would allow local users who are able to execute init.d script to terminate arbitrary processes on the system. An attacker could exploit this by modifying the PID file in /var/run/jboss-eap/ allowing the init.d script to terminate any process as root.",
    "id": "GSD-2019-3805",
    "references": [
  "gsd": {
    "metadata": {
      "exploitCode": "unknown",
      "remediation": "unknown",
      "reportConfidence": "confirmed",
      "type": "vulnerability"
    "osvSchema": {
      "aliases": [
      "details": "A flaw was discovered in wildfly versions up to 16.0.0.Final that would allow local users who are able to execute init.d script to terminate arbitrary processes on the system. An attacker could exploit this by modifying the PID file in /var/run/jboss-eap/ allowing the init.d script to terminate any process as root.",
      "id": "GSD-2019-3805",
      "modified": "2023-12-13T01:24:04.876674Z",
      "schema_version": "1.4.0"
  "namespaces": {
    "": {
      "CVE_data_meta": {
        "ASSIGNER": "",
        "ID": "CVE-2019-3805",
        "STATE": "PUBLIC"
      "affects": {
        "vendor": {
          "vendor_data": [
              "product": {
                "product_data": [
                    "product_name": "wildfly",
                    "version": {
                      "version_data": [
                          "version_affected": "=",
                          "version_value": "affects up to 16.0.0.Final"
              "vendor_name": "Red Hat"
      "data_format": "MITRE",
      "data_type": "CVE",
      "data_version": "4.0",
      "description": {
        "description_data": [
            "lang": "eng",
            "value": "A flaw was discovered in wildfly versions up to 16.0.0.Final that would allow local users who are able to execute init.d script to terminate arbitrary processes on the system. An attacker could exploit this by modifying the PID file in /var/run/jboss-eap/ allowing the init.d script to terminate any process as root."
      "impact": {
        "cvss": [
            "attackComplexity": "LOW",
            "attackVector": "LOCAL",
            "availabilityImpact": "HIGH",
            "baseScore": 5.5,
            "baseSeverity": "MEDIUM",
            "confidentialityImpact": "NONE",
            "integrityImpact": "NONE",
            "privilegesRequired": "LOW",
            "scope": "UNCHANGED",
            "userInteraction": "NONE",
            "vectorString": "CVSS:3.0/AV:L/AC:L/PR:L/UI:N/S:U/C:N/I:N/A:H",
            "version": "3.0"
      "problemtype": {
        "problemtype_data": [
            "description": [
                "cweId": "CWE-364",
                "lang": "eng",
                "value": "CWE-364"
      "references": {
        "reference_data": [
            "name": "",
            "refsource": "MISC",
            "url": ""
            "name": "",
            "refsource": "MISC",
            "url": ""
            "name": "",
            "refsource": "MISC",
            "url": ""
            "name": "",
            "refsource": "MISC",
            "url": ""
            "name": "",
            "refsource": "MISC",
            "url": ""
            "name": "",
            "refsource": "MISC",
            "url": ""
            "name": "",
            "refsource": "MISC",
            "url": ""
            "name": "",
            "refsource": "MISC",
            "url": ""
    "": {
      "configurations": {
        "CVE_data_version": "4.0",
        "nodes": [
            "children": [],
            "cpe_match": [
                "cpe23Uri": "cpe:2.3:a:redhat:wildfly:*:*:*:*:*:*:*:*",
                "cpe_name": [],
                "versionEndIncluding": "16.0.0",
                "vulnerable": true
                "cpe23Uri": "cpe:2.3:a:redhat:jboss_enterprise_application_platform:7.0.0:*:*:*:*:*:*:*",
                "cpe_name": [],
                "vulnerable": true
                "cpe23Uri": "cpe:2.3:a:redhat:jboss_enterprise_application_platform:6.0.0:*:*:*:*:*:*:*",
                "cpe_name": [],
                "vulnerable": true
            "operator": "OR"
      "cve": {
        "CVE_data_meta": {
          "ASSIGNER": "",
          "ID": "CVE-2019-3805"
        "data_format": "MITRE",
        "data_type": "CVE",
        "data_version": "4.0",
        "description": {
          "description_data": [
              "lang": "en",
              "value": "A flaw was discovered in wildfly versions up to 16.0.0.Final that would allow local users who are able to execute init.d script to terminate arbitrary processes on the system. An attacker could exploit this by modifying the PID file in /var/run/jboss-eap/ allowing the init.d script to terminate any process as root."
        "problemtype": {
          "problemtype_data": [
              "description": [
                  "lang": "en",
                  "value": "CWE-269"
        "references": {
          "reference_data": [
              "name": "",
              "refsource": "CONFIRM",
              "tags": [
                "Issue Tracking",
                "Vendor Advisory"
              "url": ""
              "name": "RHSA-2019:1108",
              "refsource": "REDHAT",
              "tags": [
                "Vendor Advisory"
              "url": ""
              "name": "RHSA-2019:1107",
              "refsource": "REDHAT",
              "tags": [
                "Vendor Advisory"
              "url": ""
              "name": "RHSA-2019:1106",
              "refsource": "REDHAT",
              "tags": [
                "Vendor Advisory"
              "url": ""
              "name": "RHSA-2019:1140",
              "refsource": "REDHAT",
              "tags": [
                "Vendor Advisory"
              "url": ""
              "name": "",
              "refsource": "CONFIRM",
              "tags": [
                "Third Party Advisory"
              "url": ""
              "name": "RHSA-2019:2413",
              "refsource": "REDHAT",
              "tags": [
                "Vendor Advisory"
              "url": ""
              "name": "RHSA-2020:0727",
              "refsource": "REDHAT",
              "tags": [
                "Vendor Advisory"
              "url": ""
      "impact": {
        "baseMetricV2": {
          "acInsufInfo": false,
          "cvssV2": {
            "accessComplexity": "MEDIUM",
            "accessVector": "LOCAL",
            "authentication": "NONE",
            "availabilityImpact": "COMPLETE",
            "baseScore": 4.7,
            "confidentialityImpact": "NONE",
            "integrityImpact": "NONE",
            "vectorString": "AV:L/AC:M/Au:N/C:N/I:N/A:C",
            "version": "2.0"
          "exploitabilityScore": 3.4,
          "impactScore": 6.9,
          "obtainAllPrivilege": false,
          "obtainOtherPrivilege": false,
          "obtainUserPrivilege": false,
          "severity": "MEDIUM",
          "userInteractionRequired": false
        "baseMetricV3": {
          "cvssV3": {
            "attackComplexity": "HIGH",
            "attackVector": "LOCAL",
            "availabilityImpact": "HIGH",
            "baseScore": 4.7,
            "baseSeverity": "MEDIUM",
            "confidentialityImpact": "NONE",
            "integrityImpact": "NONE",
            "privilegesRequired": "LOW",
            "scope": "UNCHANGED",
            "userInteraction": "NONE",
            "vectorString": "CVSS:3.1/AV:L/AC:H/PR:L/UI:N/S:U/C:N/I:N/A:H",
            "version": "3.1"
          "exploitabilityScore": 1.0,
          "impactScore": 3.6
      "lastModifiedDate": "2020-10-16T16:04Z",
      "publishedDate": "2019-05-03T20:29Z"

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