Vulnerability from gsd
2023-12-13 01:22
Multiple vulnerabilities in the initialization routines that are executed during bootup of Cisco IOS XE Software for Cisco ASR 900 Series Aggregation Services Routers with a Route Switch Processor 3 (RSP3) installed could allow an authenticated, local attacker with high privileges to execute persistent code at bootup and break the chain of trust. These vulnerabilities are due to incorrect validations by boot scripts when specific ROM monitor (ROMMON) variables are set. An attacker could exploit these vulnerabilities by copying a specific file to the local file system of an affected device and defining specific ROMMON variables. A successful exploit could allow the attacker to run arbitrary code on the underlying operating system (OS) with root privileges. To exploit these vulnerabilities, an attacker would need to have access to the root shell on the device or have physical access to the device.

  "GSD": {
    "alias": "CVE-2020-3513",
    "description": "Multiple vulnerabilities in the initialization routines that are executed during bootup of Cisco IOS XE Software for Cisco ASR 900 Series Aggregation Services Routers with a Route Switch Processor 3 (RSP3) installed could allow an authenticated, local attacker with high privileges to execute persistent code at bootup and break the chain of trust. These vulnerabilities are due to incorrect validations by boot scripts when specific ROM monitor (ROMMON) variables are set. An attacker could exploit these vulnerabilities by copying a specific file to the local file system of an affected device and defining specific ROMMON variables. A successful exploit could allow the attacker to run arbitrary code on the underlying operating system (OS) with root privileges. To exploit these vulnerabilities, an attacker would need to have access to the root shell on the device or have physical access to the device.",
    "id": "GSD-2020-3513"
  "gsd": {
    "metadata": {
      "exploitCode": "unknown",
      "remediation": "unknown",
      "reportConfidence": "confirmed",
      "type": "vulnerability"
    "osvSchema": {
      "aliases": [
      "details": "Multiple vulnerabilities in the initialization routines that are executed during bootup of Cisco IOS XE Software for Cisco ASR 900 Series Aggregation Services Routers with a Route Switch Processor 3 (RSP3) installed could allow an authenticated, local attacker with high privileges to execute persistent code at bootup and break the chain of trust. These vulnerabilities are due to incorrect validations by boot scripts when specific ROM monitor (ROMMON) variables are set. An attacker could exploit these vulnerabilities by copying a specific file to the local file system of an affected device and defining specific ROMMON variables. A successful exploit could allow the attacker to run arbitrary code on the underlying operating system (OS) with root privileges. To exploit these vulnerabilities, an attacker would need to have access to the root shell on the device or have physical access to the device.",
      "id": "GSD-2020-3513",
      "modified": "2023-12-13T01:22:10.662004Z",
      "schema_version": "1.4.0"
  "namespaces": {
    "": {
      "CVE_data_meta": {
        "ASSIGNER": "",
        "DATE_PUBLIC": "2020-09-24T16:00:00",
        "ID": "CVE-2020-3513",
        "STATE": "PUBLIC",
        "TITLE": "Cisco IOS XE Software for Cisco ASR 900 Series Route Switch Processor 3 Arbitrary Code Execution Vulnerabilities"
      "affects": {
        "vendor": {
          "vendor_data": [
              "product": {
                "product_data": [
                    "product_name": "Cisco IOS XE Software ",
                    "version": {
                      "version_data": [
                          "version_value": "n/a"
              "vendor_name": "Cisco"
      "data_format": "MITRE",
      "data_type": "CVE",
      "data_version": "4.0",
      "description": {
        "description_data": [
            "lang": "eng",
            "value": "Multiple vulnerabilities in the initialization routines that are executed during bootup of Cisco IOS XE Software for Cisco ASR 900 Series Aggregation Services Routers with a Route Switch Processor 3 (RSP3) installed could allow an authenticated, local attacker with high privileges to execute persistent code at bootup and break the chain of trust. These vulnerabilities are due to incorrect validations by boot scripts when specific ROM monitor (ROMMON) variables are set. An attacker could exploit these vulnerabilities by copying a specific file to the local file system of an affected device and defining specific ROMMON variables. A successful exploit could allow the attacker to run arbitrary code on the underlying operating system (OS) with root privileges. To exploit these vulnerabilities, an attacker would need to have access to the root shell on the device or have physical access to the device."
      "exploit": [
          "lang": "eng",
          "value": "The Cisco Product Security Incident Response Team (PSIRT) is not aware of any public announcements or malicious use of the vulnerabilities that are described in this advisory. "
      "impact": {
        "cvss": {
          "baseScore": "6.7",
          "vectorString": "CVSS:3.1/AV:L/AC:L/PR:H/UI:N/S:U/C:H/I:H/A:H ",
          "version": "3.0"
      "problemtype": {
        "problemtype_data": [
            "description": [
                "lang": "eng",
                "value": "CWE-749"
      "references": {
        "reference_data": [
            "name": "20200924 Cisco IOS XE Software for Cisco ASR 900 Series Route Switch Processor 3 Arbitrary Code Execution Vulnerabilities",
            "refsource": "CISCO",
            "url": ""
      "source": {
        "advisory": "cisco-sa-iosxe-rsp3-rce-jVHg8Z7c",
        "defect": [
        "discovery": "INTERNAL"
    "": {
      "configurations": {
        "CVE_data_version": "4.0",
        "nodes": [
            "children": [
                "children": [],
                "cpe_match": [
                    "cpe23Uri": "cpe:2.3:o:cisco:ios_xe:16.12.1:*:*:*:*:*:*:*",
                    "cpe_name": [],
                    "vulnerable": true
                    "cpe23Uri": "cpe:2.3:o:cisco:ios_xe:17.2:*:*:*:*:*:*:*",
                    "cpe_name": [],
                    "vulnerable": true
                "operator": "OR"
                "children": [],
                "cpe_match": [
                    "cpe23Uri": "cpe:2.3:h:cisco:asr_902:-:*:*:*:*:*:*:*",
                    "cpe_name": [],
                    "vulnerable": false
                    "cpe23Uri": "cpe:2.3:h:cisco:asr_903:-:*:*:*:*:*:*:*",
                    "cpe_name": [],
                    "vulnerable": false
                    "cpe23Uri": "cpe:2.3:h:cisco:asr_907:-:*:*:*:*:*:*:*",
                    "cpe_name": [],
                    "vulnerable": false
                    "cpe23Uri": "cpe:2.3:h:cisco:ncs_4206:-:*:*:*:*:*:*:*",
                    "cpe_name": [],
                    "vulnerable": false
                    "cpe23Uri": "cpe:2.3:h:cisco:ncs_4216:-:*:*:*:*:*:*:*",
                    "cpe_name": [],
                    "vulnerable": false
                    "cpe23Uri": "cpe:2.3:h:cisco:ncs_4216_f2b:-:*:*:*:*:*:*:*",
                    "cpe_name": [],
                    "vulnerable": false
                "operator": "OR"
            "cpe_match": [],
            "operator": "AND"
      "cve": {
        "CVE_data_meta": {
          "ASSIGNER": "",
          "ID": "CVE-2020-3513"
        "data_format": "MITRE",
        "data_type": "CVE",
        "data_version": "4.0",
        "description": {
          "description_data": [
              "lang": "en",
              "value": "Multiple vulnerabilities in the initialization routines that are executed during bootup of Cisco IOS XE Software for Cisco ASR 900 Series Aggregation Services Routers with a Route Switch Processor 3 (RSP3) installed could allow an authenticated, local attacker with high privileges to execute persistent code at bootup and break the chain of trust. These vulnerabilities are due to incorrect validations by boot scripts when specific ROM monitor (ROMMON) variables are set. An attacker could exploit these vulnerabilities by copying a specific file to the local file system of an affected device and defining specific ROMMON variables. A successful exploit could allow the attacker to run arbitrary code on the underlying operating system (OS) with root privileges. To exploit these vulnerabilities, an attacker would need to have access to the root shell on the device or have physical access to the device."
        "problemtype": {
          "problemtype_data": [
              "description": [
                  "lang": "en",
                  "value": "CWE-94"
        "references": {
          "reference_data": [
              "name": "20200924 Cisco IOS XE Software for Cisco ASR 900 Series Route Switch Processor 3 Arbitrary Code Execution Vulnerabilities",
              "refsource": "CISCO",
              "tags": [
                "Vendor Advisory"
              "url": ""
      "impact": {
        "baseMetricV2": {
          "acInsufInfo": false,
          "cvssV2": {
            "accessComplexity": "MEDIUM",
            "accessVector": "LOCAL",
            "authentication": "NONE",
            "availabilityImpact": "COMPLETE",
            "baseScore": 6.9,
            "confidentialityImpact": "COMPLETE",
            "integrityImpact": "COMPLETE",
            "vectorString": "AV:L/AC:M/Au:N/C:C/I:C/A:C",
            "version": "2.0"
          "exploitabilityScore": 3.4,
          "impactScore": 10.0,
          "obtainAllPrivilege": false,
          "obtainOtherPrivilege": false,
          "obtainUserPrivilege": false,
          "severity": "MEDIUM",
          "userInteractionRequired": false
        "baseMetricV3": {
          "cvssV3": {
            "attackComplexity": "LOW",
            "attackVector": "LOCAL",
            "availabilityImpact": "HIGH",
            "baseScore": 6.7,
            "baseSeverity": "MEDIUM",
            "confidentialityImpact": "HIGH",
            "integrityImpact": "HIGH",
            "privilegesRequired": "HIGH",
            "scope": "UNCHANGED",
            "userInteraction": "NONE",
            "vectorString": "CVSS:3.1/AV:L/AC:L/PR:H/UI:N/S:U/C:H/I:H/A:H",
            "version": "3.1"
          "exploitabilityScore": 0.8,
          "impactScore": 5.9
      "lastModifiedDate": "2020-10-08T13:42Z",
      "publishedDate": "2020-09-24T18:15Z"

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