Vulnerability from variot

Memory leak in Netscape Collabra Server 3.5.4 and earlier allows a remote attacker to cause a denial of service (memory exhaustion) by repeatedly sending approximately 5K of data to TCP port 5238. Multiple Cisco networking products contain a denial-of-service vulnerability. There is an information integrity vulnerability in the SSH1 protocol that allows packets encrypted with a block cipher to be modified without notice. There is a remote integer overflow vulnerability in several implementations of the SSH1 protocol that allows an attacker to execute arbitrary code with the privileges of the SSH daemon, typically root. The program pgp4pine version 1.75.6 fails to properly identify expired keys when working with the Gnu Privacy Guard program (GnuPG). This failure may result in the clear-text transmission of senstive information when used with the PINE mail reading package. The SEDUM web server permits intruders to access files outside the web root. Secure Shell, or SSH, is an encrypted remote access protocol. SSH or code based on SSH is used by many systems all over the world and in a wide variety of commercial applications. An integer-overflow bug in the CRC32 compensation attack detection code may allow remote attackers to write values to arbitrary locations in memory. This would occur in situations where large SSH packets are recieved by either a client or server, and a 32 bit representation of the SSH packet length is assigned to a 16 bit integer. The difference in data representation in these situations will cause the 16 bit variable to be assigned to zero (or a really low value). As a result, future calls to malloc() as well as an index used to reference locations in memory can be corrupted by an attacker. This could occur in a manner that can be exploited to write certain numerical values to almost arbitrary locations in memory. UPDATE: There have been reports suggesting that exploitation of this vulnerability may be widespread. Since early september, independent, reliable sources have confirmed that this vulnerability is being exploited by attackers on the Internet. Security Focus does not currently have the exploit code being used, however this record will be updated if and when it becomes available. NOTE: Cisco 11000 Content Service Switch family is vulnerable to this issue. All WebNS releases prior, but excluding, versions: 4.01 B42s, 4.10 22s, 5.0 B11s, 5.01 B6s, are vulnerable. Secure Computing SafeWord Agent for SSH is reportedly prone to this issue, as it is based on a vulnerable version of SSH. ** NetScreen ScreenOS is not directly vulnerable to this issue, however the referenced exploit will cause devices using vulnerable versions of the software to stop functioning properly. This will result in a denial of service condition for NetScreen devices. This issue is in the Secure Command Shell (SCS) administrative interface, which is an implementation of SSHv1. SCS is not enabled on NetScreen devices by default. Cisco has reported that scanning for SSH vulnerabilities on affected devices will cause excessive CPU consumption. The condition is due to a failure of the Cisco SSH implementation to properly process large SSH packets. As many of these devices are critical infrastructure components, more serious network outages may occur. Cisco has released upgrades that will eliminate this vulnerability. Collabra is a discussion server from Netscape. A version of Collabra is vulnerable to a resource consumption attack. Excess input subitted repeatedly to port 5238 will result in the eventual exhaustion of available memory resources, potentially impacting the Collabra server process and other applications running on the affected host. An expired public key could cause GPG to fail the encryption of an outgoing message, without any error message or warning being delivered to the user. As a result, the user could transmit data, meant to be encrypted, as plaintext. TO UNSUBSCRIBE: email "unsubscribe alert" in the body of your message to Contact for help with any problems!


ISS X-Force has received reports that some individuals were unable to verify the PGP signature on the Security Alert Summary distributed earlier in the week. Due to this issue, X-Force is re-distributing the Security Alert Summary. We apologize for any inconvience this may have caused.

Internet Security Systems Security Alert Summary March 5, 2001 Volume 6 Number 4

X-Force Vulnerability and Threat Database: To receive these Alert Summaries as well as other Alerts and Advisories, subscribe to the Internet Security Systems Alert mailing list at:

This summary can be found at


90 Reported Vulnerabilities

Risk Factor Key

Date Reported: 2/27/01 Vulnerability: a1-server-dos Platforms Affected: A1 Server Risk Factor: Medium Attack Type: Network Based Brief Description: A1 Server denial of service X-Force URL:

Date Reported: 2/27/01 Vulnerability: a1-server-directory-traversal Platforms Affected: A1 Server Risk Factor: Medium Attack Type: Network Based Brief Description: A1 Server directory traversal X-Force URL:

Date Reported: 2/27/01 Vulnerability: webreflex-web-server-dos Platforms Affected: WebReflex Risk Factor: Medium Attack Type: Network Based Brief Description: WebReflex Web server denial of service X-Force URL:

Date Reported: 2/26/01 Vulnerability: sudo-bo-elevate-privileges Platforms Affected: Sudo Risk Factor: Medium Attack Type: Host Based Brief Description: Sudo buffer overflow could allow elevated user privileges X-Force URL:

Date Reported: 2/26/01 Vulnerability: mygetright-skin-overwrite-file Platforms Affected: My GetRight Risk Factor: High Attack Type: Network Based Brief Description: My GetRight 'skin' allows remote attacker to overwrite existing files X-Force URL:

Date Reported: 2/26/01 Vulnerability: mygetright-directory-traversal Platforms Affected: My GetRight Risk Factor: Medium Attack Type: Network Based Brief Description: My GetRight directory traversal X-Force URL:

Date Reported: 2/26/01 Vulnerability: win2k-event-viewer-bo Platforms Affected: Windows 2000 Risk Factor: once-only Attack Type: Host Based Brief Description: Windows 2000 event viewer buffer overflow X-Force URL:

Date Reported: 2/26/01 Vulnerability: netscape-collabra-cpu-dos Platforms Affected: Netscape Risk Factor: Medium Attack Type: Network Based Brief Description: Netscape Collabra CPU denial of service X-Force URL:

Date Reported: 2/26/01 Vulnerability: netscape-collabra-kernel-dos Platforms Affected: Netscape Risk Factor: Medium Attack Type: Network Based Brief Description: Netscape Collabra Server kernel denial of service X-Force URL:

Date Reported: 2/23/01 Vulnerability: mercur-expn-bo Platforms Affected: MERCUR Risk Factor: High Attack Type: Network Based Brief Description: MERCUR Mailserver EXPN buffer overflow X-Force URL:

Date Reported: 2/23/01 Vulnerability: sedum-http-dos Platforms Affected: SEDUM Risk Factor: Medium Attack Type: Network Based Brief Description: SEDUM HTTP server denial of service X-Force URL:

Date Reported: 2/23/01 Vulnerability: tru64-inetd-dos Platforms Affected: Tru64 Risk Factor: Medium Attack Type: Host Based Brief Description: Tru64 UNIX inetd denial of service X-Force URL:

Date Reported: 2/22/01 Vulnerability: outlook-vcard-bo Platforms Affected: Microsoft Outlook Risk Factor: High Attack Type: Host Based Brief Description: Outlook and Outlook Express vCards buffer overflow X-Force URL:

Date Reported: 2/22/01 Vulnerability: ultimatebb-cookie-member-number Platforms Affected: Ultimate Bulletin Board Risk Factor: High Attack Type: Network Based Brief Description: Ultimate Bulletin Board cookie allows attacker to change member number X-Force URL:

Date Reported: 2/21/01 Vulnerability: ultimatebb-cookie-gain-privileges Platforms Affected: Ultimate Bulletin Board Risk Factor: Medium Attack Type: Network Based Brief Description: Ultimate Bulletin Board allows remote attacker to obtain cookie information X-Force URL:

Date Reported: 2/21/01 Vulnerability: sendmail-elevate-privileges Platforms Affected: Sendmail Risk Factor: High Attack Type: Host Based Brief Description: Sendmail -bt command could allow the elevation of privileges X-Force URL:

Date Reported: 2/21/01 Vulnerability: jre-jdk-execute-commands Platforms Affected: JRE/JDK Risk Factor: High Attack Type: Host Based Brief Description: JRE/JDK could allow unauthorized execution of commands X-Force URL:

Date Reported: 2/20/01 Vulnerability: licq-remote-port-dos Platforms Affected: LICQ Risk Factor: Medium Attack Type: Network Based Brief Description: LICQ remote denial of service X-Force URL:

Date Reported: 2/20/01 Vulnerability: pgp4pine-expired-keys Platforms Affected: pgp4pine Risk Factor: Medium Attack Type: Host Based Brief Description: pgp4pine may transmit messages using expired public keys X-Force URL:

Date Reported: 2/20/01 Vulnerability: chilisoft-asp-view-files Platforms Affected: Chili!Soft ASP Risk Factor: High Attack Type: Network Based Brief Description: Chili!Soft ASP allows remote attackers to gain access to sensitive information X-Force URL:

Date Reported: 2/20/01 Vulnerability: win2k-domain-controller-dos Platforms Affected: Windows 2000 Risk Factor: once-only Attack Type: Network/Host Based Brief Description: Windows 2000 domain controller denial of service X-Force URL:

Date Reported: 2/19/01 Vulnerability: asx-remote-dos Platforms Affected: ASX Switches Risk Factor: Medium Attack Type: Network Based Brief Description: ASX switches allow remote denial of service X-Force URL:

Date Reported: 2/18/01 Vulnerability: http-cgi-mailnews-username Platforms Affected: Mailnews.cgi Risk Factor: High Attack Type: Network Based Brief Description: Mailnews.cgi allows remote attacker to execute shell commands using username X-Force URL:

Date Reported: 2/17/01 Vulnerability: badblue-ext-reveal-path Platforms Affected: BadBlue Risk Factor: Low Attack Type: Network Based Brief Description: BadBlue ext.dll library reveals path X-Force URL:

Date Reported: 2/17/01 Vulnerability: badblue-ext-dos Platforms Affected: BadBlue Risk Factor: Medium Attack Type: Network Based Brief Description: BadBlue ext.dll library denial of service X-Force URL:

Date Reported: 2/17/01 Vulnerability: moby-netsuite-bo Platforms Affected: Moby's NetSuite Risk Factor: Medium Attack Type: Network Based Brief Description: Moby's NetSuite Web server buffer overflow X-Force URL:

Date Reported: 2/16/01 Vulnerability: webactive-directory-traversal Platforms Affected: WEBactive Risk Factor: Medium Attack Type: Network/Host Based Brief Description: WEBactive HTTP Server directory traversal X-Force URL:

Date Reported: 2/16/01 Vulnerability: esone-cgi-directory-traversal Platforms Affected: ES.One store.cgi Risk Factor: Medium Attack Type: Network Based Brief Description: Thinking Arts ES.One store.cgi directory traversal X-Force URL:

Date Reported: 2/16/01 Vulnerability: vshell-username-bo Platforms Affected: VShell Risk Factor: High Attack Type: Network Based Brief Description: VShell username buffer overflow X-Force URL:

Date Reported: 2/16/01 Vulnerability: vshell-port-forwarding-rule Platforms Affected: VShell Risk Factor: Medium Attack Type: Network/Host Based Brief Description: VShell uses weak port forwarding rule X-Force URL:

Date Reported: 2/15/01 Vulnerability: pi3web-isapi-bo Platforms Affected: Pi3Web Risk Factor: Medium Attack Type: Network/Host Based Brief Description: Pi3Web ISAPI tstisapi.dll denial of service X-Force URL:

Date Reported: 2/15/01 Vulnerability: pi3web-reveal-path Platforms Affected: Pi3Web Risk Factor: Low Attack Type: Network Based Brief Description: Pi3Web reveals physical path of server X-Force URL:

Date Reported: 2/15/01 Vulnerability: bajie-execute-shell Platforms Affected: Bajie HTTP JServer Risk Factor: High Attack Type: Network Based Brief Description: Bajie HTTP JServer execute shell commands X-Force URL:

Date Reported: 2/15/01 Vulnerability: bajie-directory-traversal Platforms Affected: Bajie HTTP JServer Risk Factor: High Attack Type: Network Based Brief Description: Bajie HTTP JServer directory traversal X-Force URL:

Date Reported: 2/15/01 Vulnerability: resin-directory-traversal Platforms Affected: Resin Risk Factor: Medium Attack Type: Network Based Brief Description: Resin Web server directory traversal X-Force URL:

Date Reported: 2/15/01 Vulnerability: netware-mitm-recover-passwords Platforms Affected: Netware Risk Factor: Low Attack Type: Network Based Brief Description: Netware "man in the middle" attack password recovery X-Force URL:

Date Reported: 2/14/01 Vulnerability: firebox-pptp-dos Platforms Affected: WatchGuard Firebox II Risk Factor: High Attack Type: Network Based Brief Description: WatchGuard Firebox II PPTP denial of service X-Force URL:

Date Reported: 2/14/01 Vulnerability: hp-virtualvault-iws-dos Platforms Affected: HP VirtualVault Risk Factor: Medium Attack Type: Network/Host Based Brief Description: HP VirtualVault iPlanet Web Server denial of service X-Force URL:

Date Reported: 2/14/01 Vulnerability: kicq-execute-commands Platforms Affected: KICQ Risk Factor: High Attack Type: Network Based Brief Description: kicq could allow remote execution of commands X-Force URL:

Date Reported: 2/14/01 Vulnerability: hp-text-editor-bo Platforms Affected: HPUX Risk Factor: Medium Attack Type: Host Based Brief Description: HP Text editors buffer overflow X-Force URL:

Date Reported: 2/13/01 Vulnerability: sendtemp-pl-read-files Platforms Affected: Risk Factor: Medium Attack Type: Network/Host Based Brief Description: could allow an attacker to read files on the server X-Force URL:

Date Reported: 2/13/01 Vulnerability: analog-alias-bo Platforms Affected: Analog ALIAS Risk Factor: Medium Attack Type: Network/Host Based Brief Description: Analog ALIAS command buffer overflow X-Force URL:

Date Reported: 2/13/01 Vulnerability: elm-long-string-bo Platforms Affected: Elm Risk Factor: Medium Attack Type: Host Based Brief Description: ELM -f command long string buffer overflow X-Force URL:

Date Reported: 2/13/01 Vulnerability: winnt-pptp-dos Platforms Affected: Windows NT Risk Factor: Medium Attack Type: Network Based Brief Description: Windows NT PPTP denial of service X-Force URL:

Date Reported: 2/12/01 Vulnerability: startinnfeed-format-string Platforms Affected: Inn Risk Factor: High Attack Type: Host Based Brief Description: Inn 'startinnfeed' binary format string attack X-Force URL:

Date Reported: 2/12/01 Vulnerability: his-auktion-cgi-url Platforms Affected: HIS Auktion Risk Factor: Medium Attack Type: Network/Host Based Brief Description: HIS Auktion CGI script could allow attackers to view unauthorized files or execute commands X-Force URL:

Date Reported: 2/12/01 Vulnerability: wayboard-cgi-view-files Platforms Affected: Way-BOARD Risk Factor: Medium Attack Type: Network Based Brief Description: Way-BOARD CGI could allow attackers to view unauthorized files X-Force URL:

Date Reported: 2/12/01 Vulnerability: muskat-empower-url-dir Platforms Affected: Musket Empower Risk Factor: Low Attack Type: Network/Host Based Brief Description: Musket Empower could allow attackers to gain access to the DB directory path X-Force URL:

Date Reported: 2/12/01 Vulnerability: icq-icu-rtf-dos Platforms Affected: LICQ Gnome ICU Risk Factor: Low Attack Type: Network/Host Based Brief Description: LICQ and Gnome ICU rtf file denial of service X-Force URL:

Date Reported: 2/12/01 Vulnerability: commerce-cgi-view-files Platforms Affected: Commerce.cgi Risk Factor: Medium Attack Type: Network Based Brief Description: Commerce.cgi could allow attackers to view unauthorized files X-Force URL:

Date Reported: 2/12/01 Vulnerability: roads-search-view-files Platforms Affected: ROADS Risk Factor: Medium Attack Type: Network Based Brief Description: ROADS could allow attackers to view unauthorized files using program X-Force URL:

Date Reported: 2/12/01 Vulnerability: webpage-cgi-view-info Platforms Affected: WebPage.cgi Risk Factor: Low Attack Type: Network Based Brief Description: WebPage.cgi allows attackers to view sensitive information X-Force URL:

Date Reported: 2/12/01 Vulnerability: webspirs-cgi-view-files Platforms Affected: WebSPIRS Risk Factor: Medium Attack Type: Network Based Brief Description: WebSPIRS CGI could allow an attacker to view unauthorized files X-Force URL:

Date Reported: 2/12/01 Vulnerability: webpals-library-cgi-url Platforms Affected: WebPALS Risk Factor: Medium Attack Type: Network Based Brief Description: WebPALS Library System CGI script could allow attackers to view unauthorized files or execute commands X-Force URL:

Date Reported: 2/11/01 Vulnerability: cobol-apptrack-nolicense-permissions Platforms Affected: MicroFocus Cobol Risk Factor: High Attack Type: Host Based Brief Description: MicroFocus Cobol with AppTrack enabled with nolicense permissions X-Force URL:

Date Reported: 2/11/01 Vulnerability: cobol-apptrack-nolicense-symlink Platforms Affected: MicroFocus Cobol Risk Factor: High Attack Type: Host Based Brief Description: MicroFocus Cobol with AppTrack enabled allows symlink in nolicense X-Force URL:

Date Reported: 2/10/01 Vulnerability: vixie-crontab-bo Platforms Affected: Vixie crontab Risk Factor: Medium Attack Type: Host Based Brief Description: Vixie crontab buffer overflow X-Force URL:

Date Reported: 2/10/01 Vulnerability: novell-groupwise-bypass-policies Platforms Affected: Novell GroupWise Risk Factor: Medium Attack Type: Network/Host Based Brief Description: Novell Groupwise allows user to bypass policies and view files X-Force URL:

Date Reported: 2/9/01 Vulnerability: infobot-calc-gain-access Platforms Affected: Infobot Risk Factor: High Attack Type: Network Based Brief Description: Infobot 'calc' command allows remote users to gain access X-Force URL:

Date Reported: 2/8/01 Vulnerability: linux-sysctl-read-memory Platforms Affected: Linux Risk Factor: Medium Attack Type: Host Based Brief Description: Linux kernel sysctl() read memory X-Force URL:

Date Reported: 2/8/01 Vulnerability: openssh-bypass-authentication Platforms Affected: OpenSSH Risk Factor: High Attack Type: Network/Host Based Brief Description: OpenSSH 2.3.1 allows remote users to bypass authentication X-Force URL:

Date Reported: 2/8/01 Vulnerability: lotus-notes-stored-forms Platforms Affected: Lotus Notes Risk Factor: High Attack Type: Network/Host Based Brief Description: Lotus Notes stored forms X-Force URL:

Date Reported: 2/8/01 Vulnerability: linux-ptrace-modify-process Platforms Affected: Linux Risk Factor: High Attack Type: Host Based Brief Description: Linux kernel ptrace modify process X-Force URL:

Date Reported: 2/8/01 Vulnerability: ssh-deattack-overwrite-memory Platforms Affected: SSH Risk Factor: High Attack Type: Network/Host Based Brief Description: SSH protocol 1.5 deattack.c allows memory to be overwritten X-Force URL:

Date Reported: 2/7/01 Vulnerability: dc20ctrl-port-bo Platforms Affected: FreeBSD Risk Factor: Medium Attack Type: Host Based Brief Description: FreeBSD dc20ctrl port buffer overflow X-Force URL:

Date Reported: 2/7/01 Vulnerability: ja-xklock-bo Platforms Affected: FreeBSD Risk Factor: High Attack Type: Host Based Brief Description: ja-xklock buffer overflow X-Force URL:

Date Reported: 2/7/01 Vulnerability: ja-elvis-elvrec-bo Platforms Affected: FreeBSD Risk Factor: High Attack Type: Host Based Brief Description: FreeBSD ja-elvis port buffer overflow X-Force URL:

Date Reported: 2/7/01 Vulnerability: ko-helvis-elvrec-bo Platforms Affected: FreeBSD Risk Factor: High Attack Type: Host Based Brief Description: FreeBSD ko-helvis port buffer overflow X-Force URL:

Date Reported: 2/7/01 Vulnerability: serverworx-directory-traversal Platforms Affected: ServerWorx Risk Factor: Medium Attack Type: Network Based Brief Description: ServerWorx directory traversal X-Force URL:

Date Reported: 2/7/01 Vulnerability: ntlm-ssp-elevate-privileges Platforms Affected: NTLM Risk Factor: High Attack Type: Host Based Brief Description: NTLM Security Support Provider could allow elevation of privileges X-Force URL:

Date Reported: 2/7/01 Vulnerability: ssh-session-key-recovery Platforms Affected: SSH Risk Factor: High Attack Type: Network/Host Based Brief Description: SSH protocol 1.5 session key recovery X-Force URL:

Date Reported: 2/6/01 Vulnerability: aolserver-directory-traversal Platforms Affected: AOLserver Risk Factor: Medium Attack Type: Network Based Brief Description: AOLserver directory traversal X-Force URL:

Date Reported: 2/6/01 Vulnerability: chilisoft-asp-elevate-privileges Platforms Affected: Chili!Soft Risk Factor: High Attack Type: Network/Host Based Brief Description: Chili!Soft ASP could allow elevated privileges X-Force URL:

Date Reported: 2/6/01 Vulnerability: win-udp-dos Platforms Affected: Windows Risk Factor: Medium Attack Type: Network/Host Based Brief Description: Windows UDP socket denial of service X-Force URL:

Date Reported: 2/5/01 Vulnerability: ssh-daemon-failed-login Platforms Affected: SSH Risk Factor: High Attack Type: Network/Host Based Brief Description: SSH daemon failed login attempts are not logged X-Force URL:

Date Reported: 2/5/01 Vulnerability: picserver-directory-traversal Platforms Affected: PicServer Risk Factor: Medium Attack Type: Network Based Brief Description: PicServer directory traversal X-Force URL:

Date Reported: 2/5/01 Vulnerability: biblioweb-directory-traversal Platforms Affected: BiblioWeb Risk Factor: Medium Attack Type: Network Based Brief Description: BiblioWeb Server directory traversal X-Force URL:

Date Reported: 2/5/01 Vulnerability: biblioweb-get-dos Platforms Affected: BiblioWeb Risk Factor: Low Attack Type: Network Based Brief Description: BiblioWeb Server GET request denial of service X-Force URL:

Date Reported: 2/5/01 Vulnerability: ibm-netcommerce-reveal-information Platforms Affected: IBM Risk Factor: Medium Attack Type: Network/Host Based Brief Description: IBM Net.Commerce could reveal sensitive information X-Force URL:

Date Reported: 2/5/01 Vulnerability: win-dde-elevate-privileges Platforms Affected: Windows DDE Risk Factor: High Attack Type: Host Based Brief Description: Windows DDE can allow the elevation of privileges X-Force URL:

Date Reported: 2/4/01 Vulnerability: hsweb-directory-browsing Platforms Affected: HSWeb Risk Factor: Low Attack Type: Network Based Brief Description: HSWeb Web Server allows attacker to browse directories X-Force URL:

Date Reported: 2/4/01 Vulnerability: sedum-directory-traversal Platforms Affected: SEDUM Risk Factor: Medium Attack Type: Network Based Brief Description: SEDUM HTTP Server directory traversal X-Force URL:

Date Reported: 2/4/01 Vulnerability: free-java-directory-traversal Platforms Affected: Free Java Risk Factor: Medium Attack Type: Network Based Brief Description: Free Java Web Server directory traversal X-Force URL:

Date Reported: 2/2/01 Vulnerability: goahead-directory-traversal Platforms Affected: GoAhead Risk Factor: High Attack Type: Network Based Brief Description: GoAhead Web Server directory traversal X-Force URL:

Date Reported: 2/2/01 Vulnerability: gnuserv-tcp-cookie-overflow Platforms Affected: Gnuserv Risk Factor: High Attack Type: Network/Host Based Brief Description: Gnuserv TCP enabled cookie buffer overflow X-Force URL:

Date Reported: 2/2/01 Vulnerability: xmail-ctrlserver-bo Platforms Affected: Xmail CTRLServer Risk Factor: High Attack Type: Network Based Brief Description: XMail CTRLServer buffer overflow X-Force URL:

Date Reported: 2/2/01 Vulnerability: netscape-webpublisher-acl-permissions Platforms Affected: Netscape Web Publisher Risk Factor: Medium Attack Type: Network Based Brief Description: Netcape Web Publisher poor ACL permissions X-Force URL:

Date Reported: 2/1/01 Vulnerability: cups-httpgets-dos Platforms Affected: CUPS Risk Factor: High Attack Type: Host Based Brief Description: CUPS httpGets() function denial of service X-Force URL:

Date Reported: 2/1/01 Vulnerability: prospero-get-pin Platforms Affected: Prospero Risk Factor: High Attack Type: Network/Host Based Brief Description: Prospero GET request reveals PIN information X-Force URL:

Date Reported: 2/1/01 Vulnerability: prospero-weak-permissions Platforms Affected: Prospero Risk Factor: High Attack Type: Network/Host Based Brief Description: Prospero uses weak permissions X-Force URL:

Risk Factor Key:

    High    Any vulnerability that provides an attacker with immediate
            access into a machine, gains superuser access, or bypasses
            a firewall.  Example:  A vulnerable Sendmail 8.6.5 version
            that allows an intruder to execute commands on mail
    Medium  Any vulnerability that provides information that has a
            high potential of giving system access to an intruder. 
            Example: A misconfigured TFTP or vulnerable NIS server
            that allows an intruder to get the password file that
            could contain an account with a guessable password. 
    Low     Any vulnerability that provides information that
            potentially could lead to a compromise.  Example:  A
            finger that allows an intruder to find out who is online
            and potential accounts to attempt to crack passwords
            via brute force methods.

ISS is a leading global provider of security management solutions for e-business. By offering best-of-breed SAFEsuite(tm) security software, comprehensive ePatrol(tm) monitoring services and industry-leading expertise, ISS serves as its customers' trusted security provider protecting digital assets and ensuring the availability, confidentiality and integrity of computer systems and information critical to e-business success. ISS' security management solutions protect more than 5,000 customers including 21 of the 25 largest U.S. commercial banks, 9 of the 10 largest telecommunications companies and over 35 government agencies. Founded in 1994, ISS is headquartered in Atlanta, GA, with additional offices throughout North America and international operations in Asia, Australia, Europe and Latin America. For more information, visit the ISS Web site at or call 800-776-2362.

Copyright (c) 2001 by Internet Security Systems, Inc.

Permission is hereby granted for the redistribution of this Alert electronically. It is not to be edited in any way without express consent of the X-Force. If you wish to reprint the whole or any part of this Alert in any other medium excluding electronic medium, please e-mail for permission.


The information within this paper may change without notice. Use of this information constitutes acceptance for use in an AS IS condition. There are NO warranties with regard to this information. In no event shall the author be liable for any damages whatsoever arising out of or in connection with the use or spread of this information. Any use of this information is at the user's own risk.

X-Force PGP Key available at: as well as on MIT's PGP key server and's key server.

Please send suggestions, updates, and comments to: X-Force of Internet Security Systems, Inc.

-----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Version: 2.6.3a Charset: noconv

iQCVAwUBOqb8ojRfJiV99eG9AQGEaAP+KH+SQYNBsbUcv/mUJNUz7dDPIYVcmPNV 1xyO/ctnG6qScWnlXGltYS7Rj8T8tYAAZC77oDhFSvvs8CX1Dr32ImEyvOIJhMLA h0wKCV3HOAYJ662BASe3jbO3nL/bumNKCRL5heuIU85pQOuH9xbqXkmFEimDmG2B tT+ylKw4hn4= =kfHg -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----

Show details on source website

  "@context": {
    "@vocab": "",
    "affected_products": {
      "@id": ""
    "configurations": {
      "@id": ""
    "credits": {
      "@id": ""
    "cvss": {
      "@id": ""
    "description": {
      "@id": ""
    "exploit_availability": {
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    "external_ids": {
      "@id": ""
    "iot": {
      "@id": ""
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    "patch": {
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    "title": {
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    "type": {
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  "affected_products": {
    "@context": {
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      "data": {
        "@container": "@list"
      "sources": {
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    "data": [
        "model": null,
        "scope": null,
        "trust": 3.2,
        "vendor": "ssh security",
        "version": null
        "model": "catalyst csx",
        "scope": "eq",
        "trust": 2.4,
        "vendor": "cisco",
        "version": "60005.3"
        "model": null,
        "scope": null,
        "trust": 1.6,
        "vendor": "cisco",
        "version": null
        "model": null,
        "scope": null,
        "trust": 1.6,
        "vendor": "openssh",
        "version": null
        "model": "ios 12.1 ex",
        "scope": null,
        "trust": 1.2,
        "vendor": "cisco",
        "version": null
        "model": "collabra server",
        "scope": "lte",
        "trust": 1.0,
        "vendor": "netscape",
        "version": "3.5.4"
        "model": "catalyst",
        "scope": "eq",
        "trust": 0.9,
        "vendor": "cisco",
        "version": "60006.1"
        "model": "catalyst",
        "scope": "eq",
        "trust": 0.9,
        "vendor": "cisco",
        "version": "60005.5"
        "model": "collabra server",
        "scope": "eq",
        "trust": 0.9,
        "vendor": "netscape",
        "version": "3.5.4"
        "model": null,
        "scope": null,
        "trust": 0.8,
        "vendor": "core sdi",
        "version": null
        "model": null,
        "scope": null,
        "trust": 0.8,
        "vendor": "debian",
        "version": null
        "model": null,
        "scope": null,
        "trust": 0.8,
        "vendor": "freebsd",
        "version": null
        "model": null,
        "scope": null,
        "trust": 0.8,
        "vendor": "smoothwall",
        "version": null
        "model": null,
        "scope": null,
        "trust": 0.8,
        "vendor": "suse",
        "version": null
        "model": null,
        "scope": null,
        "trust": 0.8,
        "vendor": "holger lamm",
        "version": null
        "model": "ios 12.2xq",
        "scope": null,
        "trust": 0.6,
        "vendor": "cisco",
        "version": null
        "model": "ios 12.2xh",
        "scope": null,
        "trust": 0.6,
        "vendor": "cisco",
        "version": null
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        "version": "60005.4(4)"
        "model": "catalyst",
        "scope": "eq",
        "trust": 0.3,
        "vendor": "cisco",
        "version": "60005.4(3)"
        "model": "catalyst",
        "scope": "eq",
        "trust": 0.3,
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        "version": "60005.4(2)"
        "model": "catalyst",
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        "version": "60005.4"
        "model": "lamm pgp4pine",
        "scope": "eq",
        "trust": 0.3,
        "vendor": "holger",
        "version": "1.75.6"
    "sources": [
        "db": "CERT/CC",
        "id": "VU#290140"
        "db": "CERT/CC",
        "id": "VU#13877"
        "db": "CERT/CC",
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        "db": "CERT/CC",
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        "db": "CERT/CC",
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        "db": "NVD",
        "id": "CVE-2001-0683"
        "db": "CNNVD",
        "id": "CNNVD-200109-113"
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            "impactScore": 2.9,
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            "author": "CARNEGIE MELLON",
            "id": "VU#290140",
            "trust": 0.8,
            "value": "21.09"
            "author": "CARNEGIE MELLON",
            "id": "VU#13877",
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            "author": "CARNEGIE MELLON",
            "id": "VU#25309",
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            "author": "CARNEGIE MELLON",
            "id": "VU#945216",
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            "author": "CARNEGIE MELLON",
            "id": "VU#566640",
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            "author": "CARNEGIE MELLON",
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            "author": "CARNEGIE MELLON",
            "id": "VU#315308",
            "trust": 0.8,
            "value": "2.06"
            "author": "CNNVD",
            "id": "CNNVD-200109-113",
            "trust": 0.6,
            "value": "MEDIUM"
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        "db": "CERT/CC",
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        "id": "VU#566640"
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        "id": "VU#651994"
        "db": "CERT/CC",
        "id": "VU#315308"
        "db": "NVD",
        "id": "CVE-2001-0683"
        "db": "CNNVD",
        "id": "CNNVD-200109-113"
  "description": {
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    "data": "Memory leak in Netscape Collabra Server 3.5.4 and earlier allows a remote attacker to cause a denial of service (memory exhaustion) by repeatedly sending approximately 5K of data to TCP port 5238. Multiple Cisco networking products contain a denial-of-service vulnerability. There is an information integrity vulnerability in the SSH1 protocol that allows packets encrypted with a block cipher to be modified without notice. There is a remote integer overflow vulnerability in several implementations of the SSH1 protocol that allows an attacker to execute arbitrary code with the privileges of the SSH daemon, typically root. The program pgp4pine version 1.75.6 fails to properly identify expired keys when working with the Gnu Privacy Guard program (GnuPG). This failure may result in the clear-text transmission of senstive information when used with the PINE mail reading package. The SEDUM web server permits intruders to access files outside the web root. Secure Shell, or SSH, is an encrypted remote access protocol.  SSH or code based on SSH is used by many systems all over the world and in a wide variety of commercial applications.  An integer-overflow bug in the CRC32 compensation attack detection code may allow remote attackers to write values to arbitrary locations in memory. \nThis would occur in situations where large SSH packets are recieved by either a client or server, and a 32 bit representation of the SSH packet length is assigned to a 16 bit integer.  The difference in data representation in these situations will cause the 16 bit variable to be assigned to zero (or a really low value). \nAs a result, future calls to malloc() as well as an index used to reference locations in memory can be corrupted by an attacker.  This could occur in a manner that can be exploited to write certain numerical values to almost arbitrary locations in memory. \n**UPDATE**:\nThere have been reports suggesting that exploitation of this vulnerability may be widespread. \nSince early september, independent, reliable sources have confirmed that this vulnerability is being exploited by attackers on the Internet.  Security Focus does not currently have the exploit code being used, however this record will be updated if and when it becomes available. \nNOTE: Cisco 11000 Content Service Switch family is  vulnerable to this issue. All WebNS releases prior, but excluding, versions: 4.01 B42s, 4.10 22s, 5.0 B11s, 5.01 B6s, are vulnerable. \nSecure Computing SafeWord Agent for SSH is reportedly prone to this issue, as it is based on a vulnerable version of SSH. \n** NetScreen ScreenOS is not directly vulnerable to this issue, however the referenced exploit will cause devices using vulnerable versions of the software to stop functioning properly. This will result in a denial of service condition for NetScreen devices. This issue is in the Secure Command Shell (SCS) administrative interface, which is an implementation of SSHv1. SCS is not enabled on NetScreen devices by default. \nCisco has reported that scanning for SSH vulnerabilities on affected devices will cause excessive CPU consumption.  The condition is due to a failure of the Cisco SSH implementation to properly process large SSH packets.  As many of these devices are critical infrastructure components, more serious network outages may occur. \nCisco has released upgrades that will eliminate this vulnerability. Collabra is a discussion server from Netscape. \nA version of Collabra is vulnerable to a resource consumption attack. \nExcess input subitted repeatedly to port 5238 will result in the eventual exhaustion of available memory resources, potentially impacting the Collabra server process and other applications running on the affected host.  An expired public key could cause GPG to fail the encryption of an outgoing message, without any error message or warning being delivered to the user.  As a result, the user could transmit data, meant to be encrypted, as plaintext. \nTO UNSUBSCRIBE: email \"unsubscribe alert\" in the body of your message to\  Contact for help with any problems!\n---------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\n-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE-----\n\nISS X-Force has received reports that some individuals were unable to \nverify the PGP signature on the Security Alert Summary distributed earlier \nin the week. Due to this issue, X-Force is re-distributing the Security \nAlert Summary. We apologize for any inconvience this may have caused. \n\nInternet Security Systems Security Alert Summary\nMarch 5, 2001\nVolume 6 Number 4\n\nX-Force Vulnerability and Threat Database: To\nreceive these Alert Summaries as well as other Alerts and Advisories,\nsubscribe to the Internet Security Systems Alert mailing list at:\n\n\nThis summary can be found at\n_____\n\nContents\n\n90 Reported Vulnerabilities\n\nRisk Factor Key\n\n_____\n\nDate Reported:          2/27/01\nVulnerability:          a1-server-dos\nPlatforms Affected:     A1 Server\nRisk Factor:            Medium\nAttack Type:            Network Based\nBrief Description:      A1 Server denial of service\nX-Force URL:  \n\n_____\n\nDate Reported:          2/27/01\nVulnerability:          a1-server-directory-traversal\nPlatforms Affected:     A1 Server\nRisk Factor:            Medium\nAttack Type:            Network Based\nBrief Description:      A1 Server directory traversal\nX-Force URL:  \n\n_____\n\nDate Reported:          2/27/01\nVulnerability:          webreflex-web-server-dos\nPlatforms Affected:     WebReflex\nRisk Factor:            Medium\nAttack Type:            Network Based\nBrief Description:      WebReflex Web server denial of service\nX-Force URL:  \n\n_____\n\nDate Reported:          2/26/01\nVulnerability:          sudo-bo-elevate-privileges\nPlatforms Affected:     Sudo\nRisk Factor:            Medium\nAttack Type:            Host Based\nBrief Description:      Sudo buffer overflow could allow elevated user privileges\nX-Force URL:  \n\n_____\n\nDate Reported:          2/26/01\nVulnerability:          mygetright-skin-overwrite-file\nPlatforms Affected:     My GetRight\nRisk Factor:            High\nAttack Type:            Network Based\nBrief Description:      My GetRight \u0027skin\u0027 allows remote attacker to overwrite existing files\nX-Force URL:  \n\n_____\n\nDate Reported:          2/26/01\nVulnerability:          mygetright-directory-traversal\nPlatforms Affected:     My GetRight\nRisk Factor:            Medium\nAttack Type:            Network Based\nBrief Description:      My GetRight directory traversal\nX-Force URL:  \n\n_____\n\nDate Reported:          2/26/01\nVulnerability:          win2k-event-viewer-bo\nPlatforms Affected:     Windows 2000\nRisk Factor:            once-only\nAttack Type:            Host Based\nBrief Description:      Windows 2000 event viewer buffer overflow\nX-Force URL:  \n\n_____\n\nDate Reported:          2/26/01\nVulnerability:          netscape-collabra-cpu-dos\nPlatforms Affected:     Netscape\nRisk Factor:            Medium\nAttack Type:            Network Based\nBrief Description:      Netscape Collabra CPU denial of service\nX-Force URL:  \n\n_____\n\nDate Reported:          2/26/01\nVulnerability:          netscape-collabra-kernel-dos\nPlatforms Affected:     Netscape\nRisk Factor:            Medium\nAttack Type:            Network Based\nBrief Description:      Netscape Collabra Server kernel denial of service\nX-Force URL:  \n\n_____\n\nDate Reported:          2/23/01\nVulnerability:          mercur-expn-bo\nPlatforms Affected:     MERCUR\nRisk Factor:            High\nAttack Type:            Network Based\nBrief Description:      MERCUR Mailserver EXPN buffer overflow\nX-Force URL:  \n\n_____\n\nDate Reported:          2/23/01\nVulnerability:          sedum-http-dos\nPlatforms Affected:     SEDUM\nRisk Factor:            Medium\nAttack Type:            Network Based\nBrief Description:      SEDUM HTTP server denial of service\nX-Force URL:  \n\n_____\n\nDate Reported:          2/23/01\nVulnerability:          tru64-inetd-dos\nPlatforms Affected:     Tru64\nRisk Factor:            Medium\nAttack Type:            Host Based\nBrief Description:      Tru64 UNIX inetd denial of service\nX-Force URL:  \n\n_____\n\nDate Reported:          2/22/01\nVulnerability:          outlook-vcard-bo\nPlatforms Affected:     Microsoft Outlook\nRisk Factor:            High\nAttack Type:            Host Based\nBrief Description:      Outlook and Outlook Express vCards buffer overflow\nX-Force URL:  \n\n_____\n\nDate Reported:          2/22/01\nVulnerability:          ultimatebb-cookie-member-number\nPlatforms Affected:     Ultimate Bulletin Board\nRisk Factor:            High\nAttack Type:            Network Based\nBrief Description:      Ultimate Bulletin Board cookie allows attacker to change member number\nX-Force URL:  \n\n_____\n\nDate Reported:          2/21/01\nVulnerability:          ultimatebb-cookie-gain-privileges\nPlatforms Affected:     Ultimate Bulletin Board\nRisk Factor:            Medium\nAttack Type:            Network Based\nBrief Description:      Ultimate Bulletin Board allows remote attacker to obtain cookie information\nX-Force URL:  \n\n_____\n\nDate Reported:          2/21/01\nVulnerability:          sendmail-elevate-privileges\nPlatforms Affected:     Sendmail\nRisk Factor:            High\nAttack Type:            Host Based\nBrief Description:      Sendmail -bt command could allow the elevation of privileges\nX-Force URL:  \n\n_____\n\nDate Reported:          2/21/01\nVulnerability:          jre-jdk-execute-commands\nPlatforms Affected:     JRE/JDK\nRisk Factor:            High\nAttack Type:            Host Based\nBrief Description:      JRE/JDK could allow unauthorized execution of commands\nX-Force URL:  \n\n_____\n\nDate Reported:          2/20/01\nVulnerability:          licq-remote-port-dos\nPlatforms Affected:     LICQ\nRisk Factor:            Medium\nAttack Type:            Network Based\nBrief Description:      LICQ remote denial of service\nX-Force URL:  \n\n_____\n\nDate Reported:          2/20/01\nVulnerability:          pgp4pine-expired-keys\nPlatforms Affected:     pgp4pine\nRisk Factor:            Medium\nAttack Type:            Host Based\nBrief Description:      pgp4pine may transmit messages using expired public keys\nX-Force URL:  \n\n_____\n\nDate Reported:          2/20/01\nVulnerability:          chilisoft-asp-view-files\nPlatforms Affected:     Chili!Soft ASP\nRisk Factor:            High\nAttack Type:            Network Based\nBrief Description:      Chili!Soft ASP allows remote attackers to gain access to sensitive information\nX-Force URL:  \n\n_____\n\nDate Reported:          2/20/01\nVulnerability:          win2k-domain-controller-dos\nPlatforms Affected:     Windows 2000\nRisk Factor:            once-only\nAttack Type:            Network/Host Based\nBrief Description:      Windows 2000 domain controller denial of service\nX-Force URL:  \n\n_____\n\nDate Reported:          2/19/01\nVulnerability:          asx-remote-dos\nPlatforms Affected:     ASX Switches\nRisk Factor:            Medium\nAttack Type:            Network Based\nBrief Description:      ASX switches allow remote denial of service\nX-Force URL:  \n\n_____\n\nDate Reported:          2/18/01\nVulnerability:          http-cgi-mailnews-username\nPlatforms Affected:     Mailnews.cgi\nRisk Factor:            High\nAttack Type:            Network Based\nBrief Description:      Mailnews.cgi allows remote attacker to execute shell commands using username\nX-Force URL:  \n\n_____\n\nDate Reported:          2/17/01\nVulnerability:          badblue-ext-reveal-path\nPlatforms Affected:     BadBlue\nRisk Factor:            Low\nAttack Type:            Network Based\nBrief Description:      BadBlue ext.dll library reveals path\nX-Force URL:  \n\n_____\n\nDate Reported:          2/17/01\nVulnerability:          badblue-ext-dos\nPlatforms Affected:     BadBlue\nRisk Factor:            Medium\nAttack Type:            Network Based\nBrief Description:      BadBlue ext.dll library denial of service\nX-Force URL:  \n\n_____\n\nDate Reported:          2/17/01\nVulnerability:          moby-netsuite-bo\nPlatforms Affected:     Moby\u0027s NetSuite\nRisk Factor:            Medium\nAttack Type:            Network Based\nBrief Description:      Moby\u0027s NetSuite Web server buffer overflow\nX-Force URL:  \n\n_____\n\nDate Reported:          2/16/01\nVulnerability:          webactive-directory-traversal\nPlatforms Affected:     WEBactive\nRisk Factor:            Medium\nAttack Type:            Network/Host Based\nBrief Description:      WEBactive HTTP Server directory traversal\nX-Force URL:  \n\n_____\n\nDate Reported:          2/16/01\nVulnerability:          esone-cgi-directory-traversal\nPlatforms Affected:     ES.One store.cgi\nRisk Factor:            Medium\nAttack Type:            Network Based\nBrief Description:      Thinking Arts ES.One store.cgi directory traversal\nX-Force URL:  \n\n_____\n\nDate Reported:          2/16/01\nVulnerability:          vshell-username-bo\nPlatforms Affected:     VShell\nRisk Factor:            High\nAttack Type:            Network Based\nBrief Description:      VShell username buffer overflow\nX-Force URL:  \n\n_____\n\nDate Reported:          2/16/01\nVulnerability:          vshell-port-forwarding-rule\nPlatforms Affected:     VShell\nRisk Factor:            Medium\nAttack Type:            Network/Host Based\nBrief Description:      VShell uses weak port forwarding rule\nX-Force URL:  \n\n_____\n\nDate Reported:          2/15/01\nVulnerability:          pi3web-isapi-bo\nPlatforms Affected:     Pi3Web\nRisk Factor:            Medium\nAttack Type:            Network/Host Based\nBrief Description:      Pi3Web ISAPI tstisapi.dll denial of service\nX-Force URL:  \n\n_____\n\nDate Reported:          2/15/01\nVulnerability:          pi3web-reveal-path\nPlatforms Affected:     Pi3Web\nRisk Factor:            Low\nAttack Type:            Network Based\nBrief Description:      Pi3Web reveals physical path of server\nX-Force URL:  \n\n_____\n\nDate Reported:          2/15/01\nVulnerability:          bajie-execute-shell\nPlatforms Affected:     Bajie HTTP JServer\nRisk Factor:            High\nAttack Type:            Network Based\nBrief Description:      Bajie HTTP JServer execute shell commands\nX-Force URL:  \n\n_____\n\nDate Reported:          2/15/01\nVulnerability:          bajie-directory-traversal\nPlatforms Affected:     Bajie HTTP JServer\nRisk Factor:            High\nAttack Type:            Network Based\nBrief Description:      Bajie HTTP JServer directory traversal\nX-Force URL:  \n\n_____\n\nDate Reported:          2/15/01\nVulnerability:          resin-directory-traversal\nPlatforms Affected:     Resin\nRisk Factor:            Medium\nAttack Type:            Network Based\nBrief Description:      Resin Web server directory traversal\nX-Force URL:  \n\n_____\n\nDate Reported:          2/15/01\nVulnerability:          netware-mitm-recover-passwords\nPlatforms Affected:     Netware\nRisk Factor:            Low\nAttack Type:            Network Based\nBrief Description:      Netware \"man in the middle\" attack password recovery\nX-Force URL:  \n\n_____\n\nDate Reported:          2/14/01\nVulnerability:          firebox-pptp-dos\nPlatforms Affected:     WatchGuard Firebox II\nRisk Factor:            High\nAttack Type:            Network Based\nBrief Description:      WatchGuard Firebox II PPTP denial of service\nX-Force URL:  \n\n_____\n\nDate Reported:          2/14/01\nVulnerability:          hp-virtualvault-iws-dos\nPlatforms Affected:     HP VirtualVault\nRisk Factor:            Medium\nAttack Type:            Network/Host Based\nBrief Description:      HP VirtualVault iPlanet Web Server denial of service\nX-Force URL:  \n\n_____\n\nDate Reported:          2/14/01\nVulnerability:          kicq-execute-commands\nPlatforms Affected:     KICQ\nRisk Factor:            High\nAttack Type:            Network Based\nBrief Description:      kicq could allow remote execution of commands\nX-Force URL:  \n\n_____\n\nDate Reported:          2/14/01\nVulnerability:          hp-text-editor-bo\nPlatforms Affected:     HPUX\nRisk Factor:            Medium\nAttack Type:            Host Based\nBrief Description:      HP Text editors buffer overflow\nX-Force URL:  \n\n_____\n\nDate Reported:          2/13/01\nVulnerability:          sendtemp-pl-read-files\nPlatforms Affected:\nRisk Factor:            Medium\nAttack Type:            Network/Host Based\nBrief Description: could allow an attacker to read files on the server\nX-Force URL:  \n\n_____\n\nDate Reported:          2/13/01\nVulnerability:          analog-alias-bo\nPlatforms Affected:     Analog ALIAS\nRisk Factor:            Medium\nAttack Type:            Network/Host Based\nBrief Description:      Analog ALIAS command buffer overflow\nX-Force URL:  \n\n_____\n\nDate Reported:          2/13/01\nVulnerability:          elm-long-string-bo\nPlatforms Affected:     Elm\nRisk Factor:            Medium\nAttack Type:            Host Based\nBrief Description:      ELM -f command long string buffer overflow\nX-Force URL:  \n\n_____\n\nDate Reported:          2/13/01\nVulnerability:          winnt-pptp-dos\nPlatforms Affected:     Windows NT\nRisk Factor:            Medium\nAttack Type:            Network Based\nBrief Description:      Windows NT PPTP denial of service\nX-Force URL:  \n\n_____\n\nDate Reported:          2/12/01\nVulnerability:          startinnfeed-format-string\nPlatforms Affected:     Inn\nRisk Factor:            High\nAttack Type:            Host Based\nBrief Description:      Inn \u0027startinnfeed\u0027 binary format string attack\nX-Force URL:  \n\n_____\n\nDate Reported:          2/12/01\nVulnerability:          his-auktion-cgi-url\nPlatforms Affected:     HIS Auktion\nRisk Factor:            Medium\nAttack Type:            Network/Host Based\nBrief Description:      HIS Auktion CGI script could allow attackers to view unauthorized \n                        files or execute commands\nX-Force URL:  \n\n_____\n\nDate Reported:          2/12/01\nVulnerability:          wayboard-cgi-view-files\nPlatforms Affected:     Way-BOARD\nRisk Factor:            Medium\nAttack Type:            Network Based\nBrief Description:      Way-BOARD CGI could allow attackers to view unauthorized files\nX-Force URL:  \n\n_____\n\nDate Reported:          2/12/01\nVulnerability:          muskat-empower-url-dir\nPlatforms Affected:     Musket Empower\nRisk Factor:            Low\nAttack Type:            Network/Host Based\nBrief Description:      Musket Empower could allow attackers to gain access to the DB directory path\nX-Force URL:  \n\n_____\n\nDate Reported:          2/12/01\nVulnerability:          icq-icu-rtf-dos\nPlatforms Affected:     LICQ\n                        Gnome ICU\nRisk Factor:            Low\nAttack Type:            Network/Host Based\nBrief Description:      LICQ and Gnome ICU rtf file denial of service\nX-Force URL:  \n\n_____\n\nDate Reported:          2/12/01\nVulnerability:          commerce-cgi-view-files\nPlatforms Affected:     Commerce.cgi\nRisk Factor:            Medium\nAttack Type:            Network Based\nBrief Description:      Commerce.cgi could allow attackers to view unauthorized files\nX-Force URL:  \n\n_____\n\nDate Reported:          2/12/01\nVulnerability:          roads-search-view-files\nPlatforms Affected:     ROADS\nRisk Factor:            Medium\nAttack Type:            Network Based\nBrief Description:      ROADS could allow attackers to view unauthorized files using program\nX-Force URL:  \n\n_____\n\nDate Reported:          2/12/01\nVulnerability:          webpage-cgi-view-info\nPlatforms Affected:     WebPage.cgi\nRisk Factor:            Low\nAttack Type:            Network Based\nBrief Description:      WebPage.cgi allows attackers to view sensitive information\nX-Force URL:  \n\n_____\n\nDate Reported:          2/12/01\nVulnerability:          webspirs-cgi-view-files\nPlatforms Affected:     WebSPIRS\nRisk Factor:            Medium\nAttack Type:            Network Based\nBrief Description:      WebSPIRS CGI could allow an attacker to view unauthorized files\nX-Force URL:  \n\n_____\n\nDate Reported:          2/12/01\nVulnerability:          webpals-library-cgi-url\nPlatforms Affected:     WebPALS\nRisk Factor:            Medium\nAttack Type:            Network Based\nBrief Description:      WebPALS Library System CGI script could allow attackers to view \n                        unauthorized files or execute commands\nX-Force URL:  \n\n_____\n\nDate Reported:          2/11/01\nVulnerability:          cobol-apptrack-nolicense-permissions\nPlatforms Affected:     MicroFocus Cobol\nRisk Factor:            High\nAttack Type:            Host Based\nBrief Description:      MicroFocus Cobol with AppTrack enabled with nolicense permissions\nX-Force URL:  \n\n_____\n\nDate Reported:          2/11/01\nVulnerability:          cobol-apptrack-nolicense-symlink\nPlatforms Affected:     MicroFocus Cobol\nRisk Factor:            High\nAttack Type:            Host Based\nBrief Description:      MicroFocus Cobol with AppTrack enabled allows symlink in nolicense\nX-Force URL:  \n\n_____\n\nDate Reported:          2/10/01\nVulnerability:          vixie-crontab-bo\nPlatforms Affected:     Vixie crontab\nRisk Factor:            Medium\nAttack Type:            Host Based\nBrief Description:      Vixie crontab buffer overflow\nX-Force URL:  \n\n_____\n\nDate Reported:          2/10/01\nVulnerability:          novell-groupwise-bypass-policies\nPlatforms Affected:     Novell GroupWise\nRisk Factor:            Medium\nAttack Type:            Network/Host Based\nBrief Description:      Novell Groupwise allows user to bypass policies and view files\nX-Force URL:  \n\n_____\n\nDate Reported:          2/9/01\nVulnerability:          infobot-calc-gain-access\nPlatforms Affected:     Infobot\nRisk Factor:            High\nAttack Type:            Network Based\nBrief Description:      Infobot \u0027calc\u0027 command allows remote users to gain access\nX-Force URL:  \n\n_____\n\nDate Reported:          2/8/01\nVulnerability:          linux-sysctl-read-memory\nPlatforms Affected:     Linux\nRisk Factor:            Medium\nAttack Type:            Host Based\nBrief Description:      Linux kernel sysctl() read memory\nX-Force URL:  \n\n_____\n\nDate Reported:          2/8/01\nVulnerability:          openssh-bypass-authentication\nPlatforms Affected:     OpenSSH\nRisk Factor:            High\nAttack Type:            Network/Host Based\nBrief Description:      OpenSSH 2.3.1 allows remote users to bypass authentication\nX-Force URL:  \n\n_____\n\nDate Reported:          2/8/01\nVulnerability:          lotus-notes-stored-forms\nPlatforms Affected:     Lotus Notes\nRisk Factor:            High\nAttack Type:            Network/Host Based\nBrief Description:      Lotus Notes stored forms\nX-Force URL:  \n\n_____\n\nDate Reported:          2/8/01\nVulnerability:          linux-ptrace-modify-process\nPlatforms Affected:     Linux\nRisk Factor:            High\nAttack Type:            Host Based\nBrief Description:      Linux kernel ptrace modify process\nX-Force URL:  \n\n_____\n\nDate Reported:          2/8/01\nVulnerability:          ssh-deattack-overwrite-memory\nPlatforms Affected:     SSH\nRisk Factor:            High\nAttack Type:            Network/Host Based\nBrief Description:      SSH protocol 1.5 deattack.c allows memory to be overwritten\nX-Force URL:  \n\n_____\n\nDate Reported:          2/7/01\nVulnerability:          dc20ctrl-port-bo\nPlatforms Affected:     FreeBSD\nRisk Factor:            Medium\nAttack Type:            Host Based\nBrief Description:      FreeBSD dc20ctrl port buffer overflow\nX-Force URL:  \n\n_____\n\nDate Reported:          2/7/01\nVulnerability:          ja-xklock-bo\nPlatforms Affected:     FreeBSD\nRisk Factor:            High\nAttack Type:            Host Based\nBrief Description:      ja-xklock buffer overflow\nX-Force URL:  \n\n_____\n\nDate Reported:          2/7/01\nVulnerability:          ja-elvis-elvrec-bo\nPlatforms Affected:     FreeBSD\nRisk Factor:            High\nAttack Type:            Host Based\nBrief Description:      FreeBSD ja-elvis port buffer overflow\nX-Force URL:  \n\n_____\n\nDate Reported:          2/7/01\nVulnerability:          ko-helvis-elvrec-bo\nPlatforms Affected:     FreeBSD\nRisk Factor:            High\nAttack Type:            Host Based\nBrief Description:      FreeBSD ko-helvis port buffer overflow\nX-Force URL:  \n\n_____\n\nDate Reported:          2/7/01\nVulnerability:          serverworx-directory-traversal\nPlatforms Affected:     ServerWorx\nRisk Factor:            Medium\nAttack Type:            Network Based\nBrief Description:      ServerWorx directory traversal\nX-Force URL:  \n\n_____\n\nDate Reported:          2/7/01\nVulnerability:          ntlm-ssp-elevate-privileges\nPlatforms Affected:     NTLM\nRisk Factor:            High\nAttack Type:            Host Based\nBrief Description:      NTLM Security Support Provider could allow elevation of privileges\nX-Force URL:  \n\n_____\n\nDate Reported:          2/7/01\nVulnerability:          ssh-session-key-recovery\nPlatforms Affected:     SSH\nRisk Factor:            High\nAttack Type:            Network/Host Based\nBrief Description:      SSH protocol 1.5 session key recovery\nX-Force URL:  \n\n_____\n\nDate Reported:          2/6/01\nVulnerability:          aolserver-directory-traversal\nPlatforms Affected:     AOLserver\nRisk Factor:            Medium\nAttack Type:            Network Based\nBrief Description:      AOLserver directory traversal\nX-Force URL:  \n\n_____\n\nDate Reported:          2/6/01\nVulnerability:          chilisoft-asp-elevate-privileges\nPlatforms Affected:     Chili!Soft\nRisk Factor:            High\nAttack Type:            Network/Host Based\nBrief Description:      Chili!Soft ASP could allow elevated privileges\nX-Force URL:  \n\n_____\n\nDate Reported:          2/6/01\nVulnerability:          win-udp-dos\nPlatforms Affected:     Windows\nRisk Factor:            Medium\nAttack Type:            Network/Host Based\nBrief Description:      Windows UDP socket denial of service\nX-Force URL:  \n\n_____\n\nDate Reported:          2/5/01\nVulnerability:          ssh-daemon-failed-login\nPlatforms Affected:     SSH\nRisk Factor:            High\nAttack Type:            Network/Host Based\nBrief Description:      SSH daemon failed login attempts are not logged\nX-Force URL:  \n\n_____\n\nDate Reported:          2/5/01\nVulnerability:          picserver-directory-traversal\nPlatforms Affected:     PicServer\nRisk Factor:            Medium\nAttack Type:            Network Based\nBrief Description:      PicServer directory traversal\nX-Force URL:  \n\n_____\n\nDate Reported:          2/5/01\nVulnerability:          biblioweb-directory-traversal\nPlatforms Affected:     BiblioWeb\nRisk Factor:            Medium\nAttack Type:            Network Based\nBrief Description:      BiblioWeb Server directory traversal\nX-Force URL:  \n\n_____\n\nDate Reported:          2/5/01\nVulnerability:          biblioweb-get-dos\nPlatforms Affected:     BiblioWeb\nRisk Factor:            Low\nAttack Type:            Network Based\nBrief Description:      BiblioWeb Server GET request denial of service\nX-Force URL:  \n\n_____\n\nDate Reported:          2/5/01\nVulnerability:          ibm-netcommerce-reveal-information\nPlatforms Affected:     IBM\nRisk Factor:            Medium\nAttack Type:            Network/Host Based\nBrief Description:      IBM Net.Commerce could reveal sensitive information\nX-Force URL:  \n\n_____\n\nDate Reported:          2/5/01\nVulnerability:          win-dde-elevate-privileges\nPlatforms Affected:     Windows DDE\nRisk Factor:            High\nAttack Type:            Host Based\nBrief Description:      Windows DDE can allow the elevation of privileges\nX-Force URL:  \n\n_____\n\nDate Reported:          2/4/01\nVulnerability:          hsweb-directory-browsing\nPlatforms Affected:     HSWeb\nRisk Factor:            Low\nAttack Type:            Network Based\nBrief Description:      HSWeb Web Server allows attacker to browse directories\nX-Force URL:  \n\n_____\n\nDate Reported:          2/4/01\nVulnerability:          sedum-directory-traversal\nPlatforms Affected:     SEDUM\nRisk Factor:            Medium\nAttack Type:            Network Based\nBrief Description:      SEDUM HTTP Server directory traversal\nX-Force URL:  \n\n_____\n\nDate Reported:          2/4/01\nVulnerability:          free-java-directory-traversal\nPlatforms Affected:     Free Java\nRisk Factor:            Medium\nAttack Type:            Network Based\nBrief Description:      Free Java Web Server directory traversal\nX-Force URL:  \n\n_____\n\nDate Reported:          2/2/01\nVulnerability:          goahead-directory-traversal\nPlatforms Affected:     GoAhead\nRisk Factor:            High\nAttack Type:            Network Based\nBrief Description:      GoAhead Web Server directory traversal\nX-Force URL:  \n\n_____\n\nDate Reported:          2/2/01\nVulnerability:          gnuserv-tcp-cookie-overflow\nPlatforms Affected:     Gnuserv\nRisk Factor:            High\nAttack Type:            Network/Host Based\nBrief Description:      Gnuserv TCP enabled cookie buffer overflow\nX-Force URL:  \n\n_____\n\nDate Reported:          2/2/01\nVulnerability:          xmail-ctrlserver-bo\nPlatforms Affected:     Xmail CTRLServer\nRisk Factor:            High\nAttack Type:            Network Based\nBrief Description:      XMail CTRLServer buffer overflow\nX-Force URL:  \n\n_____\n\nDate Reported:          2/2/01\nVulnerability:          netscape-webpublisher-acl-permissions\nPlatforms Affected:     Netscape Web Publisher\nRisk Factor:            Medium\nAttack Type:            Network Based\nBrief Description:      Netcape Web Publisher poor ACL permissions\nX-Force URL:  \n\n_____\n\nDate Reported:          2/1/01\nVulnerability:          cups-httpgets-dos\nPlatforms Affected:     CUPS\nRisk Factor:            High\nAttack Type:            Host Based\nBrief Description:      CUPS httpGets() function denial of service\nX-Force URL:  \n\n_____\n\nDate Reported:          2/1/01\nVulnerability:          prospero-get-pin\nPlatforms Affected:     Prospero\nRisk Factor:            High\nAttack Type:            Network/Host Based\nBrief Description:      Prospero GET request reveals PIN information\nX-Force URL:  \n\n_____\n\nDate Reported:          2/1/01\nVulnerability:          prospero-weak-permissions\nPlatforms Affected:     Prospero\nRisk Factor:            High\nAttack Type:            Network/Host Based\nBrief Description:      Prospero uses weak permissions\nX-Force URL:  \n\n_____\n\nRisk Factor Key:\n\n        High    Any vulnerability that provides an attacker with immediate\n                access into a machine, gains superuser access, or bypasses\n                a firewall.  Example:  A vulnerable Sendmail 8.6.5 version\n                that allows an intruder to execute commands on mail\n                server. \n        Medium  Any vulnerability that provides information that has a\n                high potential of giving system access to an intruder. \n                Example: A misconfigured TFTP or vulnerable NIS server\n                that allows an intruder to get the password file that\n                could contain an account with a guessable password. \n        Low     Any vulnerability that provides information that\n                potentially could lead to a compromise.  Example:  A\n                finger that allows an intruder to find out who is online\n                and potential accounts to attempt to crack passwords\n                via brute force methods. \n\n________\n\n\nISS is a leading global provider of security management solutions for\ne-business. By offering best-of-breed SAFEsuite(tm) security software,\ncomprehensive ePatrol(tm) monitoring services and industry-leading\nexpertise, ISS serves as its customers\u0027 trusted security provider\nprotecting digital assets and ensuring the availability, confidentiality and\nintegrity of computer systems and information critical to e-business\nsuccess. ISS\u0027 security management solutions protect more than 5,000\ncustomers including 21 of the 25 largest U.S. commercial banks, 9 of the 10\nlargest telecommunications companies and over 35 government agencies. \nFounded in 1994, ISS is headquartered in Atlanta, GA, with additional\noffices throughout North America and international operations in Asia,\nAustralia, Europe and Latin America. For more information, visit the ISS Web\nsite at or call 800-776-2362. \n\nCopyright (c) 2001 by Internet Security Systems, Inc. \n\nPermission is hereby granted for the redistribution of this Alert\nelectronically.  It is not to be edited in any way without express consent\nof the X-Force.  If you wish to reprint the whole or any part of this Alert\nin any other medium excluding electronic medium, please e-mail\ for permission. \n\nDisclaimer\n\nThe information within this paper may change without notice. Use of this\ninformation constitutes acceptance for use in an AS IS condition. There are\nNO warranties with regard to this information. In no event shall the author\nbe liable for any damages whatsoever arising out of or in connection with\nthe use or spread of this information. Any use of this information is at the\nuser\u0027s own risk. \n\n\n\nX-Force PGP Key available at: as \nwell as on MIT\u0027s PGP key server and\u0027s key server. \n\nPlease send suggestions, updates, and comments to: X-Force\nof Internet Security Systems, Inc. \n\n-----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE-----\nVersion: 2.6.3a\nCharset: noconv\n\niQCVAwUBOqb8ojRfJiV99eG9AQGEaAP+KH+SQYNBsbUcv/mUJNUz7dDPIYVcmPNV\n1xyO/ctnG6qScWnlXGltYS7Rj8T8tYAAZC77oDhFSvvs8CX1Dr32ImEyvOIJhMLA\nh0wKCV3HOAYJ662BASe3jbO3nL/bumNKCRL5heuIU85pQOuH9xbqXkmFEimDmG2B\ntT+ylKw4hn4=\n=kfHg\n-----END PGP SIGNATURE-----\n\n",
    "sources": [
        "db": "NVD",
        "id": "CVE-2001-0683"
        "db": "CERT/CC",
        "id": "VU#290140"
        "db": "CERT/CC",
        "id": "VU#13877"
        "db": "CERT/CC",
        "id": "VU#25309"
        "db": "CERT/CC",
        "id": "VU#945216"
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        "id": "VU#566640"
        "db": "CERT/CC",
        "id": "VU#651994"
        "db": "CERT/CC",
        "id": "VU#315308"
        "db": "BID",
        "id": "2347"
        "db": "BID",
        "id": "5114"
        "db": "BID",
        "id": "2449"
        "db": "BID",
        "id": "2405"
        "db": "PACKETSTORM",
        "id": "24431"
    "trust": 7.11
  "external_ids": {
    "@context": {
      "@vocab": "",
      "data": {
        "@container": "@list"
      "sources": {
        "@container": "@list",
        "@context": {
          "@vocab": ""
    "data": [
        "db": "CERT/CC",
        "id": "VU#13877",
        "trust": 3.2
        "db": "CERT/CC",
        "id": "VU#945216",
        "trust": 2.4
        "db": "CERT/CC",
        "id": "VU#25309",
        "trust": 2.4
        "db": "NVD",
        "id": "CVE-2001-0683",
        "trust": 1.9
        "db": "BID",
        "id": "5114",
        "trust": 1.1
        "db": "BID",
        "id": "2347",
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        "trust": 0.8
        "db": "XF",
        "id": "6449",
        "trust": 0.8
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        "id": "VU#566640",
        "trust": 0.8
        "db": "BID",
        "id": "2335",
        "trust": 0.8
        "db": "CERT/CC",
        "id": "VU#651994",
        "trust": 0.8
        "db": "XF",
        "id": "6472",
        "trust": 0.8
        "db": "CERT/CC",
        "id": "VU#315308",
        "trust": 0.8
        "db": "XF",
        "id": "6158",
        "trust": 0.7
        "db": "BUGTRAQ",
        "id": "20010226 DEF-2001-08: NETSCAPE COLLABRA DOS",
        "trust": 0.6
        "db": "CNNVD",
        "id": "CNNVD-200109-113",
        "trust": 0.6
        "db": "BID",
        "id": "2449",
        "trust": 0.3
        "db": "XF",
        "id": "6115",
        "trust": 0.1
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        "id": "6075",
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        "date": "2017-12-19T02:29:25.300000",
        "db": "NVD",
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        "date": "2005-10-20T00:00:00",
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    "data": "Netscape Collabra Memory Leak DoS Vulnerability",
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Author Source Type Date


  • Seen: The vulnerability was mentioned, discussed, or seen somewhere by the user.
  • Confirmed: The vulnerability is confirmed from an analyst perspective.
  • Exploited: This vulnerability was exploited and seen by the user reporting the sighting.
  • Patched: This vulnerability was successfully patched by the user reporting the sighting.
  • Not exploited: This vulnerability was not exploited or seen by the user reporting the sighting.
  • Not confirmed: The user expresses doubt about the veracity of the vulnerability.
  • Not patched: This vulnerability was not successfully patched by the user reporting the sighting.