Vulnerability from gsd
2023-12-13 01:23
The documentation XML-RPC server in Python through 2.7.16, 3.x through 3.6.9, and 3.7.x through 3.7.4 has XSS via the server_title field. This occurs in Lib/ in Python 2.x, and in Lib/xmlrpc/ in Python 3.x. If set_server_title is called with untrusted input, arbitrary JavaScript can be delivered to clients that visit the http URL for this server.

  "GSD": {
    "alias": "CVE-2019-16935",
    "description": "The documentation XML-RPC server in Python through 2.7.16, 3.x through 3.6.9, and 3.7.x through 3.7.4 has XSS via the server_title field. This occurs in Lib/ in Python 2.x, and in Lib/xmlrpc/ in Python 3.x. If set_server_title is called with untrusted input, arbitrary JavaScript can be delivered to clients that visit the http URL for this server.",
    "id": "GSD-2019-16935",
    "references": [
  "gsd": {
    "metadata": {
      "exploitCode": "unknown",
      "remediation": "unknown",
      "reportConfidence": "confirmed",
      "type": "vulnerability"
    "osvSchema": {
      "aliases": [
      "details": "The documentation XML-RPC server in Python through 2.7.16, 3.x through 3.6.9, and 3.7.x through 3.7.4 has XSS via the server_title field. This occurs in Lib/ in Python 2.x, and in Lib/xmlrpc/ in Python 3.x. If set_server_title is called with untrusted input, arbitrary JavaScript can be delivered to clients that visit the http URL for this server.",
      "id": "GSD-2019-16935",
      "modified": "2023-12-13T01:23:40.654858Z",
      "schema_version": "1.4.0"
  "namespaces": {
    "": {
      "CVE_data_meta": {
        "ASSIGNER": "",
        "ID": "CVE-2019-16935",
        "STATE": "PUBLIC"
      "affects": {
        "vendor": {
          "vendor_data": [
              "product": {
                "product_data": [
                    "product_name": "n/a",
                    "version": {
                      "version_data": [
                          "version_value": "n/a"
              "vendor_name": "n/a"
      "data_format": "MITRE",
      "data_type": "CVE",
      "data_version": "4.0",
      "description": {
        "description_data": [
            "lang": "eng",
            "value": "The documentation XML-RPC server in Python through 2.7.16, 3.x through 3.6.9, and 3.7.x through 3.7.4 has XSS via the server_title field. This occurs in Lib/ in Python 2.x, and in Lib/xmlrpc/ in Python 3.x. If set_server_title is called with untrusted input, arbitrary JavaScript can be delivered to clients that visit the http URL for this server."
      "problemtype": {
        "problemtype_data": [
            "description": [
                "lang": "eng",
                "value": "n/a"
      "references": {
        "reference_data": [
            "name": "USN-4151-1",
            "refsource": "UBUNTU",
            "url": ""
            "name": "USN-4151-2",
            "refsource": "UBUNTU",
            "url": ""
            "name": "openSUSE-SU-2019:2389",
            "refsource": "SUSE",
            "url": ""
            "name": "openSUSE-SU-2019:2393",
            "refsource": "SUSE",
            "url": ""
            "name": "openSUSE-SU-2019:2438",
            "refsource": "SUSE",
            "url": ""
            "name": "openSUSE-SU-2019:2453",
            "refsource": "SUSE",
            "url": ""
            "name": "FEDORA-2019-0d3fcae639",
            "refsource": "FEDORA",
            "url": ""
            "name": "FEDORA-2019-74ba24605e",
            "refsource": "FEDORA",
            "url": ""
            "name": "FEDORA-2019-b06ec6159b",
            "refsource": "FEDORA",
            "url": ""
            "name": "FEDORA-2019-758824a3ff",
            "refsource": "FEDORA",
            "url": ""
            "name": "FEDORA-2019-d202cda4f8",
            "refsource": "FEDORA",
            "url": ""
            "name": "FEDORA-2019-57462fa10d",
            "refsource": "FEDORA",
            "url": ""
            "name": "FEDORA-2019-7ec5bb5d22",
            "refsource": "FEDORA",
            "url": ""
            "name": "FEDORA-2019-a268ba7b23",
            "refsource": "FEDORA",
            "url": ""
            "name": "openSUSE-SU-2020:0086",
            "refsource": "SUSE",
            "url": ""
            "name": "",
            "refsource": "MISC",
            "url": ""
            "name": "",
            "refsource": "MISC",
            "url": ""
            "name": "",
            "refsource": "MISC",
            "url": ""
            "name": "",
            "refsource": "MISC",
            "url": ""
            "name": "",
            "refsource": "MISC",
            "url": ""
            "name": "",
            "refsource": "CONFIRM",
            "url": ""
            "name": "[debian-lts-announce] 20200715 [SECURITY] [DLA 2280-1] python3.5 security update",
            "refsource": "MLIST",
            "url": ""
            "name": "[debian-lts-announce] 20210417 [SECURITY] [DLA 2628-1] python2.7 security update",
            "refsource": "MLIST",
            "url": ""
    "": {
      "configurations": {
        "CVE_data_version": "4.0",
        "nodes": [
            "children": [],
            "cpe_match": [
                "cpe23Uri": "cpe:2.3:a:python:python:*:*:*:*:*:*:*:*",
                "cpe_name": [],
                "versionEndExcluding": "2.7.17",
                "versionStartIncluding": "2.7.0",
                "vulnerable": true
                "cpe23Uri": "cpe:2.3:a:python:python:*:*:*:*:*:*:*:*",
                "cpe_name": [],
                "versionEndExcluding": "3.7.5",
                "versionStartIncluding": "3.7.0",
                "vulnerable": true
                "cpe23Uri": "cpe:2.3:a:python:python:*:*:*:*:*:*:*:*",
                "cpe_name": [],
                "versionEndExcluding": "3.6.10",
                "versionStartIncluding": "3.6.0",
                "vulnerable": true
                "cpe23Uri": "cpe:2.3:a:python:python:*:*:*:*:*:*:*:*",
                "cpe_name": [],
                "versionEndExcluding": "3.5.8",
                "versionStartIncluding": "3.0.0",
                "vulnerable": true
            "operator": "OR"
            "children": [],
            "cpe_match": [
                "cpe23Uri": "cpe:2.3:o:debian:debian_linux:9.0:*:*:*:*:*:*:*",
                "cpe_name": [],
                "vulnerable": true
            "operator": "OR"
            "children": [],
            "cpe_match": [
                "cpe23Uri": "cpe:2.3:o:canonical:ubuntu_linux:18.04:*:*:*:lts:*:*:*",
                "cpe_name": [],
                "vulnerable": true
                "cpe23Uri": "cpe:2.3:o:canonical:ubuntu_linux:19.04:*:*:*:*:*:*:*",
                "cpe_name": [],
                "vulnerable": true
                "cpe23Uri": "cpe:2.3:o:canonical:ubuntu_linux:14.04:*:*:*:esm:*:*:*",
                "cpe_name": [],
                "vulnerable": true
                "cpe23Uri": "cpe:2.3:o:canonical:ubuntu_linux:16.04:*:*:*:esm:*:*:*",
                "cpe_name": [],
                "vulnerable": true
                "cpe23Uri": "cpe:2.3:o:canonical:ubuntu_linux:12.04:*:*:*:-:*:*:*",
                "cpe_name": [],
                "vulnerable": true
            "operator": "OR"
      "cve": {
        "CVE_data_meta": {
          "ASSIGNER": "",
          "ID": "CVE-2019-16935"
        "data_format": "MITRE",
        "data_type": "CVE",
        "data_version": "4.0",
        "description": {
          "description_data": [
              "lang": "en",
              "value": "The documentation XML-RPC server in Python through 2.7.16, 3.x through 3.6.9, and 3.7.x through 3.7.4 has XSS via the server_title field. This occurs in Lib/ in Python 2.x, and in Lib/xmlrpc/ in Python 3.x. If set_server_title is called with untrusted input, arbitrary JavaScript can be delivered to clients that visit the http URL for this server."
        "problemtype": {
          "problemtype_data": [
              "description": [
                  "lang": "en",
                  "value": "CWE-79"
        "references": {
          "reference_data": [
              "name": "",
              "refsource": "MISC",
              "tags": [
                "Vendor Advisory"
              "url": ""
              "name": "",
              "refsource": "MISC",
              "tags": [
                "Third Party Advisory"
              "url": ""
              "name": "",
              "refsource": "MISC",
              "tags": [
                "Third Party Advisory"
              "url": ""
              "name": "",
              "refsource": "MISC",
              "tags": [
                "Third Party Advisory"
              "url": ""
              "name": "USN-4151-1",
              "refsource": "UBUNTU",
              "tags": [
                "Third Party Advisory"
              "url": ""
              "name": "USN-4151-2",
              "refsource": "UBUNTU",
              "tags": [
                "Third Party Advisory"
              "url": ""
              "name": "",
              "refsource": "CONFIRM",
              "tags": [
                "Third Party Advisory"
              "url": ""
              "name": "openSUSE-SU-2019:2389",
              "refsource": "SUSE",
              "tags": [
                "Mailing List",
                "Third Party Advisory"
              "url": ""
              "name": "openSUSE-SU-2019:2393",
              "refsource": "SUSE",
              "tags": [
                "Mailing List",
                "Third Party Advisory"
              "url": ""
              "name": "openSUSE-SU-2019:2438",
              "refsource": "SUSE",
              "tags": [
                "Mailing List",
                "Third Party Advisory"
              "url": ""
              "name": "openSUSE-SU-2019:2453",
              "refsource": "SUSE",
              "tags": [
                "Mailing List",
                "Third Party Advisory"
              "url": ""
              "name": "FEDORA-2019-0d3fcae639",
              "refsource": "FEDORA",
              "tags": [
                "Mailing List",
                "Third Party Advisory"
              "url": ""
              "name": "FEDORA-2019-b06ec6159b",
              "refsource": "FEDORA",
              "tags": [
                "Mailing List",
                "Third Party Advisory"
              "url": ""
              "name": "FEDORA-2019-74ba24605e",
              "refsource": "FEDORA",
              "tags": [
                "Mailing List",
                "Third Party Advisory"
              "url": ""
              "name": "FEDORA-2019-d202cda4f8",
              "refsource": "FEDORA",
              "tags": [
                "Mailing List",
                "Third Party Advisory"
              "url": ""
              "name": "FEDORA-2019-758824a3ff",
              "refsource": "FEDORA",
              "tags": [
                "Mailing List",
                "Third Party Advisory"
              "url": ""
              "name": "FEDORA-2019-57462fa10d",
              "refsource": "FEDORA",
              "tags": [
                "Mailing List",
                "Third Party Advisory"
              "url": ""
              "name": "FEDORA-2019-7ec5bb5d22",
              "refsource": "FEDORA",
              "tags": [
                "Mailing List",
                "Third Party Advisory"
              "url": ""
              "name": "FEDORA-2019-a268ba7b23",
              "refsource": "FEDORA",
              "tags": [
                "Mailing List",
                "Third Party Advisory"
              "url": ""
              "name": "openSUSE-SU-2020:0086",
              "refsource": "SUSE",
              "tags": [
                "Mailing List",
                "Third Party Advisory"
              "url": ""
              "name": "",
              "refsource": "MISC",
              "tags": [
                "Third Party Advisory"
              "url": ""
              "name": "[debian-lts-announce] 20200715 [SECURITY] [DLA 2280-1] python3.5 security update",
              "refsource": "MLIST",
              "tags": [
                "Mailing List",
                "Third Party Advisory"
              "url": ""
              "name": "[debian-lts-announce] 20210417 [SECURITY] [DLA 2628-1] python2.7 security update",
              "refsource": "MLIST",
              "tags": [
                "Mailing List",
                "Third Party Advisory"
              "url": ""
      "impact": {
        "baseMetricV2": {
          "acInsufInfo": false,
          "cvssV2": {
            "accessComplexity": "MEDIUM",
            "accessVector": "NETWORK",
            "authentication": "NONE",
            "availabilityImpact": "NONE",
            "baseScore": 4.3,
            "confidentialityImpact": "NONE",
            "integrityImpact": "PARTIAL",
            "vectorString": "AV:N/AC:M/Au:N/C:N/I:P/A:N",
            "version": "2.0"
          "exploitabilityScore": 8.6,
          "impactScore": 2.9,
          "obtainAllPrivilege": false,
          "obtainOtherPrivilege": false,
          "obtainUserPrivilege": false,
          "severity": "MEDIUM",
          "userInteractionRequired": false
        "baseMetricV3": {
          "cvssV3": {
            "attackComplexity": "LOW",
            "attackVector": "NETWORK",
            "availabilityImpact": "NONE",
            "baseScore": 6.1,
            "baseSeverity": "MEDIUM",
            "confidentialityImpact": "LOW",
            "integrityImpact": "LOW",
            "privilegesRequired": "NONE",
            "scope": "CHANGED",
            "userInteraction": "REQUIRED",
            "vectorString": "CVSS:3.1/AV:N/AC:L/PR:N/UI:R/S:C/C:L/I:L/A:N",
            "version": "3.1"
          "exploitabilityScore": 2.8,
          "impactScore": 2.7
      "lastModifiedDate": "2023-01-19T15:46Z",
      "publishedDate": "2019-09-28T02:15Z"

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