Vulnerability from variot

The DNS protocol, as implemented in (1) BIND 8 and 9 before 9.5.0-P1, 9.4.2-P1, and 9.3.5-P1; (2) Microsoft DNS in Windows 2000 SP4, XP SP2 and SP3, and Server 2003 SP1 and SP2; and other implementations allow remote attackers to spoof DNS traffic via a birthday attack that uses in-bailiwick referrals to conduct cache poisoning against recursive resolvers, related to insufficient randomness of DNS transaction IDs and source ports, aka "DNS Insufficient Socket Entropy Vulnerability" or "the Kaminsky bug.". plural DNS There is a vulnerability in the implementation that makes cache poisoning attacks easier. Recent research has found a more efficient method of cash poisoning than previously known. DNS As a cache server, PC Please note that there is a possibility of attack. Cash poisoning attack forged response This is done by sending a packet. query The source port of the packet query By changing the value randomly every time, the probability of a successful cache poisoning attack can be reduced.By cash poisoning attack DNS Fake cache server DNS Information can be cached and DNS Nodes using the cache server may be directed to fake sites. ISC (Internet Systems Consortiuim) BIND generates cryptographically weak DNS query IDs which could allow a remote attacker to poison DNS caches. Multiple vendors' implementations of the DNS protocol are prone to a DNS-spoofing vulnerability because the software fails to securely implement random values when performing DNS queries. Successfully exploiting this issue allows remote attackers to spoof DNS replies, allowing them to redirect network traffic and to launch man-in-the-middle attacks. This issue affects Microsoft Windows DNS Clients and Servers, ISC BIND 8 and 9, and multiple Cisco IOS releases; other DNS implementations may also be vulnerable. -----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hash: SHA1

Cisco Security Advisory: Multiple Cisco Products Vulnerable to DNS Cache Poisoning Attacks

Advisory ID: cisco-sa-20080708-dns

Revision 1.0

For Public Release 2008 July 08 1800 UTC (GMT)


Multiple Cisco products are vulnerable to DNS cache poisoning attacks due to their use of insufficiently randomized DNS transaction IDs and UDP source ports in the DNS queries that they produce, which may allow an attacker to more easily forge DNS answers that can poison DNS caches.

To exploit this vulnerability an attacker must be able to cause a vulnerable DNS server to perform recursive DNS queries. Therefore, DNS servers that are only authoritative, or servers where recursion is not allowed, are not affected.

Cisco has released free software updates that address this vulnerability.

This advisory is posted at

This security advisory is being published simultaneously with announcements from other affected organizations. Products that process DNS messages with the RD flag set will attempt to answer the question asked on behalf of the client. A product is only affected if using a vulnerable implementation of the DNS protocol, the DNS server functionality for the product is enabled, and the DNS feature for the product is configured to process recursive DNS query messages. For information about specific fixed versions, please refer to the Software Versions and Fixes section.

A device that is running Cisco IOS Software is configured to act
as a DNS server if the command "ip dns server" is present in the
configuration. This command is not enabled by default.
  • Cisco Network Registrar

    All Cisco Network Registrar versions are affected, and DNS services are enabled by default.

    The DNS server on CNR is enabled via the command-line interface (CLI) commands "server dns enable start-on-reboot" or "dns enable start-on-reboot" or via the web management interface in the Servers page by selecting the appropriate "Start," "Stop," or "Reload" button.

  • Cisco Application and Content Networking System

    All Cisco Application and Content Networking System (ACNS) versions are affected; DNS services are disabled by default.

    ACNS is configured to act as a DNS server if the command "dns enable" is present in the configuration.

  • Cisco Global Site Selector Used in Combination with Cisco Network Registrar

    The Cisco Global Site Selector (GSS) is affected when it is used in combination with Cisco Network Registrar software to provide a more complete DNS solution. Fixed software would come in the form of an update of the Cisco Network Registrar software rather than an update of the GSS software.

Products Confirmed Not Vulnerable +--------------------------------

Products that do not offer DNS server capabilities are not affected by this vulnerability.

The Cisco GSS by itself is not affected by this vulnerability. However, it is affected when it is used with Cisco Network Registrar software.

No other Cisco products are currently known to be affected by these vulnerabilities.


The Domain Name System is an integral part of networks that are based on TCP/IP such as the Internet. Simply stated, the Domain Name System is a hierarchical database that contains mappings of hostnames and IP addresses. When handling a query from a DNS client, a DNS server can look into its portion of the global DNS database (if the query is for a portion of the DNS database for which the DNS server is authoritative), or it can relay the query to other DNS servers (if it is configured to do so and if the query is for a portion of the DNS database for which the DNS server is not authoritative.)

Because of the processing time and bandwidth that is associated with handling a DNS query, most DNS servers locally store responses that are received from other DNS servers. If this happens, a user who is trying to visit may end up contacting the wrong web server. The fundamental implementation weakness is that the DNS transaction ID and source port number used to validate DNS responses are not sufficiently randomized and can easily be predicted, which allows an attacker to create forged responses to DNS queries that will match the expected values. The DNS server will consider such responses to be valid.

The following Cisco products that offer DNS server functionality have been found to be susceptible to DNS cache poisoning attacks:

  • Cisco IOS Software: The vulnerability documented in Cisco bug ID CSCso81854.

  • Cisco Network Registrar: The vulnerability documented in Cisco bug ID CSCsq01298.

  • Cisco Application and Content Networking System (ACNS): The vulnerability documented in Cisco bug ID CSCsq21930.

This vulnerability has been assigned Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures (CVE) ID CVE-2008-1447.

Vulnerability Scoring Details +----------------------------

Cisco has provided scores for the vulnerabilities in this advisory based on the Common Vulnerability Scoring System (CVSS). The CVSS scoring in this Security Advisory is done in accordance with CVSS version 2.0.

CVSS is a standards-based scoring method that conveys vulnerability severity and helps determine urgency and priority of response.

Cisco has provided a base and temporal score. Customers can then compute environmental scores to assist in determining the impact of the vulnerability in individual networks.

Cisco has provided an FAQ to answer additional questions regarding CVSS at

Cisco has also provided a CVSS calculator to help compute the environmental impact for individual networks at

Cisco Bugs:

  • DNS cache prone to poisoning/forged answers attacks (CSCsq21930)

  • DNS susceptible to forged query response attacks (CSCsq01298)

  • Need to make DNS implementation more resilient against forged answers (CSCso81854)

CVSS Base Score - 6.4 Access Vector - Network Access Complexity - Low Authentication - None Confidentiality Impact - None Integrity Impact - Partial Availability Impact - Partial

CVSS Temporal Score - 5.3 Exploitability - Functional Remediation Level - Official-Fix Report Confidence - Confirmed

(same score for the three Cisco bugs listed above.)


Successful exploitation of the vulnerability described in this document may result in invalid hostname-to-IP address mappings in the cache of an affected DNS server. This may lead users of this DNS server to contact the wrong provider of network services. The ultimate impact varies greatly, ranging from a simple denial of service (for example, making resolve to to phishing and financial fraud.

Software Versions and Fixes

When considering software upgrades, also consult and any subsequent advisories to determine exposure and a complete upgrade solution.

In all cases, customers should exercise caution to be certain the devices to be upgraded contain sufficient memory and that current hardware and software configurations will continue to be supported properly by the new release. If the information is not clear, contact the Cisco Technical Assistance Center (TAC) or your contracted maintenance provider for assistance.

Cisco IOS Software +-----------------

Each row of the Cisco IOS Software table (below) names a Cisco IOS Software release train. If a given release train is vulnerable, then the earliest possible releases that contain the fix (along with the anticipated date of availability for each, if applicable) are listed in the "First Fixed Release" column of the table. The "Recommended Release" column indicates the releases which have fixes for all the published vulnerabilities at the time of this Advisory. A device running a release in the given train that is earlier than the release in a specific column (less than the First Fixed Release) is known to be vulnerable. Cisco recommends upgrading to a release equal to or later than the release in the "Recommended Releases" column of the table.

+----------------------------------------+ | Major | Availability of | | Release | Repaired Releases | |------------+---------------------------| | Affected | First Fixed | Recommended | | 12.0-Based | Release | Release | | Releases | | | |------------+-------------+-------------| | 12.0 | Not | | | | Vulnerable | | |------------+-------------+-------------| | 12.0DA | Not | | | | Vulnerable | | |------------+-------------+-------------| | | Releases | | | | prior to | | | | 12.0(7)DB | | | | are | | | | vulnerable, | 12.4(19a) | | 12.0DB | release | | | | 12.0(7)DB | 12.4(19b) | | | and later | | | | are not | | | | vulnerable; | | | | first fixed | | | | in 12.4 | | |------------+-------------+-------------| | | Releases | | | | prior to | | | | 12.0(7)DC | | | | are | | | | vulnerable, | 12.4(19a) | | 12.0DC | release | | | | 12.0(7)DC | 12.4(19b) | | | and later | | | | are not | | | | vulnerable; | | | | first fixed | | | | in 12.4 | | |------------+-------------+-------------| | 12.0S | Not | | | | Vulnerable | | |------------+-------------+-------------| | 12.0SC | Not | | | | Vulnerable | | |------------+-------------+-------------| | 12.0SL | Not | | | | Vulnerable | | |------------+-------------+-------------| | 12.0SP | Not | | | | Vulnerable | | |------------+-------------+-------------| | 12.0ST | Not | | | | Vulnerable | | |------------+-------------+-------------| | 12.0SX | Not | | | | Vulnerable | | |------------+-------------+-------------| | 12.0SY | Not | | | | Vulnerable | | |------------+-------------+-------------| | 12.0SZ | Not | | | | Vulnerable | | |------------+-------------+-------------| | | Vulnerable; | 12.4(19a) | | 12.0T | first fixed | | | | in 12.4 | 12.4(19b) | |------------+-------------+-------------| | 12.0W | Not | | | | Vulnerable | | |------------+-------------+-------------| | 12.0WC | Vulnerable; | | | | contact TAC | | |------------+-------------+-------------| | 12.0WT | Not | | | | Vulnerable | | |------------+-------------+-------------| | 12.0XA | Not | | | | Vulnerable | | |------------+-------------+-------------| | 12.0XB | Not | | | | Vulnerable | | |------------+-------------+-------------| | 12.0XC | Not | | | | Vulnerable | | |------------+-------------+-------------| | 12.0XD | Not | | | | Vulnerable | | |------------+-------------+-------------| | | Note: | | | | Releases | | | | prior to | | | | 12.0(7)XE1 | | | | are | | | 12.0XE | vulnerable, | | | | release | | | | 12.0(7)XE1 | | | | and later | | | | are not | | | | vulnerable; | | |------------+-------------+-------------| | 12.0XF | Not | | | | Vulnerable | | |------------+-------------+-------------| | 12.0XG | Not | | | | Vulnerable | | |------------+-------------+-------------| | 12.0XH | Not | | | | Vulnerable | | |------------+-------------+-------------| | 12.0XI | Not | | | | Vulnerable | | |------------+-------------+-------------| | 12.0XJ | Not | | | | Vulnerable | | |------------+-------------+-------------| | | Releases | | | | prior to | | | | 12.0(7)XK2 | | | | are | | | | vulnerable, | 12.4(19a) | | 12.0XK | release | | | | 12.0(7)XK2 | 12.4(19b) | | | and later | | | | are not | | | | vulnerable; | | | | first fixed | | | | in 12.4 | | |------------+-------------+-------------| | 12.0XL | Not | | | | Vulnerable | | |------------+-------------+-------------| | 12.0XM | Not | | | | Vulnerable | | |------------+-------------+-------------| | 12.0XN | Not | | | | Vulnerable | | |------------+-------------+-------------| | 12.0XQ | Not | | | | Vulnerable | | |------------+-------------+-------------| | | Releases | | | | prior to | | | | 12.0(7)XR1 | | | | are | | | | vulnerable, | 12.4(19a) | | 12.0XR | release | | | | 12.0(7)XR1 | 12.4(19b) | | | and later | | | | are not | | | | vulnerable; | | | | first fixed | | | | in 12.4 | | |------------+-------------+-------------| | 12.0XS | Not | | | | Vulnerable | | |------------+-------------+-------------| | 12.0XV | Not | | | | Vulnerable | | |------------+-------------+-------------| | 12.0XW | Not | | | | Vulnerable | | |------------+-------------+-------------| | Affected | First Fixed | Recommended | | 12.1-Based | Release | Release | | Releases | | | |------------+-------------+-------------| | | Vulnerable; | 12.4(19a) | | 12.1 | first fixed | | | | in 12.4 | 12.4(19b) | |------------+-------------+-------------| | 12.1AA | Not | | | | Vulnerable | | |------------+-------------+-------------| | 12.1AX | Not | | | | Vulnerable | | |------------+-------------+-------------| | | Releases | | | | prior to | | | | 12.1(22)AY1 | | | | are | | | 12.1AY | vulnerable, | 12.1(22) | | | release | EA11 | | | 12.1(22)AY1 | | | | and later | | | | are not | | | | vulnerable; | | |------------+-------------+-------------| | 12.1AZ | Not | | | | Vulnerable | | |------------+-------------+-------------| | 12.1CX | Not | | | | Vulnerable | | |------------+-------------+-------------| | 12.1DA | Not | | | | Vulnerable | | |------------+-------------+-------------| | | Releases | | | | prior to | | | | 12.1(4)DB1 | | | | are | | | | vulnerable, | 12.4(19a) | | 12.1DB | release | | | | 12.1(4)DB1 | 12.4(19b) | | | and later | | | | are not | | | | vulnerable; | | | | first fixed | | | | in 12.4 | | |------------+-------------+-------------| | | Releases | | | | prior to | | | | 12.1(4)DC2 | | | | are | | | | vulnerable, | 12.4(19a) | | 12.1DC | release | | | | 12.1(4)DC2 | 12.4(19b) | | | and later | | | | are not | | | | vulnerable; | | | | first fixed | | | | in 12.4 | | |------------+-------------+-------------| | 12.1E | Not | | | | Vulnerable | | |------------+-------------+-------------| | | Releases | | | | prior to | | | | 12.1(11)EA1 | | | | are | | | 12.1EA | vulnerable, | 12.1(22) | | | release | EA11 | | | 12.1(11)EA1 | | | | and later | | | | are not | | | | vulnerable; | | |------------+-------------+-------------| | 12.1EB | Not | | | | Vulnerable | | |------------+-------------+-------------| | 12.1EC | Not | | | | Vulnerable | | |------------+-------------+-------------| | 12.1EO | Not | | | | Vulnerable | | |------------+-------------+-------------| | 12.1EU | Not | | | | Vulnerable | | |------------+-------------+-------------| | 12.1EV | Not | | | | Vulnerable | | |------------+-------------+-------------| | 12.1EW | Not | | | | Vulnerable | | |------------+-------------+-------------| | | Note: | | | | Releases | | | | prior to | | | | 12.1(8a)EX | | | | are | | | 12.1EX | vulnerable, | | | | release | | | | 12.1(8a)EX | | | | and later | | | | are not | | | | vulnerable; | | |------------+-------------+-------------| | 12.1EY | Not | | | | Vulnerable | | |------------+-------------+-------------| | 12.1EZ | Not | | | | Vulnerable | | |------------+-------------+-------------| | 12.1GA | Not | | | | Vulnerable | | |------------+-------------+-------------| | 12.1GB | Not | | | | Vulnerable | | |------------+-------------+-------------| | | Vulnerable; | 12.4(19a) | | 12.1T | first fixed | | | | in 12.4 | 12.4(19b) | |------------+-------------+-------------| | 12.1XA | Not | | | | Vulnerable | | |------------+-------------+-------------| | 12.1XB | Not | | | | Vulnerable | | |------------+-------------+-------------| | | Releases | | | | prior to | | | | 12.1(1)XC1 | | | | are | | | | vulnerable, | 12.4(19a) | | 12.1XC | release | | | | 12.1(1)XC1 | 12.4(19b) | | | and later | | | | are not | | | | vulnerable; | | | | first fixed | | | | in 12.4 | | |------------+-------------+-------------| | 12.1XD | Not | | | | Vulnerable | | |------------+-------------+-------------| | 12.1XE | Not | | | | Vulnerable | | |------------+-------------+-------------| | 12.1XF | Not | | | | Vulnerable | | |------------+-------------+-------------| | 12.1XG | Not | | | | Vulnerable | | |------------+-------------+-------------| | 12.1XH | Not | | | | Vulnerable | | |------------+-------------+-------------| | 12.1XI | Not | | | | Vulnerable | | |------------+-------------+-------------| | 12.1XJ | Not | | | | Vulnerable | | |------------+-------------+-------------| | 12.1XK | Not | | | | Vulnerable | | |------------+-------------+-------------| | 12.1XL | Not | | | | Vulnerable | | |------------+-------------+-------------| | 12.1XM | Not | | | | Vulnerable | | |------------+-------------+-------------| | 12.1XN | Not | | | | Vulnerable | | |------------+-------------+-------------| | 12.1XO | Not | | | | Vulnerable | | |------------+-------------+-------------| | 12.1XP | Not | | | | Vulnerable | | |------------+-------------+-------------| | 12.1XQ | Not | | | | Vulnerable | | |------------+-------------+-------------| | 12.1XR | Not | | | | Vulnerable | | |------------+-------------+-------------| | 12.1XS | Not | | | | Vulnerable | | |------------+-------------+-------------| | 12.1XT | Not | | | | Vulnerable | | |------------+-------------+-------------| | 12.1XU | Not | | | | Vulnerable | | |------------+-------------+-------------| | 12.1XV | Not | | | | Vulnerable | | |------------+-------------+-------------| | 12.1XW | Not | | | | Vulnerable | | |------------+-------------+-------------| | 12.1XX | Not | | | | Vulnerable | | |------------+-------------+-------------| | 12.1XY | Not | | | | Vulnerable | | |------------+-------------+-------------| | 12.1XZ | Not | | | | Vulnerable | | |------------+-------------+-------------| | 12.1YA | Not | | | | Vulnerable | | |------------+-------------+-------------| | 12.1YB | Not | | | | Vulnerable | | |------------+-------------+-------------| | 12.1YC | Not | | | | Vulnerable | | |------------+-------------+-------------| | 12.1YD | Not | | | | Vulnerable | | |------------+-------------+-------------| | | Note: | | | | Releases | | | | prior to | | | | 12.1(5)YE1 | | | | are | 12.4(19a) | | 12.1YE | vulnerable, | | | | release | 12.4(19b) | | | 12.1(5)YE1 | | | | and later | | | | are not | | | | vulnerable; | | |------------+-------------+-------------| | 12.1YF | Not | | | | Vulnerable | | |------------+-------------+-------------| | 12.1YG | Not | | | | Vulnerable | | |------------+-------------+-------------| | 12.1YH | Not | | | | Vulnerable | | |------------+-------------+-------------| | 12.1YI | Not | | | | Vulnerable | | |------------+-------------+-------------| | 12.1YJ | Not | | | | Vulnerable | | |------------+-------------+-------------| | Affected | First Fixed | Recommended | | 12.2-Based | Release | Release | | Releases | | | |------------+-------------+-------------| | | Vulnerable; | 12.4(19a) | | 12.2 | first fixed | | | | in 12.4 | 12.4(19b) | |------------+-------------+-------------| | | Vulnerable; | 12.4(19a) | | 12.2B | first fixed | | | | in 12.4 | 12.4(19b) | |------------+-------------+-------------| | 12.2BC | Not | | | | Vulnerable | | |------------+-------------+-------------| | | Vulnerable; | 12.4(19a) | | 12.2BW | first fixed | | | | in 12.4 | 12.4(19b) | |------------+-------------+-------------| | | Releases | | | | prior to | | | | 12.2(8)BY | | | | are | | | | vulnerable, | 12.4(19a) | | 12.2BY | release | | | | 12.2(8)BY | 12.4(19b) | | | and later | | | | are not | | | | vulnerable; | | | | first fixed | | | | in 12.4 | | |------------+-------------+-------------| | 12.2BZ | Not | | | | Vulnerable | | |------------+-------------+-------------| | 12.2CX | Not | | | | Vulnerable | | |------------+-------------+-------------| | 12.2CY | Not | | | | Vulnerable | | |------------+-------------+-------------| | 12.2CZ | Vulnerable; | | | | contact TAC | | |------------+-------------+-------------| | 12.2DA | Not | | | | Vulnerable | | |------------+-------------+-------------| | 12.2DD | Not | | | | Vulnerable | | |------------+-------------+-------------| | 12.2DX | Not | | | | Vulnerable | | |------------+-------------+-------------| | 12.2EU | Not | | | | Vulnerable | | |------------+-------------+-------------| | 12.2EW | Not | | | | Vulnerable | | |------------+-------------+-------------| | 12.2EWA | Not | | | | Vulnerable | | |------------+-------------+-------------| | 12.2EX | Not | | | | Vulnerable | | |------------+-------------+-------------| | 12.2EY | Not | | | | Vulnerable | | |------------+-------------+-------------| | 12.2EZ | Not | | | | Vulnerable | | |------------+-------------+-------------| | 12.2FX | Not | | | | Vulnerable | | |------------+-------------+-------------| | 12.2FY | Not | | | | Vulnerable | | |------------+-------------+-------------| | 12.2FZ | Not | | | | Vulnerable | | |------------+-------------+-------------| | 12.2IXA | Not | | | | Vulnerable | | |------------+-------------+-------------| | 12.2IXB | Not | | | | Vulnerable | | |------------+-------------+-------------| | 12.2IXC | Not | | | | Vulnerable | | |------------+-------------+-------------| | 12.2IXD | Not | | | | Vulnerable | | |------------+-------------+-------------| | 12.2IXE | Not | | | | Vulnerable | | |------------+-------------+-------------| | 12.2IXF | Not | | | | Vulnerable | | |------------+-------------+-------------| | 12.2JA | Not | | | | Vulnerable | | |------------+-------------+-------------| | 12.2JK | Not | | | | Vulnerable | | |------------+-------------+-------------| | 12.2MB | Not | | | | Vulnerable | | |------------+-------------+-------------| | 12.2MC | Not | | | | Vulnerable | | |------------+-------------+-------------| | 12.2S | Not | | | | Vulnerable | | |------------+-------------+-------------| | 12.2SB | Not | | | | Vulnerable | | |------------+-------------+-------------| | 12.2SBC | Not | | | | Vulnerable | | |------------+-------------+-------------| | 12.2SCA | Not | | | | Vulnerable | | |------------+-------------+-------------| | 12.2SE | Not | | | | Vulnerable | | |------------+-------------+-------------| | 12.2SEA | Not | | | | Vulnerable | | |------------+-------------+-------------| | 12.2SEB | Not | | | | Vulnerable | | |------------+-------------+-------------| | 12.2SEC | Not | | | | Vulnerable | | |------------+-------------+-------------| | 12.2SED | Not | | | | Vulnerable | | |------------+-------------+-------------| | 12.2SEE | Not | | | | Vulnerable | | |------------+-------------+-------------| | 12.2SEF | Not | | | | Vulnerable | | |------------+-------------+-------------| | 12.2SEG | Not | | | | Vulnerable | | |------------+-------------+-------------| | 12.2SG | Not | | | | Vulnerable | | |------------+-------------+-------------| | 12.2SGA | Not | | | | Vulnerable | | |------------+-------------+-------------| | 12.2SL | Not | | | | Vulnerable | | |------------+-------------+-------------| | 12.2SM | Not | | | | Vulnerable | | |------------+-------------+-------------| | 12.2SO | Not | | | | Vulnerable | | |------------+-------------+-------------| | 12.2SRA | Not | | | | Vulnerable | | |------------+-------------+-------------| | 12.2SRB | Not | | | | Vulnerable | | |------------+-------------+-------------| | 12.2SRC | Not | | | | Vulnerable | | |------------+-------------+-------------| | 12.2SU | Not | | | | Vulnerable | | |------------+-------------+-------------| | 12.2SV | Not | | | | Vulnerable | | |------------+-------------+-------------| | 12.2SVA | Not | | | | Vulnerable | | |------------+-------------+-------------| | 12.2SVC | Not | | | | Vulnerable | | |------------+-------------+-------------| | 12.2SVD | Not | | | | Vulnerable | | |------------+-------------+-------------| | 12.2SW | Not | | | | Vulnerable | | |------------+-------------+-------------| | 12.2SX | Not | | | | Vulnerable | | |------------+-------------+-------------| | 12.2SXA | Not | | | | Vulnerable | | |------------+-------------+-------------| | 12.2SXB | Not | | | | Vulnerable | | |------------+-------------+-------------| | 12.2SXD | Not | | | | Vulnerable | | |------------+-------------+-------------| | 12.2SXE | Not | | | | Vulnerable | | |------------+-------------+-------------| | 12.2SXF | Not | | | | Vulnerable | | |------------+-------------+-------------| | 12.2SXH | Not | | | | Vulnerable | | |------------+-------------+-------------| | 12.2SXI | Not | | | | Vulnerable | | |------------+-------------+-------------| | 12.2SY | Not | | | | Vulnerable | | |------------+-------------+-------------| | 12.2SZ | Not | | | | Vulnerable | | |------------+-------------+-------------| | | Vulnerable; | 12.4(19a) | | 12.2T | first fixed | | | | in 12.4 | 12.4(19b) | |------------+-------------+-------------| | | Releases | | | | prior to | | | | 12.2(8) | | | | TPC10d are | | | | vulnerable, | | | 12.2TPC | release | | | | 12.2(8) | | | | TPC10d and | | | | later are | | | | not | | | | vulnerable; | | |------------+-------------+-------------| | 12.2UZ | Not | | | | Vulnerable | | |------------+-------------+-------------| | 12.2XA | Not | | | | Vulnerable | | |------------+-------------+-------------| | | Vulnerable; | 12.4(19a) | | 12.2XB | first fixed | | | | in 12.4 | 12.4(19b) | |------------+-------------+-------------| | | Vulnerable; | 12.4(19a) | | 12.2XC | first fixed | | | | in 12.4 | 12.4(19b) | |------------+-------------+-------------| | 12.2XD | Not | | | | Vulnerable | | |------------+-------------+-------------| | 12.2XE | Not | | | | Vulnerable | | |------------+-------------+-------------| | 12.2XF | Not | | | | Vulnerable | | |------------+-------------+-------------| | | Vulnerable; | 12.4(19a) | | 12.2XG | first fixed | | | | in 12.4 | 12.4(19b) | |------------+-------------+-------------| | 12.2XH | Not | | | | Vulnerable | | |------------+-------------+-------------| | 12.2XI | Not | | | | Vulnerable | | |------------+-------------+-------------| | 12.2XJ | Not | | | | Vulnerable | | |------------+-------------+-------------| | | Vulnerable; | 12.4(19a) | | 12.2XK | first fixed | | | | in 12.4 | 12.4(19b) | |------------+-------------+-------------| | | Vulnerable; | 12.4(19a) | | 12.2XL | first fixed | | | | in 12.4 | 12.4(19b) | |------------+-------------+-------------| | 12.2XM | Not | | | | Vulnerable | | |------------+-------------+-------------| | 12.2XN | Not | | | | Vulnerable | | |------------+-------------+-------------| | 12.2XNA | Not | | | | Vulnerable | | |------------+-------------+-------------| | 12.2XO | Not | | | | Vulnerable | | |------------+-------------+-------------| | 12.2XQ | Not | | | | Vulnerable | | |------------+-------------+-------------| | 12.2XR | Not | | | | Vulnerable | | |------------+-------------+-------------| | 12.2XS | Not | | | | Vulnerable | | |------------+-------------+-------------| | | Vulnerable; | 12.4(19a) | | 12.2XT | first fixed | | | | in 12.4 | 12.4(19b) | |------------+-------------+-------------| | | Vulnerable; | 12.4(19a) | | 12.2XU | first fixed | | | | in 12.4 | 12.4(19b) | |------------+-------------+-------------| | 12.2XV | Not | | | | Vulnerable | | |------------+-------------+-------------| | 12.2XW | Not | | | | Vulnerable | | |------------+-------------+-------------| | 12.2YA | Not | | | | Vulnerable | | |------------+-------------+-------------| | 12.2YB | Not | | | | Vulnerable | | |------------+-------------+-------------| | 12.2YC | Not | | | | Vulnerable | | |------------+-------------+-------------| | 12.2YD | Not | | | | Vulnerable | | |------------+-------------+-------------| | 12.2YE | Not | | | | Vulnerable | | |------------+-------------+-------------| | 12.2YF | Not | | | | Vulnerable | | |------------+-------------+-------------| | 12.2YG | Not | | | | Vulnerable | | |------------+-------------+-------------| | 12.2YH | Not | | | | Vulnerable | | |------------+-------------+-------------| | | Vulnerable; | 12.4(19a) | | 12.2YJ | first fixed | | | | in 12.4 | 12.4(19b) | |------------+-------------+-------------| | 12.2YK | Not | | | | Vulnerable | | |------------+-------------+-------------| | | Vulnerable; | 12.4(19a) | | 12.2YL | first fixed | | | | in 12.4 | 12.4(19b) | |------------+-------------+-------------| | | Vulnerable; | 12.4(19a) | | 12.2YM | first fixed | | | | in 12.4 | 12.4(19b) | |------------+-------------+-------------| | | Vulnerable; | 12.4(19a) | | 12.2YN | first fixed | | | | in 12.4 | 12.4(19b) | |------------+-------------+-------------| | | Vulnerable; | 12.2(18) | | | migrate to | SXF15; | | 12.2YO | any release | Available | | | in 12.2SY | on | | | | 08-AUG-08 | |------------+-------------+-------------| | 12.2YP | Not | | | | Vulnerable | | |------------+-------------+-------------| | 12.2YQ | Not | | | | Vulnerable | | |------------+-------------+-------------| | 12.2YR | Not | | | | Vulnerable | | |------------+-------------+-------------| | 12.2YS | Not | | | | Vulnerable | | |------------+-------------+-------------| | | Vulnerable; | 12.4(19a) | | 12.2YT | first fixed | | | | in 12.4 | 12.4(19b) | |------------+-------------+-------------| | | Vulnerable; | 12.4(19a) | | 12.2YU | first fixed | | | | in 12.4 | 12.4(19b) | |------------+-------------+-------------| | | Vulnerable; | 12.4(19a) | | 12.2YV | first fixed | | | | in 12.4 | 12.4(19b) | |------------+-------------+-------------| | 12.2YW | Not | | | | Vulnerable | | |------------+-------------+-------------| | 12.2YX | Not | | | | Vulnerable | | |------------+-------------+-------------| | 12.2YY | Not | | | | Vulnerable | | |------------+-------------+-------------| | 12.2YZ | Not | | | | Vulnerable | | |------------+-------------+-------------| | 12.2ZA | Not | | | | Vulnerable | | |------------+-------------+-------------| | | Vulnerable; | 12.4(19a) | | 12.2ZB | first fixed | | | | in 12.4 | 12.4(19b) | |------------+-------------+-------------| | 12.2ZC | Not | | | | Vulnerable | | |------------+-------------+-------------| | 12.2ZD | Vulnerable; | | | | contact TAC | | |------------+-------------+-------------| | | Vulnerable; | 12.4(19a) | | 12.2ZE | first fixed | | | | in 12.4 | 12.4(19b) | |------------+-------------+-------------| | | Vulnerable; | 12.4(19a) | | 12.2ZF | first fixed | | | | in 12.4 | 12.4(19b) | |------------+-------------+-------------| | | | 12.4(19a) | | | | | | | Vulnerable; | 12.4(19b) | | 12.2ZG | first fixed | | | | in 12.4T | 12.4(20)T; | | | | Available | | | | on | | | | 11-JUL-08 | |------------+-------------+-------------| | | | 12.4(19a) | | | | | | | Vulnerable; | 12.4(19b) | | 12.2ZH | first fixed | | | | in 12.4 | 12.4(20)T; | | | | Available | | | | on | | | | 11-JUL-08 | |------------+-------------+-------------| | | Vulnerable; | 12.4(19a) | | 12.2ZJ | first fixed | | | | in 12.4 | 12.4(19b) | |------------+-------------+-------------| | | | 12.4(19a) | | | | | | | Vulnerable; | 12.4(19b) | | 12.2ZL | first fixed | | | | in 12.4 | 12.4(20)T; | | | | Available | | | | on | | | | 11-JUL-08 | |------------+-------------+-------------| | 12.2ZP | Not | | | | Vulnerable | | |------------+-------------+-------------| | 12.2ZU | Not | | | | Vulnerable | | |------------+-------------+-------------| | 12.2ZY | Not | | | | Vulnerable | | |------------+-------------+-------------| | 12.2ZYA | Not | | | | Vulnerable | | |------------+-------------+-------------| | Affected | First Fixed | Recommended | | 12.3-Based | Release | Release | | Releases | | | |------------+-------------+-------------| | | Vulnerable; | 12.4(19a) | | 12.3 | first fixed | | | | in 12.4 | 12.4(19b) | |------------+-------------+-------------| | | Vulnerable; | 12.4(19a) | | 12.3B | first fixed | | | | in 12.4 | 12.4(19b) | |------------+-------------+-------------| | 12.3BC | Not | | | | Vulnerable | | |------------+-------------+-------------| | | Vulnerable; | 12.4(19a) | | 12.3BW | first fixed | | | | in 12.4 | 12.4(19b) | |------------+-------------+-------------| | 12.3EU | Not | | | | Vulnerable | | |------------+-------------+-------------| | 12.3JA | Not | | | | Vulnerable | | |------------+-------------+-------------| | 12.3JEA | Not | | | | Vulnerable | | |------------+-------------+-------------| | 12.3JEB | Not | | | | Vulnerable | | |------------+-------------+-------------| | 12.3JEC | Not | | | | Vulnerable | | |------------+-------------+-------------| | 12.3JK | Not | | | | Vulnerable | | |------------+-------------+-------------| | 12.3JL | Not | | | | Vulnerable | | |------------+-------------+-------------| | 12.3JX | Not | | | | Vulnerable | | |------------+-------------+-------------| | | Vulnerable; | 12.4(19a) | | 12.3T | first fixed | | | | in 12.4 | 12.4(19b) | |------------+-------------+-------------| | 12.3TPC | Vulnerable; | | | | contact TAC | | |------------+-------------+-------------| | 12.3VA | Vulnerable; | | | | contact TAC | | |------------+-------------+-------------| | | | 12.4(19a) | | | | | | | Vulnerable; | 12.4(19b) | | 12.3XA | first fixed | | | | in 12.4 | 12.4(20)T; | | | | Available | | | | on | | | | 11-JUL-08 | |------------+-------------+-------------| | | Vulnerable; | 12.4(19a) | | 12.3XB | first fixed | | | | in 12.4 | 12.4(19b) | |------------+-------------+-------------| | | | 12.4(19a) | | | | | | | Vulnerable; | 12.4(19b) | | 12.3XC | first fixed | | | | in 12.4 | 12.4(20)T; | | | | Available | | | | on | | | | 11-JUL-08 | |------------+-------------+-------------| | | Vulnerable; | 12.4(19a) | | 12.3XD | first fixed | | | | in 12.4 | 12.4(19b) | |------------+-------------+-------------| | | | 12.4(19a) | | | | | | | Vulnerable; | 12.4(19b) | | 12.3XE | first fixed | | | | in 12.4 | 12.4(20)T; | | | | Available | | | | on | | | | 11-JUL-08 | |------------+-------------+-------------| | | Vulnerable; | 12.4(19a) | | 12.3XF | first fixed | | | | in 12.4 | 12.4(19b) | |------------+-------------+-------------| | | | 12.4(19a) | | | | | | | Vulnerable; | 12.4(19b) | | 12.3XG | first fixed | | | | in 12.4T | 12.4(20)T; | | | | Available | | | | on | | | | 11-JUL-08 | |------------+-------------+-------------| | | Vulnerable; | 12.4(19a) | | 12.3XH | first fixed | | | | in 12.4 | 12.4(19b) | |------------+-------------+-------------| | 12.3XI | Vulnerable; | | | | contact TAC | | |------------+-------------+-------------| | | | 12.3(14) | | | | YX12 | | | Vulnerable; | | | 12.3XJ | first fixed | 12.4(20)T; | | | in 12.3YX | Available | | | | on | | | | 11-JUL-08 | |------------+-------------+-------------| | | Vulnerable; | 12.4(19a) | | 12.3XK | first fixed | | | | in 12.4 | 12.4(19b) | |------------+-------------+-------------| | | Vulnerable; | 12.4(19a) | | 12.3XQ | first fixed | | | | in 12.4 | 12.4(19b) | |------------+-------------+-------------| | | | 12.4(19a) | | | | | | | Vulnerable; | 12.4(19b) | | 12.3XR | first fixed | | | | in 12.4 | 12.4(20)T; | | | | Available | | | | on | | | | 11-JUL-08 | |------------+-------------+-------------| | | Vulnerable; | 12.4(19a) | | 12.3XS | first fixed | | | | in 12.4 | 12.4(19b) | |------------+-------------+-------------| | 12.3XU | Not | | | | Vulnerable | | |------------+-------------+-------------| | | | 12.3(14) | | | | YX12 | | | Vulnerable; | | | 12.3XW | first fixed | 12.4(20)T; | | | in 12.3YX | Available | | | | on | | | | 11-JUL-08 | |------------+-------------+-------------| | 12.3XY | Not | | | | Vulnerable | | |------------+-------------+-------------| | | | 12.4(19a) | | | | | | | Vulnerable; | 12.4(19b) | | 12.3YA | first fixed | | | | in 12.4 | 12.4(20)T; | | | | Available | | | | on | | | | 11-JUL-08 | |------------+-------------+-------------| | | Vulnerable; | 12.4(20)T; | | 12.3YD | first fixed | Available | | | in 12.4T | on | | | | 11-JUL-08 | |------------+-------------+-------------| | | | 12.3(14) | | | | YX12 | | | Vulnerable; | | | 12.3YF | first fixed | 12.4(20)T; | | | in 12.3YX | Available | | | | on | | | | 11-JUL-08 | |------------+-------------+-------------| | | Vulnerable; | 12.4(20)T; | | 12.3YG | first fixed | Available | | | in 12.4T | on | | | | 11-JUL-08 | |------------+-------------+-------------| | | Vulnerable; | 12.4(20)T; | | 12.3YH | first fixed | Available | | | in 12.4T | on | | | | 11-JUL-08 | |------------+-------------+-------------| | | Vulnerable; | 12.4(20)T; | | 12.3YI | first fixed | Available | | | in 12.4T | on | | | | 11-JUL-08 | |------------+-------------+-------------| | 12.3YJ | Not | | | | Vulnerable | | |------------+-------------+-------------| | | Vulnerable; | 12.4(20)T; | | 12.3YK | first fixed | Available | | | in 12.4T | on | | | | 11-JUL-08 | |------------+-------------+-------------| | | Releases | | | | prior to | | | | 12.3(14) | | | | YM12 are | | | | vulnerable, | 12.3(14) | | 12.3YM | release | YM12 | | | 12.3(14) | | | | YM12 and | | | | later are | | | | not | | | | vulnerable; | | |------------+-------------+-------------| | 12.3YQ | Not | | | | Vulnerable | | |------------+-------------+-------------| | | Vulnerable; | 12.4(20)T; | | 12.3YS | first fixed | Available | | | in 12.4T | on | | | | 11-JUL-08 | |------------+-------------+-------------| | | Vulnerable; | 12.4(20)T; | | 12.3YT | first fixed | Available | | | in 12.4T | on | | | | 11-JUL-08 | |------------+-------------+-------------| | | Vulnerable; | | | 12.3YU | first fixed | | | | in 12.4XB | | |------------+-------------+-------------| | 12.3YX | 12.3(14) | 12.3(14) | | | YX12 | YX12 | |------------+-------------+-------------| | 12.3YZ | Vulnerable; | | | | contact TAC | | |------------+-------------+-------------| | Affected | First Fixed | Recommended | | 12.4-Based | Release | Release | | Releases | | | |------------+-------------+-------------| | | 12.4(18b) | | | | | | | | 12.4(19a) | 12.4(19a) | | 12.4 | | | | | 12.4(19b) | 12.4(19b) | | | | | | | 12.4(21) | | |------------+-------------+-------------| | 12.4JA | Not | | | | Vulnerable | | |------------+-------------+-------------| | 12.4JK | Not | | | | Vulnerable | | |------------+-------------+-------------| | 12.4JMA | Not | | | | Vulnerable | | |------------+-------------+-------------| | 12.4JMB | Not | | | | Vulnerable | | |------------+-------------+-------------| | 12.4JMC | Not | | | | Vulnerable | | |------------+-------------+-------------| | 12.4JX | Not | | | | Vulnerable | | |------------+-------------+-------------| | 12.4MD | 12.4(15)MD | 12.4(15)MD | |------------+-------------+-------------| | 12.4MR | 12.4(19)MR | 12.4(19)MR | |------------+-------------+-------------| | 12.4SW | Vulnerable; | | | | contact TAC | | |------------+-------------+-------------| | | 12.4(15)T6 | | | | | 12.4(20)T; | | 12.4T | 12.4(20)T; | Available | | | Available | on | | | on | 11-JUL-08 | | | 11-JUL-08 | | |------------+-------------+-------------| | | Vulnerable; | 12.4(20)T; | | 12.4XA | first fixed | Available | | | in 12.4T | on | | | | 11-JUL-08 | |------------+-------------+-------------| | 12.4XB | 12.4(2)XB10 | | |------------+-------------+-------------| | 12.4XC | Vulnerable; | | | | contact TAC | | |------------+-------------+-------------| | | 12.4(4) | 12.4(20)T; | | | XD11; | Available | | 12.4XD | Available | on | | | on | 11-JUL-08 | | | 31-JUL-08 | | |------------+-------------+-------------| | | Vulnerable; | 12.4(20)T; | | 12.4XE | first fixed | Available | | | in 12.4T | on | | | | 11-JUL-08 | |------------+-------------+-------------| | 12.4XF | Not | | | | Vulnerable | | |------------+-------------+-------------| | 12.4XG | Not | | | | Vulnerable | | |------------+-------------+-------------| | | Vulnerable; | 12.4(20)T; | | 12.4XJ | first fixed | Available | | | in 12.4T | on | | | | 11-JUL-08 | |------------+-------------+-------------| | 12.4XK | Not | | | | Vulnerable | | |------------+-------------+-------------| | 12.4XL | 12.4(15)XL2 | 12.4(15)XL2 | |------------+-------------+-------------| | 12.4XM | 12.4(15)XM1 | 12.4(15)XM1 | |------------+-------------+-------------| | 12.4XN | Vulnerable; | | | | contact TAC | | |------------+-------------+-------------| | 12.4XQ | Vulnerable; | | | | contact TAC | | |------------+-------------+-------------| | 12.4XT | Vulnerable; | | | | contact TAC | | |------------+-------------+-------------| | 12.4XV | Vulnerable; | | | | contact TAC | | |------------+-------------+-------------| | 12.4XW | 12.4(11)XW8 | 12.4(11)XW6 | |------------+-------------+-------------| | 12.4XY | 12.4(15)XY3 | | |------------+-------------+-------------| | | Vulnerable; | 12.4(20)T; | | 12.4XZ | first fixed | Available | | | in 12.4T | on | | | | 11-JUL-08 | +----------------------------------------+

Cisco Network Registrar +----------------------

+---------------------------------------+ | Affected | | | Release | First Fixed Release | | Train | | |--------------+------------------------| | 6.1.x | Contact TAC | |--------------+------------------------| | | patch; | | 6.3.x | available mid-July | | | 2008 | |--------------+------------------------| | 7.0.x | 7.0.1; available in | | | mid-July 2008 | +---------------------------------------+

Cisco Network Registrar software is available for download at:

Cisco Application and Content Networking System +----------------------------------------------

This issue is fixed in version 5.5.11 of Cisco ACNS software. This release will be available for download from in late July 2008.

Cisco ACNS 5.5 software is available for download at:


There are no workarounds.

Additional information about identification and mitigation of attacks against DNS is in the Cisco Applied Intelligence white paper "DNS Best Practices, Network Protections, and Attack Identification," available at

Obtaining Fixed Software

Cisco has released free software updates that address these vulnerabilities. Prior to deploying software, customers should consult their maintenance provider or check the software for feature set compatibility and known issues specific to their environment.

Customers may only install and expect support for the feature sets they have purchased. By installing, downloading, accessing or otherwise using such software upgrades, customers agree to be bound by the terms of Cisco's software license terms found at, or as otherwise set forth at Downloads at

Do not contact or for software upgrades.

Customers with Service Contracts +-------------------------------

Customers with contracts should obtain upgraded software through their regular update channels. For most customers, this means that upgrades should be obtained through the Software Center on Cisco's worldwide website at

Customers using Third Party Support Organizations +------------------------------------------------

Customers whose Cisco products are provided or maintained through prior or existing agreements with third-party support organizations, such as Cisco Partners, authorized resellers, or service providers should contact that support organization for guidance and assistance with the appropriate course of action in regards to this advisory.

The effectiveness of any workaround or fix is dependent on specific customer situations, such as product mix, network topology, traffic behavior, and organizational mission. Due to the variety of affected products and releases, customers should consult with their service provider or support organization to ensure any applied workaround or fix is the most appropriate for use in the intended network before it is deployed.

Customers without Service Contracts +----------------------------------

Customers who purchase direct from Cisco but do not hold a Cisco service contract, and customers who purchase through third-party vendors but are unsuccessful in obtaining fixed software through their point of sale should acquire upgrades by contacting the Cisco Technical Assistance Center (TAC). TAC contacts are as follows.

  • +1 800 553 2447 (toll free from within North America)
  • +1 408 526 7209 (toll call from anywhere in the world)
  • e-mail:

Customers should have their product serial number available and be prepared to give the URL of this notice as evidence of entitlement to a free upgrade. Free upgrades for non-contract customers must be requested through the TAC.

Refer to for additional TAC contact information, including localized telephone numbers, and instructions and e-mail addresses for use in various languages.

Exploitation and Public Announcements

The Cisco PSIRT is not aware of any public announcements or malicious use of the vulnerability described in this advisory. Cisco would like to thank Dan Kaminsky for notifying vendors about his findings.

Note that vulnerability information for Cisco IOS Software is being provided in this advisory outside of the announced publication schedule for Cisco IOS Software described at due to industry-wide disclosure of the vulnerability.

Status of this Notice: FINAL


A stand-alone copy or Paraphrase of the text of this document that omits the distribution URL in the following section is an uncontrolled copy, and may lack important information or contain factual errors.


This advisory is posted on Cisco's worldwide website at

In addition to worldwide web posting, a text version of this notice is clear-signed with the Cisco PSIRT PGP key and is posted to the following e-mail and Usenet news recipients.


Future updates of this advisory, if any, will be placed on Cisco's worldwide website, but may or may not be actively announced on mailing lists or newsgroups. Users concerned about this problem are encouraged to check the above URL for any updates.

Revision History

+-----------------------------------------------------------+ | Revision 1.0 | 2008-July-08 | Initial public release | +-----------------------------------------------------------+

Cisco Security Procedures

Complete information on reporting security vulnerabilities in Cisco products, obtaining assistance with security incidents, and registering to receive security information from Cisco, is available on Cisco's worldwide website at This includes instructions for press inquiries regarding Cisco security notices. All Cisco security advisories are available at

+-------------------------------------------------------------------- Copyright 2007-2008 Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. +--------------------------------------------------------------------

Updated: Jul 08, 2008 Document ID: 107064


-----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Version: GnuPG v1.4.9 (GNU/Linux)

iEYEARECAAYFAkhztUIACgkQ86n/Gc8U/uCAgACfVRRoJO4w4defnpwbNlfgBm4t 2SMAnjKCKECHtsjN9umqqPrPd2DW4IcC =XGZw -----END PGP SIGNATURE----- . This could be used to misdirect users and services; i.e. for web and email traffic (CVE-2008-1447).

This update provides the latest stable BIND releases for all platforms except Corporate Server/Desktop 3.0 and MNF2, which have been patched to correct the issue.


Updated Packages:

Mandriva Linux 2007.1: 73cc24fc9586b7ab290d755012c16a79 2007.1/i586/bind-9.4.2-0.1mdv2007.1.i586.rpm 70867c50cfd64b4406aa002d627d740b 2007.1/i586/bind-devel-9.4.2-0.1mdv2007.1.i586.rpm 3603e9d9115466753397a1f472011703 2007.1/i586/bind-utils-9.4.2-0.1mdv2007.1.i586.rpm cf5e4100ecb21a4eb603831e5a6ec23d 2007.1/SRPMS/bind-9.4.2-0.1mdv2007.1.src.rpm

Mandriva Linux 2007.1/X86_64: 4eb7ce0984d3ce3befff667392e3bf3e 2007.1/x86_64/bind-9.4.2-0.1mdv2007.1.x86_64.rpm d7b9a9e7d4c52a5b0c54f59ca20bf2d5 2007.1/x86_64/bind-devel-9.4.2-0.1mdv2007.1.x86_64.rpm c5c66c9609615029d2f07f7b09a63118 2007.1/x86_64/bind-utils-9.4.2-0.1mdv2007.1.x86_64.rpm cf5e4100ecb21a4eb603831e5a6ec23d 2007.1/SRPMS/bind-9.4.2-0.1mdv2007.1.src.rpm

Mandriva Linux 2008.0: 52dfe3970fcd9495b2bb9379a9312b25 2008.0/i586/bind-9.4.2-1mdv2008.0.i586.rpm 97d20d35b6814aa2f9fab549ca6237c0 2008.0/i586/bind-devel-9.4.2-1mdv2008.0.i586.rpm 87a7bb3dd25abd8cd882a8f2fdc2398e 2008.0/i586/bind-utils-9.4.2-1mdv2008.0.i586.rpm da4444a8074e6ede39dfa557fb258db7 2008.0/SRPMS/bind-9.4.2-1mdv2008.0.src.rpm

Mandriva Linux 2008.0/X86_64: b9d0337363bc1e2b14505f25d4ee5f99 2008.0/x86_64/bind-9.4.2-1mdv2008.0.x86_64.rpm 9b75e2a96784c00c2912bc3bf333d089 2008.0/x86_64/bind-devel-9.4.2-1mdv2008.0.x86_64.rpm 0a593b090d9e6bda3666e234056e19ba 2008.0/x86_64/bind-utils-9.4.2-1mdv2008.0.x86_64.rpm da4444a8074e6ede39dfa557fb258db7 2008.0/SRPMS/bind-9.4.2-1mdv2008.0.src.rpm

Mandriva Linux 2008.1: 2534ef007262d4ea2d219bab0190466c 2008.1/i586/bind-9.5.0-3mdv2008.1.i586.rpm c3feee5d05aa3aee14cd70a2d295d0b1 2008.1/i586/bind-devel-9.5.0-3mdv2008.1.i586.rpm f306c06665b723a2530258e6d1dbdae2 2008.1/i586/bind-doc-9.5.0-3mdv2008.1.i586.rpm 967ef80628f92160930bc3a3827a216e 2008.1/i586/bind-utils-9.5.0-3mdv2008.1.i586.rpm 70fc7a7964944a2926979710c5148ed1 2008.1/SRPMS/bind-9.5.0-3mdv2008.1.src.rpm

Mandriva Linux 2008.1/X86_64: 3f4d96d7a7f913c141e1f63cdc7e7336 2008.1/x86_64/bind-9.5.0-3mdv2008.1.x86_64.rpm 420db658366763686198f41394aa72b3 2008.1/x86_64/bind-devel-9.5.0-3mdv2008.1.x86_64.rpm 6f3674f68311494c5a9ff0dbce831e82 2008.1/x86_64/bind-doc-9.5.0-3mdv2008.1.x86_64.rpm 4294b3a086b89bf53c5c967c17962447 2008.1/x86_64/bind-utils-9.5.0-3mdv2008.1.x86_64.rpm 70fc7a7964944a2926979710c5148ed1 2008.1/SRPMS/bind-9.5.0-3mdv2008.1.src.rpm

Corporate 3.0: de2a4372d1c25d73f343c9fcb044c9dd corporate/3.0/i586/bind-9.2.3-6.5.C30mdk.i586.rpm 1f24f6dbdb6c02e21cbbef99555049cb corporate/3.0/i586/bind-devel-9.2.3-6.5.C30mdk.i586.rpm 00405b98290d5a41f226081baa57e18d corporate/3.0/i586/bind-utils-9.2.3-6.5.C30mdk.i586.rpm 6a237dc290f4f7c463b1996e6a4a4515 corporate/3.0/SRPMS/bind-9.2.3-6.5.C30mdk.src.rpm

Corporate 3.0/X86_64: 628162f3d6a414828d2231fefc46842b corporate/3.0/x86_64/bind-9.2.3-6.5.C30mdk.x86_64.rpm dd29ff31a9cffcc1b20fd045869d7013 corporate/3.0/x86_64/bind-devel-9.2.3-6.5.C30mdk.x86_64.rpm c475c1a4d048e04da1fc27dcbb17c3f3 corporate/3.0/x86_64/bind-utils-9.2.3-6.5.C30mdk.x86_64.rpm 6a237dc290f4f7c463b1996e6a4a4515 corporate/3.0/SRPMS/bind-9.2.3-6.5.C30mdk.src.rpm

Corporate 4.0: 271ead204904be302d197cd542f5ae23 corporate/4.0/i586/bind-9.3.5-0.4.20060mlcs4.i586.rpm 42413dcc1cf053e735216f767eff4e5d corporate/4.0/i586/bind-devel-9.3.5-0.4.20060mlcs4.i586.rpm 0201afe493a41e1deedc9bf7e9725f4a corporate/4.0/i586/bind-utils-9.3.5-0.4.20060mlcs4.i586.rpm 86bc0cdc9ed1b959b6f56e0660268f2e corporate/4.0/SRPMS/bind-9.3.5-0.4.20060mlcs4.src.rpm

Corporate 4.0/X86_64: b1a18a7d0578dab7bd825eda6c682b3d corporate/4.0/x86_64/bind-9.3.5-0.4.20060mlcs4.x86_64.rpm 6a2ebd550feb9147058de05b1a1ef04d corporate/4.0/x86_64/bind-devel-9.3.5-0.4.20060mlcs4.x86_64.rpm 670a1b934ce4974b8505018ab69ade0b corporate/4.0/x86_64/bind-utils-9.3.5-0.4.20060mlcs4.x86_64.rpm 86bc0cdc9ed1b959b6f56e0660268f2e corporate/4.0/SRPMS/bind-9.3.5-0.4.20060mlcs4.src.rpm

Multi Network Firewall 2.0: 5b694c24cc2092e38f531dbfdd5c9d41 mnf/2.0/i586/bind-9.2.3-6.5.C30mdk.i586.rpm c08bc805027059c47bed32215f17eacb mnf/2.0/i586/bind-utils-9.2.3-6.5.C30mdk.i586.rpm 39225289516498e1b071c5059306f2b9 mnf/2.0/SRPMS/bind-9.2.3-6.5.C30mdk.src.rpm

To upgrade automatically use MandrivaUpdate or urpmi. The verification of md5 checksums and GPG signatures is performed automatically for you.

All packages are signed by Mandriva for security. You can obtain the GPG public key of the Mandriva Security Team by executing:

gpg --recv-keys --keyserver 0x22458A98

You can view other update advisories for Mandriva Linux at:

If you want to report vulnerabilities, please contact


Type Bits/KeyID Date User ID pub 1024D/22458A98 2000-07-10 Mandriva Security Team -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Version: GnuPG v1.4.9 (GNU/Linux)

iD8DBQFIdPwTmqjQ0CJFipgRAm9AAJ9/UOAuOWDL1KgnMNGM/224QGUNQgCfW+G9 J7qxrU208lhOcIjhtq8FWX8= =91dV -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----

Full-Disclosure - We believe in it. In IP NAT filtering in Sun Solaris 10 and OpenSolaris series products, when a DNS server runs NAT, it incorrectly changes the original address of the data packet. When the destination address is a DNS port, it will allow remote attackers to bypass CVE-2008 -1447 security protection. -----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hash: SHA256

               VMware Security Advisory

Advisory ID: VMSA-2008-0014 Synopsis: Updates to VMware Workstation, VMware Player, VMware ACE, VMware Server, VMware ESX address information disclosure, privilege escalation and other security issues. Issue date: 2008-08-29 Updated on: 2008-08-29 (initial release of advisory) CVE numbers: CVE-2008-2101 CVE-2007-5269 CVE-2008-1447 CVE-2008-3691 CVE-2008-3692 CVE-2008-3693 CVE-2008-3694 CVE-2008-3695 CVE-2007-5438 CVE-2008-3696 CVE-2008-3697 CVE-2008-3698 CVE-2008-1806 CVE-2008-1807 CVE-2008-1808 CVE-2007-5503

  1. Summary

    Updates to VMware Workstation, VMware Player, VMware ACE, VMware Server, VMware ESX address information disclosure, privilege escalation and other security issues.

  2. Relevant releases

    VMware Workstation 6.0.4 and earlier, VMware Workstation 5.5.7 and earlier, VMware Player 2.0.4 and earlier, VMware Player 1.0.7 and earlier, VMware ACE 2.0.4 and earlier, VMware ACE 1.0.6 and earlier, VMware Server 1.0.6 and earlier,

    VMware ESX 3.0.3 without patches ESX303-200808404-SG, ESX303-200808403-SG ESX303-200808406-SG.

    VMware ESX 3.0.2 without patches ESX-1005109, ESX-1005113, ESX-1005114.

    VMware ESX 3.0.1 without patches ESX-1005108, ESX-1005112, ESX-1005111, ESX-1004823, ESX-1005117.

    NOTE: Hosted products VMware Workstation 5.x, VMware Player 1.x, and VMware ACE 1.x will reach end of general support 2008-11-09. Customers should plan to upgrade to the latest version of their respective products.

        Extended support (Security and Bug fixes) for ESX 3.0.2 ends
        on 10/29/2008 and Extended support for ESX 3.0.2 Update 1
        ends on 8/8/2009.  Users should plan to upgrade to ESX 3.0.3
        and preferably to the newest release available.
        Extended Support (Security and Bug fixes) for ESX 3.0.1 has
        ended on 2008-07-31.
  3. Problem Description

I Security Issues

a. Setting ActiveX killbit

  Starting from this release, VMware has set the killbit on its
  ActiveX controls. Setting the killbit ensures that ActiveX
  controls cannot run in Internet Explorer (IE), and avoids
  security issues involving ActiveX controls in IE. See the
  Microsoft KB article 240797 and the related references on this

  Security vulnerabilities have been reported for ActiveX controls
  provided by VMware when run in IE. Under specific circumstances,
  exploitation of these ActiveX controls might result in denial-of-
  service or can allow running of arbitrary code when the user
  browses a malicious Web site or opens a malicious file in IE
  browser. An attempt to run unsafe ActiveX controls in IE might
  result in pop-up windows warning the user.

  Note: IE can be configured to run unsafe ActiveX controls without
        prompting.  VMware recommends that you retain the default
        settings in IE, which prompts when unsafe actions are

  Earlier, VMware had issued knowledge base articles, KB 5965318 and
  KB 9078920 on security issues with ActiveX controls. To avoid
  malicious scripts that exploit ActiveX controls, do not enable
  unsafe ActiveX objects in your browser settings. As a best
  practice, do not browse untrusted Web sites as an administrator
  and do not click OK or Yes if prompted by IE to allow certain

  VMware would like to thank Julien Bachmann, Shennan Wang, Shinnai,
  and Michal Bucko for reporting these issues to us.

  VMware         Product   Running  Replace with/
  Product        Version   on       Apply Patch
  =============  ========  =======  =================
  VirtualCenter  any       Windows  not affected

  Workstation    6.x       Windows  6.0.5 build 109488 or later
  Workstation    6.x       Linux    not affected
  Workstation    5.x       Windows  5.5.8 build 108000 or later
  Workstation    5.x       Linux    not affected

  Player         2.x       Windows  2.0.5 build 109488 or later
  Player         2.x       Linux    not affected
  Player         1.x       Windows  1.0.8 build  or later
  Player         1.x       Linux    not affected

  ACE            2.x       Windows  2.0.5 build 109488 or later
  ACE            1.x       Windows  1.0.7 build 108880 or later

  Server         1.x       Windows  1.0.7 build 108231 or later
  Server         1.x       Linux    not affected

  Fusion         1.x       Mac OS/X not affected

  ESXi           3.5       ESXi     not affected

  ESX            any       ESX      not affected

b. VMware ISAPI Extension Denial of Service

  The Internet Server Application Programming Interface (ISAPI) is
  an API that extends the functionality of Internet Information
  Server (IIS). VMware uses ISAPI extensions in its Server product.

  One of the ISAPI extensions provided by VMware is vulnerable to a
  remote denial of service. By sending a malformed request, IIS
  might shut down. IIS 6.0 restarts automatically. However, IIS 5.0
  does not restart automatically when its Startup Type is set to

  VMware would like to thank the Juniper Networks J-Security
  Security Research Team for reporting this issue to us.

  VMware         Product   Running  Replace with/
  Product        Version   on       Apply Patch
  =============  ========  =======  =================
  VirtualCenter  any       Windows  not affected

  Workstation    6.x       Windows  not affected
  Workstation    6.x       Linux    not affected
  Workstation    5.x       Windows  not affected
  Workstation    5.x       Linux    not affected

  Player         2.x       Windows  not affected
  Player         2.x       Linux    not affected
  Player         1.x       Windows  not affected
  Player         1.x       Linux    not affected

  ACE            2.x       Windows  not affected
  ACE            1.x       Windows  not affected

  Server         1.x       Windows  1.0.7 build 108231 or later
  Server         1.x       Linux    not affected

  Fusion         1.x       Mac OS/X not affected

  ESXi           3.5       ESXi     not affected

  ESX            any       ESX      not affected

c. OpenProcess Local Privilege Escalation on Host System

  This release fixes a privilege escalation vulnerability in host
  systems.  Exploitation of this vulnerability allows users to run
  arbitrary code on the host system with elevated privileges.

  VMware would like to thank Sun Bing from McAfee, Inc. for
  reporting this issue to us.

  VMware         Product   Running  Replace with/
  Product        Version   on       Apply Patch
  =============  ========  =======  =================
  VirtualCenter  any       Windows  not affected

  Workstation    6.x       Windows  not affected
  Workstation    6.x       Linux    not affected
  Workstation    5.x       Windows  5.5.8 build 108000 or later
  Workstation    5.x       Linux    not affected

  Player         2.x       Windows  not affected
  Player         2.x       Linux    not affected
  Player         1.x       Windows  1.0.8 build 109488 or later
  Player         1.x       Linux    not affected

  ACE            2.x       Windows  not affected
  ACE            1.x       Windows  1.0.7 build 108880 or later

  Server         1.x       Windows  1.0.7 build 108231 or later
  Server         1.x       Linux    not affected

  Fusion         1.x       Mac OS/X not affected

  ESXi           3.5       ESXi     not affected

  ESX            any       ESX      not affected

d. Update to Freetype

  FreeType 2.3.6 resolves an integer overflow vulnerability and other
  vulnerabilities that can allow malicious users to run arbitrary code
  or might cause a denial-of-service after reading a maliciously
  crafted file. This release updates FreeType to 2.3.7.

  VMware         Product   Running  Replace with/
  Product        Version   on       Apply Patch
  =============  ========  =======  =================
  VirtualCenter  any       Windows  not affected

  Workstation    6.x       Windows  not affected
  Workstation    6.x       Linux    6.0.5 build 109488 or later
  Workstation    5.x       Windows  not affected
  Workstation    5.x       Linux    5.5.8 build 108000 or later

  Player         2.x       Windows  not affected
  Player         2.x       Linux    2.0.5 build 109488 or later
  Player         1.x       Windows  not affected
  Player         1.x       Linux    1.0.8 build 108000 or later

  ACE            2.x       Windows  not affected
  ACE            1.x       Windows  not affected

  Server         1.x       Windows  not affected
  Server         1.x       Linux    1.0.7 build 108231 or later

  Fusion         1.x       Mac OS/X affected, patch pending

  ESXi           3.5       ESXi     not affected

  ESX            3.5       ESX      not affected
  ESX            3.0.3     ESX      not affected
  ESX            3.0.2     ESX      not affected
  ESX            3.0.1     ESX      not affected
  ESX            2.5.5     ESX      affected, patch pending
  ESX            2.5.4     ESX      affected, patch pending

e. Update to Cairo

  Cairo 1.4.12 resolves an integer overflow vulnerability that can
  allow malicious users to run arbitrary code or might cause a
  denial-of-service after reading a maliciously crafted PNG file. 
  This release updates Cairo to 1.4.14.

  VMware         Product   Running  Replace with/
  Product        Version   on       Apply Patch
  =============  ========  =======  =================
  VirtualCenter  any       Windows  not affected

  Workstation    6.x       Windows  not affected
  Workstation    6.x       Linux    6.0.5 build 109488 or later
  Workstation    5.x       Windows  not affected
  Workstation    5.x       Linux    not affected

  Player         2.x       Windows  not affected
  Player         2.x       Linux    2.0.5 build 109488 or later
  Player         1.x       Windows  not affected
  Player         1.x       Linux    not affected

  ACE            2.x       Windows  not affected
  ACE            1.x       Windows  not affected

  Server         1.x       Windows  not affected
  Server         1.x       Linux    not affected

  Fusion         1.x       Mac OS/X affected, patch pending

  ESXi           3.5       ESXi     not affected

  ESX            any       ESX      not affected

f. VMware Consolidated Backup(VCB) command-line utilities may expose sensitive information

  VMware Consolidated Backup command-line utilities accept the user
  password through the -p command-line option. Users logged into the
  service console could gain access to the username and password used
  by VCB command-line utilities when such commands are running.

  This patch resolves this issue by providing an alternative way of
  passing the password used by VCB command-line utilities.

  The following options are recommended for passing the password:

  1. The password is specified in /etc/backuptools.conf
  (PASSWORD=xxxxx), and -p is not used in the command line. 
  /etc/backuptools.conf file permissions are read/write only
  for root.

  2. No password is specified in /etc/backuptools.conf and the
  -p option is not used in the command line. The user will be
   prompted to enter a password.

  ESX is not affected unless you use VCB.

  VMware         Product   Running  Replace with/
  Product        Version   on       Apply Patch
  =============  ========  =======  ===================
  VirtualCenter  any       Windows  not affected

  hosted *       any       any      not affected

  ESXi           3.5       ESXi     not affected

  ESX            3.5       ESX      ESX350-200806203-UG
  ESX            3.0.3     ESX      ESX303-200808403-SG
  ESX            3.0.2     ESX      ESX-1004824
  ESX            3.0.1     ESX      ESX-1004823
  ESX            2.5.5     ESX      not affected
  ESX            2.5.4     ESX      not affected

  * hosted products are VMware Workstation, Player, ACE, Server, Fusion

g. Third Party Library libpng Updated to 1.2.29

  Several flaws were discovered in the way third party library
  libpng handled various PNG image chunks. An attacker could
  create a carefully crafted PNG image file in such a way that
  it causes an application linked with libpng to crash when the
  file is manipulated.

  NOTE: There are multiple patches required to remediate the issue.

  VMware         Product   Running  Replace with/
  Product        Version   on       Apply Patch
  =============  ========  =======  ===================
  VirtualCenter  any       Windows  not affected

  hosted *       any       any      not affected

  ESXi           3.5       ESXi     affected, patch pending

  ESX            3.5       ESX      affected, patch pending
  ESX            3.0.3     ESX      ESX303-200808404-SG
  ESX            3.0.2     ESX      ESX-1005109 ESX-1005114 ESX-1005113
  ESX            3.0.1     ESX      ESX-1005112 ESX-1005108 ESX-1005111
  ESX            2.5.5     ESX      affected, patch pending
  ESX            2.5.4     ESX      affected, patch pending

  * hosted products are VMware Workstation, Player, ACE, Server, Fusion

II ESX Service Console rpm updates

a. update to bind

  This update upgrades the service console rpms for bind-utils and
  bind-lib to version 9.2.4-22.el3.

  Version 9.2.4.-22.el3 addresses the recently discovered
  vulnerability in the BIND software used for Domain Name
  resolution (DNS). Of the BIND packages, VMware only ships bind-util
  and bind-lib in the service console and these components by
  themselves cannot be used to setup a DNS server.

  VMware explicitly discourages installing applications like BIND
  on the service console. In case the customer has installed BIND,
  and the DNS server is configured to support recursive queries,
  their ESX Server system is affected and they should replace BIND
  with a patched version.

  VMware         Product   Running  Replace with/
  Product        Version   on       Apply Patch
  =============  ========  =======  ===================
  VirtualCenter  any       Windows  not affected

  hosted *       any       any      not affected

  ESXi           3.5       ESXi     not affected

  ESX            3.5       ESX      patch pending
  ESX            3.0.3     ESX      ESX303-200808406-SG
  ESX            3.0.2     ESX      ESX-1006356
  ESX            3.0.1     ESX      ESX-1005117
  ESX            2.5.5     ESX      patch pending
  ESX            2.5.4     ESX      patch pending

  * hosted products are VMware Workstation, Player, ACE, Server, Fusion
  1. Solution

Please review the patch/release notes for your product and version and verify the md5sum of your downloaded file.

VMware Workstation 6.0.5 Release notes:

Windows binary md5sum: 46b4c54f0493f59f52ac6c2965296859

RPM Installation file for 32-bit Linux md5sum: 49ebfbd05d146ecc43262622ab746f03

tar Installation file for 32-bit Linux md5sum: 14ac93bffeee72528629d4caecc5ef37

RPM Installation file for 64-bit Linux md5sum: 0a856f1a1a31ba3c4b08bcf85d97ccf6

tar Installation file for 64-bit Linux md5sum: 3b459254069d663e9873a661bc97cf6c

VMware Workstation 5.5.8 Release notes:

Windows binary: md5sum: 745c3250e5254eaf6e65fcfc4172070f

Compressed Tar archive for 32-bit Linux md5sum: 65a454749d15d4863401619d7ff5566e

Linux RPM version for 32-bit Linux md5sum: d80adc73b1500bdb0cb24d1b0733bcff

VMware Player 2.0.5 and 1.0.8 Release notes Player 1.x: Release notes Player 2.0

2.0.5 Windows binary md5sum: 60265438047259b23ff82fdfe737f969

VMware Player 2.0.5 for Linux (.rpm) md5sum: 3bc81e203e947e6ca5b55b3f33443d34

VMware Player 2.0.5 for Linux (.tar) md5sum: f499603d790edc5aa355e45b9c5eae01

VMware Player 2.0.5 - 64-bit (.rpm) md5sum: 85bc2f11d06c362feeff1a64ee5a6834

VMware Player 2.0.5 - 64-bit (.tar) md5sum: b74460bb961e88817884c7e2c0f30215

1.0.8 Windows binary md5sum: e5f927304925297a7d869f74b7b9b053

Player 1.0.8 for Linux (.rpm) md5sum: a13fdb8d72b661cefd24e7dcf6e2a990

Player 1.0.8 for Linux (.tar) md5sum: 99fbe861253eec5308d8c47938e8ad1e

VMware ACE 2.0.5 Release notes 2.0:

ACE Manager Server Virtual Appliance Virtual Appliance for the ACE Management Server md5sum: 41e7349f3b6568dffa23055bb629208d

ACE for Window 32-bit and 64-bit Main installation file for Windows 32-bit and 64-bit host (ACE Option Page key required for enabling ACE authoring) md5sum:46b4c54f0493f59f52ac6c2965296859

ACE Management Server for Windows ACE Management Server installation file for Windows md5sum:33a015c4b236329bcb7e12c82271c417

ACE Management Server for Red Hat Enterprise Linux 4 ACE Management Server installation file for Red Hat Enterprise Linux 4 md5sum:dc3bd89fd2285f41ed42f8b28cd5535f

ACE Management Server for SUSE Enterprise Linux 9 ACE Management Server installation file for SUSE Enterprise Linux 9 md5sum:2add6a4fc97e1400fb2f94274ce0dce0

VMware ACE 1.0.7 Release notes: md5sum: 42d806cddb8e9f905722aeac19740f33

VMware Server 1.0.7 Release notes:

VMware Server for Windows 32-bit and 64-bit md5sum: 2e2ee5ebe08ae48eac5e661cad01acf6

VMware Server Windows client package md5sum: ce7d906a5a8de37cbc20db4332de1adb

VMware Server for Linux md5sum: 04f201122b16222cd58fc81ca814ff8c

VMware Server for Linux rpm md5sum: 6bae706df040c35851823bc087597d8d

Management Interface md5sum: e67489bd2f23bcd4a323d19df4e903e8

VMware Server Linux client package md5sum: 99f1107302111ffd3f766194a33d492b


ESX 3.5.0 patch ESX350-200806203-UG (VCB) md5sum: 3bd512dc8aa2b276f7cfd19080d193c9

ESX 3.0.3 patch ESX303-200808403-SG (libpng) md5sum: 5f1e75631e53c0e9e013acdbe657cfc7

ESX 3.0.3 patch ESX303-200808404-SG (libpng) md5sum: 65468a5b6ba105cfde1dd444d77b2df4

ESX 3.0.3 patch ESX303-200808406-SG (bind) md5sum: a11273e8d430e5784071caff673995f4

ESX 3.0.3 patch (VCB)

ESX 3.0.2 patch ESX-1005109 (libpng) md5sum: 456d74d94317f852024aed5d3852be09

ESX 3.0.2 patch ESX-1005113 (libpng) md5sum: 5d604f2bfd90585b9c8679f5fc8c31b7

ESX 3.0.2 patch ESX-1005114 (libpng) md5sum: 3b6d33b334f0020131580fdd8f9b5365

ESX 3.0.2 patch ESX-1004824 (VCB) md5sum: c72b0132c9f5d7b4cb1b9e47748a9c5b

ESX 3.0.2 patch ESX-1006356 (bind) md5sum: f0bc9d0b641954145df3986cdb1c2bab

ESX 3.0.1 patch ESX-1005111 (libpng) md5sum: 60e1be9b41070b3531c06f9a0595e24c

ESX 3.0.1 patch ESX-1005112 (libpng) md5sum: ad645cef0f9fa18bb648ba5a37074732

ESX 3.0.1 patch ESX-1005108 (libpng) md5sum: aabc873d978f023c929ccd9a54588ea5

ESX 3.0.1 patch ESX-1004823 (VCB) md5sum: 5ff2e8ce50c18afca76fb16c28415a59

ESX 3.0.1 patch ESX-1005117 (bind) md5sum: 5271ecc6e36fb6f1fdf372e57891aa33

  1. References

CVE numbers

  1. Change log

2008-08-29 VMSA-2008-0014 initial release

  1. Contact

E-mail list for product security notifications and announcements:

This Security Advisory is posted to the following lists:

  • security-announce at
  • bugtraq at
  • full-disclosure at

E-mail: security at PGP key at:

VMware Security Center

VMware security response policy

General support life cycle policy

VMware Infrastructure support life cycle policy

Copyright 2008 VMware Inc. All customers should test the updates / patch in their environment. HP is investigating changes to reduce the performance issues. This bulletin will be revised when new updates / patch become available. Effective attack techniques against these vulnerabilities have been demonstrated. Tools and techniques have been developed that can reliably poison a domain of the attacker's choosing on most current implementations. As a result, the consensus of DNS software implementers is to implement source port randomization in their resolvers as a mitigation.

II. Impact

An attacker with the ability to conduct a successful cache poisoning attack can cause a nameserver's clients to contact the incorrect, and possibly malicious, hosts for particular services. Consequently, web traffic, email, and other important network data can be redirected to systems under the attacker's control.

III. Solution

Apply a patch from your vendor

Patches have been released by a number of vendors to implement source port randomization in the nameserver. Please see the Systems Affected section of Vulnerability Note VU#800113 for additional details for specific vendors.

As mentioned above, stub resolvers are also vulnerable to these attacks. Stub resolvers that will issue queries in response to attacker behavior, and may receive packets from an attacker, should be patched. System administrators should be alert for patches to client operating systems that implement port randomization in the stub resolver.


Restrict access Administrators, particularly those who are unable to apply a patch, can limit exposure to this vulnerability by restricting sources that can ask for recursion. Note that restricting access will still allow attackers with access to authorized hosts to exploit this vulnerability.

Filter traffic at network perimeters Because the ability to spoof IP addresses is necessary to conduct these attacks, administrators should take care to filter spoofed addresses at the network perimeter. IETF Request for Comments (RFC) documents RFC 2827, RFC 3704, and RFC 3013 describe best current practices (BCPs) for implementing this defense. It is important to understand your network's configuration and service requirements before deciding what changes are appropriate.

Run a local DNS cache In lieu of strong port randomization characteristics in a stub resolver, administrators can protect their systems by using local caching full-service resolvers, both on the client systems and on servers that are topologically close on the network to the client systems. This should be done in conjunction with the network segmentation and filtering strategies mentioned above.

Disable recursion Disable recursion on any nameserver responding to DNS requests made by untrusted systems.

Implement source port randomization Vendors that implement DNS software are encouraged to review IETF Internet Draft, "Measures for making DNS more resilient against forged answers," for additional information about implementing mitigations in their products. This document is a work in progress and may change prior to its publication as an RFC, if it is approved.

IV. References

 * US-CERT Vulnerability Note VU#800113 -
 * US-CERT Vulnerability Note VU#484649 -
 * US-CERT Vulnerability Note VU#252735 -
 * US-CERT Vulnerability Note VU#927905 -
 * US-CERT Vulnerability Note VU#457875 -
 * Internet Draft: Measures for making DNS more resilient against forged
   answers -
 * RFC 3833 - <>
 * RFC 2827 - <>
 * RFC 3704 - <>
 * RFC 3013 - <>
 * Microsoft Security Bulletin MS08-037 -
 * Internet     Systems    Consortium    BIND    Vulnerabilities    -

US-CERT thanks Dan Kaminsky of IOActive and Paul Vixie of Internet Systems Consortium (ISC) for notifying us about this problem and for helping us to construct this advisory.

The most recent version of this document can be found at:


Feedback can be directed to US-CERT Technical Staff. Please send email to with "TA08-190B Feedback VU#800113" in the subject.

For instructions on subscribing to or unsubscribing from this mailing list, visit

Produced 2008 by US-CERT, a government organization.

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TITLE: Red Hat update for bind



CRITICAL: Moderately critical

IMPACT: Spoofing


From remote

OPERATING SYSTEM: Red Hat Enterprise Linux (v. 5 server) Red Hat Enterprise Linux Desktop (v. 5 client) Red Hat Enterprise Linux Desktop Workstation (v. 5 client) RedHat Enterprise Linux AS 2.1 RedHat Enterprise Linux AS 3 RedHat Enterprise Linux AS 4 RedHat Enterprise Linux ES 2.1 RedHat Enterprise Linux ES 3 RedHat Enterprise Linux ES 4 RedHat Enterprise Linux WS 3 RedHat Enterprise Linux WS 2.1 RedHat Enterprise Linux WS 4 RedHat Linux Advanced Workstation 2.1 for Itanium

DESCRIPTION: Red Hat has issued an update for bind.

For more information: SA26152

SOLUTION: Updated packages are available from Red Hat Network.



About: This Advisory was delivered by Secunia as a free service to help everybody keeping their systems up to date against the latest vulnerabilities.


Definitions: (Criticality, Where etc.)

Please Note: Secunia recommends that you verify all advisories you receive by clicking the link. Secunia NEVER sends attached files with advisories. Secunia does not advise people to install third party patches, only use those supplied by the vendor. Security Advisory (08-AUG-2008) (CVE-2008-3280) ===============================================

Ben Laurie of Google's Applied Security team, while working with an external researcher, Dr. Richard Clayton of the Computer Laboratory, Cambridge University, found that various OpenID Providers (OPs) had TLS Server Certificates that used weak keys, as a result of the Debian Predictable Random Number Generator (CVE-2008-0166).

In combination with the DNS Cache Poisoning issue (CVE-2008-1447) and the fact that almost all SSL/TLS implementations do not consult CRLs (currently an untracked issue), this means that it is impossible to rely on these OPs.

Attack Description

In order to mount an attack against a vulnerable OP, the attacker first finds the private key corresponding to the weak TLS certificate. He then sets up a website masquerading as the original OP, both for the OpenID protocol and also for HTTP/HTTPS.

There are two cases, one is where the victim is a user trying to identify themselves, in which case, even if they use HTTPS to "ensure" that the site they are visiting is indeed their provider, they will be unable to detect the substitution and will give their login credentials to the attacker.

The second case is where the victim is the Relying Party (RP). In this case, even if the RP uses TLS to connect to the OP, as is recommended for higher assurance, he will not be defended, as the vast majority of OpenID implementations do not check CRLs, and will, therefore, accept the malicious site as the true OP.


Mitigation is surprisingly hard. In theory the vulnerable site should revoke their weak certificate and issue a new one.

However, since the CRLs will almost certainly not be checked, this means the site will still be vulnerable to attack for the lifetime of the certificate (and perhaps beyond, depending on user behaviour). Note that shutting down the site DOES NOT prevent the attack.

Therefore mitigation falls to other parties. Until either 1 and 2 or 3 have been done, OpenID cannot be trusted for any OP that cannot demonstrate it has never had a weak certificate.


Normally, when security problems are encountered with a single piece of software, the responsible thing to do is to is to wait until fixes are available before making any announcement. However, as a number of examples in the past have demonstrated, this approach does not work particularly well when many different pieces of software are involved because it is necessary to coordinate a simultaneous release of the fixes, whilst hoping that the very large number of people involved will cooperate in keeping the vulnerability secret.

In the present situation, the fixes will involve considerable development work in adding CRL handling to a great many pieces of openID code. This is a far from trivial amount of work.

The fixes will also involve changes to browser preferences to ensure that CRLs are checked by default -- which many vendors have resisted for years. We are extremely pessimistic that a security vulnerability in OpenID will be seen as sufficiently important to change the browser vendors minds.

Hence, we see no value in delaying this announcement; and by making the details public as soon as possible, we believe that individuals who rely on OpenID will be better able to take their own individual steps to avoid relying upon the flawed certificates we have identified.

OpenID is at heart quite a weak protocol, when used in its most general form[1], and consequently there is very limited reliance upon its security. This means that the consequences of the combination of attacks that are now possible is nothing like as serious as might otherwise have been the case.

However, it does give an insight into the type of security disaster that may occur in the future if we do not start to take CRLs seriously, but merely stick them onto "to-do" lists or disable them in the name of tiny performance improvements.

Affected Sites

There is no central registry of OpenID systems, and so we cannot be sure that we have identified all of the weak certificates that are currently being served. The list of those we have found so far is:


[1] There are ways of using OpenID that are significantly more secure than the commonly deployed scheme, I shall describe those in a separate article.

Full-Disclosure - We believe in it. Charter: Hosted and sponsored by Secunia - .

Release Date: 2008-07-16 Last Updated: 2010-10-12

Potential Security Impact: Remote DNS cache poisoning

Source: Hewlett-Packard Company, HP Software Security Response Team

VULNERABILITY SUMMARY A potential security vulnerability has been identified with HP-UX running BIND. HP-UX B.11.11, B.11.23, B.11.31 running BIND v9.3.2 or BIND v9.2.0, HP-UX B.11.11 running BIND v8.1.2


CVSS 2.0 Base Metrics

Reference Base Vector Base Score CVE-2008-1447 (AV:N/AC:L/Au:N/C:P/I:P/A:P) 7.5 =========================================================== Information on CVSS is documented in HP Customer Notice: HPSN-2008-002


HP has provided the following software updates / patch to resolve the vulnerabilities for BIND v9.2.0 and BIND v9.3.2.

Customers running BIND v8.1.2 on HP-UX B.11.11 should upgrade to BIND v9.2.0 or BIND v9.3.2 and apply the updates listed below.

A new BIND v9.2.0 depot is available to address an issue encountered on HP-UX B.11.11. The new depot is available by contacting HP Support. The patch PHNE_37865 is available from:

The BIND v9.3.2 updates are available for download from:

HP-UX Release / Action

B.11.11 running v8.1.2 Upgrade to BIND v9.2.0 or BIND v9.3.2 and apply the updates listed below, remove "query-source port" and "query-source-v6 port" options in /etc/named.conf.

HP-UX Release / BIND Depot name / Action

B.11.11 running v9.2.0 / BIND920V15.depot / Remove "query-source port" and "query-source-v6 port" options in /etc/named.conf.

HP-UX Release / Action

B.11.23 running v9.2.0 / Install PHNE_37865; Remove "query-source port" and "query-source-v6 port" options in /etc/named.conf.

HP-UX Release / Action

B.11.11 running v9.3.2 / Install revision C. or subsequent; Remove "query-source port" and "query-source-v6 port" options in


B.11.23 running v9.3.2 / Install revision C. or subsequent; Remove "query-source port" and "query-source-v6 port" options in


B.11.31 running v9.3.2 / Install revision C. or subsequent; Remove "query-source port" and "query-source-v6 port" options in


Note: Remove "query-source port" and "query-source-v6 port" options in /etc/named.conf.

Note: Firewall configurations may need to be adjusted to allow DNS queries from random source ports to pass. In addition,

firewalls that forward DNS queries must not replace the random source ports.

MANUAL ACTIONS: Yes - NonUpdate Remove "query-source port" and "query-source-v6 port" options in /etc/named.conf. Check firewall settings. For B.11.11 running v8.1.2, upgrade to BIND v9.2.0 or BIND v9.3.2 and apply the updates For B.11.11 running v9.2.0 install BIND920v15.depot

PRODUCT SPECIFIC INFORMATION HP-UX Software Assistant: HP-UX Software Assistant is an enhanced application that replaces HP-UX Security Patch Check. It

analyzes all HP-issued Security Bulletins and lists recommended actions that may apply to a specific HP-UX system. It can

also download patches and create a depot automatically. For more information see:


For BIND v8.1.2 HP-UX B.11.11 ============= InternetSrvcs.INETSVCS-RUN action: upgrade to BIND v9.2.0 or BIND v9.3.2 and apply the updates, remove "query-source port" and "query-source-v6 port" options in /etc/named.conf.

For BIND v9.3.2 HP-UX B.11.11 ============= BindUpgrade.BIND-UPGRADE action: install revision C. or subsequent, remove "query-source port" and "query-source-v6 port" options in /etc/named.conf. URL:

HP-UX B.11.23

BindUpgrade.BIND-UPGRADE BindUpgrade.BIND2-UPGRADE action: install revision C. or subsequent, remove "query-source port" and "query-source-v6 port" options in /etc/named.conf. URL:

HP-UX B.11.31

NameService.BIND-AUX NameService.BIND-RUN action: install revision C. or subsequent, remove "query-source port" and "query-source-v6 port" options in /etc/named.conf. URL:

For BIND v9.2.0 HP-UX B.11.11 ============= BINDv920.INETSVCS-BIND action: install revision B. or subsequent, remove "query-source port" and "query-source-v6 port" options in /etc/named.conf. URL Contact HP Support for information on where to download depot.

HP-UX B.11.23

InternetSrvcs.INETSVCS-INETD InternetSrvcs.INETSVCS-RUN InternetSrvcs.INETSVCS2-RUN action: install patch PHNE_37865 or subsequent, remove "query-source port" and "query-source-v6 port" options in /etc/named.conf. URL:


HISTORY Version:1 (rev.1) - 16 July 2008 Initial release Version:2 (rev.2) - 19 July 2008 Added BIND v9.2.0 depot information Version:3 (rev.3) - 06 August 2008 Updated patch location, revised BIND v9.2.0 depot information, added BIND v8.1.2 Version:4 (rev.4) - 08 August 2008 Updated manual actions to include named.conf and firewall configuration setings Version:5 (rev.5) - 12 October 2010 Updated version for BIND v9.2.0 depot for B.11.11

Third Party Security Patches: Third party security patches that are to be installed on systems running HP software products should be applied in accordance with the customer's patch management policy.

Support: For further information, contact normal HP Services support channel.

Report: To report a potential security vulnerability with any HP supported product, send Email to: It is strongly recommended that security related information being communicated to HP be encrypted using PGP, especially exploit information. To get the security-alert PGP key, please send an e-mail message as follows: To: Subject: get key Subscribe: To initiate a subscription to receive future HP Security Bulletins via Email: On the web page: ITRC security bulletins and patch sign-up Under Step1: your ITRC security bulletins and patches -check ALL categories for which alerts are required and continue. Under Step2: your ITRC operating systems -verify your operating system selections are checked and save.

To update an existing subscription: Log in on the web page: Subscriber's choice for Business: sign-in. On the web page: Subscriber's Choice: your profile summary - use Edit Profile to update appropriate sections.

To review previously published Security Bulletins visit:

  • The Software Product Category that this Security Bulletin relates to is represented by the 5th and 6th characters of the Bulletin number in the title:

GN = HP General SW MA = HP Management Agents MI = Misc. 3rd Party SW MP = HP MPE/iX NS = HP NonStop Servers OV = HP OpenVMS PI = HP Printing & Imaging ST = HP Storage SW TL = HP Trusted Linux TU = HP Tru64 UNIX UX = HP-UX VV = HP VirtualVault

System management and security procedures must be reviewed frequently to maintain system integrity. HP is continually reviewing and enhancing the security features of software products to provide customers with current secure solutions.

"HP is broadly distributing this Security Bulletin in order to bring to the attention of users of the affected HP products the important security information contained in this Bulletin. HP recommends that all users determine the applicability of this information to their individual situations and take appropriate action. HP does not warrant that this information is necessarily accurate or complete for all user situations and, consequently, HP will not be responsible for any damages resulting from user's use or disregard of the information provided in this Bulletin. Hewlett-Packard Company shall not be liable for technical or editorial errors or omissions contained herein. To the extent permitted by law, neither HP or its affiliates, subcontractors or suppliers will be liable for incidental,special or consequential damages including downtime cost; lost profits;damages relating to the procurement of substitute products or services; or damages for loss of data, or software restoration. Hewlett-Packard Company and the names of Hewlett-Packard products referenced herein are trademarks of Hewlett-Packard Company in the United States and other countries. Other product and company names mentioned herein may be trademarks of their respective owners

Show details on source website

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    "affected_products": {
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        "trust": 1.8,
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        "scope": "eq",
        "trust": 0.8,
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        "version": null
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        "version": null
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        "version": "ver1.6.1 previous version"
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        "version": "ver1.7.7 previous version"
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        "version": "ver1.6.1 previous version"
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        "version": "11 (x64)"
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        "version": "11.31"
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        "scope": "eq",
        "trust": 0.8,
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        "trust": 0.8,
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        "scope": "eq",
        "trust": 0.8,
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        "version": "rt140f)"
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        "scope": "eq",
        "trust": 0.8,
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        "scope": "eq",
        "trust": 0.8,
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        "version": "rtw65b)"
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        "version": null
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        "version": null
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        "version": null
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    "data": "The DNS protocol, as implemented in (1) BIND 8 and 9 before 9.5.0-P1, 9.4.2-P1, and 9.3.5-P1; (2) Microsoft DNS in Windows 2000 SP4, XP SP2 and SP3, and Server 2003 SP1 and SP2; and other implementations allow remote attackers to spoof DNS traffic via a birthday attack that uses in-bailiwick referrals to conduct cache poisoning against recursive resolvers, related to insufficient randomness of DNS transaction IDs and source ports, aka \"DNS Insufficient Socket Entropy Vulnerability\" or \"the Kaminsky bug.\". plural DNS There is a vulnerability in the implementation that makes cache poisoning attacks easier. Recent research has found a more efficient method of cash poisoning than previously known. DNS As a cache server, PC Please note that there is a possibility of attack. Cash poisoning attack forged response This is done by sending a packet. query The source port of the packet query By changing the value randomly every time, the probability of a successful cache poisoning attack can be reduced.By cash poisoning attack DNS Fake cache server DNS Information can be cached and DNS Nodes using the cache server may be directed to fake sites. ISC (Internet Systems Consortiuim) BIND generates cryptographically weak DNS query IDs which could allow a remote attacker to poison DNS caches. Multiple vendors\u0027 implementations of the DNS protocol are prone to a DNS-spoofing vulnerability because the software fails to securely implement random values when performing DNS queries. \nSuccessfully exploiting this issue allows remote attackers to spoof DNS replies, allowing them to redirect network traffic and to launch man-in-the-middle attacks. \nThis issue affects Microsoft Windows DNS Clients and Servers, ISC BIND 8 and 9, and multiple Cisco IOS releases; other DNS implementations may also be vulnerable. -----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE-----\nHash: SHA1\n\nCisco Security Advisory: Multiple Cisco Products Vulnerable to DNS Cache\nPoisoning Attacks\n\nAdvisory ID: cisco-sa-20080708-dns\n\n\n\nRevision 1.0\n\nFor Public Release 2008 July 08 1800 UTC (GMT)\n\nSummary\n=======\n\nMultiple Cisco products are vulnerable to DNS cache poisoning attacks\ndue to their use of insufficiently randomized DNS transaction IDs and\nUDP source ports in the DNS queries that they produce, which may allow\nan attacker to more easily forge DNS answers that can poison DNS caches. \n\nTo exploit this vulnerability an attacker must be able to cause a\nvulnerable DNS server to perform recursive DNS queries. Therefore, DNS\nservers that are only authoritative, or servers where recursion is not\nallowed, are not affected. \n\nCisco has released free software updates that address this vulnerability. \n\nThis advisory is posted at\n \n\nThis security advisory is being published simultaneously with\nannouncements from other affected organizations. \nProducts that process DNS messages with the RD flag set will attempt to\nanswer the question asked on behalf of the client. A product is only\naffected if using a vulnerable implementation of the DNS protocol, the\nDNS server functionality for the product is enabled, and the DNS feature\nfor the product is configured to process recursive DNS query messages. For information about specific fixed\n    versions, please refer to the Software Versions and Fixes section. \n\n    A device that is running Cisco IOS Software is configured to act\n    as a DNS server if the command \"ip dns server\" is present in the\n    configuration. This command is not enabled by default. \n\n  * Cisco Network Registrar\n\n    All Cisco Network Registrar versions are affected, and DNS services\n    are enabled by default. \n\n    The DNS server on CNR is enabled via the command-line interface\n    (CLI) commands \"server dns enable start-on-reboot\" or \"dns enable\n    start-on-reboot\" or via the web management interface in the Servers\n    page by selecting the appropriate \"Start,\" \"Stop,\" or \"Reload\"\n    button. \n\n  * Cisco Application and Content Networking System\n\n    All Cisco Application and Content Networking System (ACNS) versions\n    are affected; DNS services are disabled by default. \n\n    ACNS is configured to act as a DNS server if the command\n    \"dns enable\" is present in the configuration. \n\n  * Cisco Global Site Selector Used in Combination with Cisco Network\n    Registrar\n\n    The Cisco Global Site Selector (GSS) is affected when it is used in\n    combination with Cisco Network Registrar software to provide a more\n    complete DNS solution. Fixed software would come in the form of an\n    update of the Cisco Network Registrar software rather than an update\n    of the GSS software. \n\nProducts Confirmed Not Vulnerable\n+--------------------------------\n\nProducts that do not offer DNS server capabilities are not affected by\nthis vulnerability. \n\nThe Cisco GSS by itself is not affected by this vulnerability. However,\nit is affected when it is used with Cisco Network Registrar software. \n\nNo other Cisco products are currently known to be affected by these\nvulnerabilities. \n\nDetails\n=======\n\nThe Domain Name System is an integral part of networks that are based\non TCP/IP such as the Internet. Simply stated, the Domain Name System\nis a hierarchical database that contains mappings of hostnames and IP\naddresses. When handling\na query from a DNS client, a DNS server can look into its portion of the\nglobal DNS database (if the query is for a portion of the DNS database\nfor which the DNS server is authoritative), or it can relay the query\nto other DNS servers (if it is configured to do so and if the query\nis for a portion of the DNS database for which the DNS server is not\nauthoritative.)\n\nBecause of the processing time and bandwidth that is associated with\nhandling a DNS query, most DNS servers locally store responses that\nare received from other DNS servers. If this happens, a user who\nis trying to visit may end up contacting the wrong web\nserver. The fundamental implementation\nweakness is that the DNS transaction ID and source port number used to\nvalidate DNS responses are not sufficiently randomized and can easily\nbe predicted, which allows an attacker to create forged responses to\nDNS queries that will match the expected values. The DNS server will\nconsider such responses to be valid. \n\nThe following Cisco products that offer DNS server functionality have\nbeen found to be susceptible to DNS cache poisoning attacks:\n\n  * Cisco IOS Software: The vulnerability documented in Cisco bug ID\n    CSCso81854. \n\n  * Cisco Network Registrar: The vulnerability documented in Cisco\n    bug ID CSCsq01298. \n\n  * Cisco Application and Content Networking System (ACNS): The\n    vulnerability documented in Cisco bug ID CSCsq21930. \n\nThis vulnerability has been assigned Common Vulnerabilities and\nExposures (CVE) ID CVE-2008-1447. \n\nVulnerability Scoring Details\n+----------------------------\n\nCisco has provided scores for the vulnerabilities in this advisory based\non the Common Vulnerability Scoring System (CVSS). The CVSS scoring in\nthis Security Advisory is done in accordance with CVSS version 2.0. \n\nCVSS is a standards-based scoring method that conveys vulnerability\nseverity and helps determine urgency and priority of response. \n\nCisco has provided a base and temporal score. Customers can then\ncompute environmental scores to assist in determining the impact of the\nvulnerability in individual networks. \n\nCisco has provided an FAQ to answer additional questions regarding CVSS\nat\n\n\n\nCisco has also provided a CVSS calculator to help compute the\nenvironmental impact for individual networks at\n\n\n\nCisco Bugs:\n\n* DNS cache prone to poisoning/forged answers attacks (CSCsq21930)\n\n* DNS susceptible to forged query response attacks (CSCsq01298)\n\n* Need to make DNS implementation more resilient against forged answers\n(CSCso81854)\n\nCVSS Base Score - 6.4\n    Access Vector -            Network\n    Access Complexity -        Low\n    Authentication -           None\n    Confidentiality Impact -   None\n    Integrity Impact -         Partial\n    Availability Impact -      Partial\n\nCVSS Temporal Score - 5.3\n    Exploitability -           Functional\n    Remediation Level -        Official-Fix\n    Report Confidence -        Confirmed\n\n(same score for the three Cisco bugs listed above.)\n\nImpact\n======\n\nSuccessful exploitation of the vulnerability described in this document\nmay result in invalid hostname-to-IP address mappings in the cache of an\naffected DNS server. This may lead users of this DNS server to contact\nthe wrong provider of network services. The ultimate impact varies\ngreatly, ranging from a simple denial of service (for example, making\ resolve to to phishing and financial fraud. \n\nSoftware Versions and Fixes\n===========================\n\nWhen considering software upgrades, also consult\n and any subsequent advisories to determine\nexposure and a complete upgrade solution. \n\nIn all cases, customers should exercise caution to be certain the\ndevices to be upgraded contain sufficient memory and that current\nhardware and software configurations will continue to be supported\nproperly by the new release. If the information is not clear, contact\nthe Cisco Technical Assistance Center (TAC) or your contracted\nmaintenance provider for assistance. \n\nCisco IOS Software\n+-----------------\n\nEach row of the Cisco IOS Software table (below) names a Cisco IOS\nSoftware release train. If a given release train is vulnerable, then\nthe earliest possible releases that contain the fix (along with the\nanticipated date of availability for each, if applicable) are listed in\nthe \"First Fixed Release\" column of the table. The \"Recommended Release\"\ncolumn indicates the releases which have fixes for all the published\nvulnerabilities at the time of this Advisory. A device running a release\nin the given train that is earlier than the release in a specific column\n(less than the First Fixed Release) is known to be vulnerable. Cisco\nrecommends upgrading to a release equal to or later than the release in\nthe \"Recommended Releases\" column of the table. \n\n+----------------------------------------+\n|   Major    |        Availability of    |\n|  Release   |     Repaired Releases     |\n|------------+---------------------------|\n|  Affected  | First Fixed | Recommended |\n| 12.0-Based |   Release   |   Release   |\n|  Releases  |             |             |\n|------------+-------------+-------------|\n| 12.0       | Not         |             |\n|            | Vulnerable  |             |\n|------------+-------------+-------------|\n| 12.0DA     | Not         |             |\n|            | Vulnerable  |             |\n|------------+-------------+-------------|\n|            | Releases    |             |\n|            | prior to    |             |\n|            | 12.0(7)DB   |             |\n|            | are         |             |\n|            | vulnerable, | 12.4(19a)   |\n| 12.0DB     | release     |             |\n|            | 12.0(7)DB   | 12.4(19b)   |\n|            | and later   |             |\n|            | are not     |             |\n|            | vulnerable; |             |\n|            | first fixed |             |\n|            | in 12.4     |             |\n|------------+-------------+-------------|\n|            | Releases    |             |\n|            | prior to    |             |\n|            | 12.0(7)DC   |             |\n|            | are         |             |\n|            | vulnerable, | 12.4(19a)   |\n| 12.0DC     | release     |             |\n|            | 12.0(7)DC   | 12.4(19b)   |\n|            | and later   |             |\n|            | are not     |             |\n|            | vulnerable; |             |\n|            | first fixed |             |\n|            | in 12.4     |             |\n|------------+-------------+-------------|\n| 12.0S      | Not         |             |\n|            | Vulnerable  |             |\n|------------+-------------+-------------|\n| 12.0SC     | Not         |             |\n|            | Vulnerable  |             |\n|------------+-------------+-------------|\n| 12.0SL     | Not         |             |\n|            | Vulnerable  |             |\n|------------+-------------+-------------|\n| 12.0SP     | Not         |             |\n|            | Vulnerable  |             |\n|------------+-------------+-------------|\n| 12.0ST     | Not         |             |\n|            | Vulnerable  |             |\n|------------+-------------+-------------|\n| 12.0SX     | Not         |             |\n|            | Vulnerable  |             |\n|------------+-------------+-------------|\n| 12.0SY     | Not         |             |\n|            | Vulnerable  |             |\n|------------+-------------+-------------|\n| 12.0SZ     | Not         |             |\n|            | Vulnerable  |             |\n|------------+-------------+-------------|\n|            | Vulnerable; | 12.4(19a)   |\n| 12.0T      | first fixed |             |\n|            | in 12.4     | 12.4(19b)   |\n|------------+-------------+-------------|\n| 12.0W      | Not         |             |\n|            | Vulnerable  |             |\n|------------+-------------+-------------|\n| 12.0WC     | Vulnerable; |             |\n|            | contact TAC |             |\n|------------+-------------+-------------|\n| 12.0WT     | Not         |             |\n|            | Vulnerable  |             |\n|------------+-------------+-------------|\n| 12.0XA     | Not         |             |\n|            | Vulnerable  |             |\n|------------+-------------+-------------|\n| 12.0XB     | Not         |             |\n|            | Vulnerable  |             |\n|------------+-------------+-------------|\n| 12.0XC     | Not         |             |\n|            | Vulnerable  |             |\n|------------+-------------+-------------|\n| 12.0XD     | Not         |             |\n|            | Vulnerable  |             |\n|------------+-------------+-------------|\n|            | Note:       |             |\n|            | Releases    |             |\n|            | prior to    |             |\n|            | 12.0(7)XE1  |             |\n|            | are         |             |\n| 12.0XE     | vulnerable, |             |\n|            | release     |             |\n|            | 12.0(7)XE1  |             |\n|            | and later   |             |\n|            | are not     |             |\n|            | vulnerable; |             |\n|------------+-------------+-------------|\n| 12.0XF     | Not         |             |\n|            | Vulnerable  |             |\n|------------+-------------+-------------|\n| 12.0XG     | Not         |             |\n|            | Vulnerable  |             |\n|------------+-------------+-------------|\n| 12.0XH     | Not         |             |\n|            | Vulnerable  |             |\n|------------+-------------+-------------|\n| 12.0XI     | Not         |             |\n|            | Vulnerable  |             |\n|------------+-------------+-------------|\n| 12.0XJ     | Not         |             |\n|            | Vulnerable  |             |\n|------------+-------------+-------------|\n|            | Releases    |             |\n|            | prior to    |             |\n|            | 12.0(7)XK2  |             |\n|            | are         |             |\n|            | vulnerable, | 12.4(19a)   |\n| 12.0XK     | release     |             |\n|            | 12.0(7)XK2  | 12.4(19b)   |\n|            | and later   |             |\n|            | are not     |             |\n|            | vulnerable; |             |\n|            | first fixed |             |\n|            | in 12.4     |             |\n|------------+-------------+-------------|\n| 12.0XL     | Not         |             |\n|            | Vulnerable  |             |\n|------------+-------------+-------------|\n| 12.0XM     | Not         |             |\n|            | Vulnerable  |             |\n|------------+-------------+-------------|\n| 12.0XN     | Not         |             |\n|            | Vulnerable  |             |\n|------------+-------------+-------------|\n| 12.0XQ     | Not         |             |\n|            | Vulnerable  |             |\n|------------+-------------+-------------|\n|            | Releases    |             |\n|            | prior to    |             |\n|            | 12.0(7)XR1  |             |\n|            | are         |             |\n|            | vulnerable, | 12.4(19a)   |\n| 12.0XR     | release     |             |\n|            | 12.0(7)XR1  | 12.4(19b)   |\n|            | and later   |             |\n|            | are not     |             |\n|            | vulnerable; |             |\n|            | first fixed |             |\n|            | in 12.4     |             |\n|------------+-------------+-------------|\n| 12.0XS     | Not         |             |\n|            | Vulnerable  |             |\n|------------+-------------+-------------|\n| 12.0XV     | Not         |             |\n|            | Vulnerable  |             |\n|------------+-------------+-------------|\n| 12.0XW     | Not         |             |\n|            | Vulnerable  |             |\n|------------+-------------+-------------|\n|  Affected  | First Fixed | Recommended |\n| 12.1-Based |   Release   |   Release   |\n|  Releases  |             |             |\n|------------+-------------+-------------|\n|            | Vulnerable; | 12.4(19a)   |\n| 12.1       | first fixed |             |\n|            | in 12.4     | 12.4(19b)   |\n|------------+-------------+-------------|\n| 12.1AA     | Not         |             |\n|            | Vulnerable  |             |\n|------------+-------------+-------------|\n| 12.1AX     | Not         |             |\n|            | Vulnerable  |             |\n|------------+-------------+-------------|\n|            | Releases    |             |\n|            | prior to    |             |\n|            | 12.1(22)AY1 |             |\n|            | are         |             |\n| 12.1AY     | vulnerable, | 12.1(22)    |\n|            | release     | EA11        |\n|            | 12.1(22)AY1 |             |\n|            | and later   |             |\n|            | are not     |             |\n|            | vulnerable; |             |\n|------------+-------------+-------------|\n| 12.1AZ     | Not         |             |\n|            | Vulnerable  |             |\n|------------+-------------+-------------|\n| 12.1CX     | Not         |             |\n|            | Vulnerable  |             |\n|------------+-------------+-------------|\n| 12.1DA     | Not         |             |\n|            | Vulnerable  |             |\n|------------+-------------+-------------|\n|            | Releases    |             |\n|            | prior to    |             |\n|            | 12.1(4)DB1  |             |\n|            | are         |             |\n|            | vulnerable, | 12.4(19a)   |\n| 12.1DB     | release     |             |\n|            | 12.1(4)DB1  | 12.4(19b)   |\n|            | and later   |             |\n|            | are not     |             |\n|            | vulnerable; |             |\n|            | first fixed |             |\n|            | in 12.4     |             |\n|------------+-------------+-------------|\n|            | Releases    |             |\n|            | prior to    |             |\n|            | 12.1(4)DC2  |             |\n|            | are         |             |\n|            | vulnerable, | 12.4(19a)   |\n| 12.1DC     | release     |             |\n|            | 12.1(4)DC2  | 12.4(19b)   |\n|            | and later   |             |\n|            | are not     |             |\n|            | vulnerable; |             |\n|            | first fixed |             |\n|            | in 12.4     |             |\n|------------+-------------+-------------|\n| 12.1E      | Not         |             |\n|            | Vulnerable  |             |\n|------------+-------------+-------------|\n|            | Releases    |             |\n|            | prior to    |             |\n|            | 12.1(11)EA1 |             |\n|            | are         |             |\n| 12.1EA     | vulnerable, | 12.1(22)    |\n|            | release     | EA11        |\n|            | 12.1(11)EA1 |             |\n|            | and later   |             |\n|            | are not     |             |\n|            | vulnerable; |             |\n|------------+-------------+-------------|\n| 12.1EB     | Not         |             |\n|            | Vulnerable  |             |\n|------------+-------------+-------------|\n| 12.1EC     | Not         |             |\n|            | Vulnerable  |             |\n|------------+-------------+-------------|\n| 12.1EO     | Not         |             |\n|            | Vulnerable  |             |\n|------------+-------------+-------------|\n| 12.1EU     | Not         |             |\n|            | Vulnerable  |             |\n|------------+-------------+-------------|\n| 12.1EV     | Not         |             |\n|            | Vulnerable  |             |\n|------------+-------------+-------------|\n| 12.1EW     | Not         |             |\n|            | Vulnerable  |             |\n|------------+-------------+-------------|\n|            | Note:       |             |\n|            | Releases    |             |\n|            | prior to    |             |\n|            | 12.1(8a)EX  |             |\n|            | are         |             |\n| 12.1EX     | vulnerable, |             |\n|            | release     |             |\n|            | 12.1(8a)EX  |             |\n|            | and later   |             |\n|            | are not     |             |\n|            | vulnerable; |             |\n|------------+-------------+-------------|\n| 12.1EY     | Not         |             |\n|            | Vulnerable  |             |\n|------------+-------------+-------------|\n| 12.1EZ     | Not         |             |\n|            | Vulnerable  |             |\n|------------+-------------+-------------|\n| 12.1GA     | Not         |             |\n|            | Vulnerable  |             |\n|------------+-------------+-------------|\n| 12.1GB     | Not         |             |\n|            | Vulnerable  |             |\n|------------+-------------+-------------|\n|            | Vulnerable; | 12.4(19a)   |\n| 12.1T      | first fixed |             |\n|            | in 12.4     | 12.4(19b)   |\n|------------+-------------+-------------|\n| 12.1XA     | Not         |             |\n|            | Vulnerable  |             |\n|------------+-------------+-------------|\n| 12.1XB     | Not         |             |\n|            | Vulnerable  |             |\n|------------+-------------+-------------|\n|            | Releases    |             |\n|            | prior to    |             |\n|            | 12.1(1)XC1  |             |\n|            | are         |             |\n|            | vulnerable, | 12.4(19a)   |\n| 12.1XC     | release     |             |\n|            | 12.1(1)XC1  | 12.4(19b)   |\n|            | and later   |             |\n|            | are not     |             |\n|            | vulnerable; |             |\n|            | first fixed |             |\n|            | in 12.4     |             |\n|------------+-------------+-------------|\n| 12.1XD     | Not         |             |\n|            | Vulnerable  |             |\n|------------+-------------+-------------|\n| 12.1XE     | Not         |             |\n|            | Vulnerable  |             |\n|------------+-------------+-------------|\n| 12.1XF     | Not         |             |\n|            | Vulnerable  |             |\n|------------+-------------+-------------|\n| 12.1XG     | Not         |             |\n|            | Vulnerable  |             |\n|------------+-------------+-------------|\n| 12.1XH     | Not         |             |\n|            | Vulnerable  |             |\n|------------+-------------+-------------|\n| 12.1XI     | Not         |             |\n|            | Vulnerable  |             |\n|------------+-------------+-------------|\n| 12.1XJ     | Not         |             |\n|            | Vulnerable  |             |\n|------------+-------------+-------------|\n| 12.1XK     | Not         |             |\n|            | Vulnerable  |             |\n|------------+-------------+-------------|\n| 12.1XL     | Not         |             |\n|            | Vulnerable  |             |\n|------------+-------------+-------------|\n| 12.1XM     | Not         |             |\n|            | Vulnerable  |             |\n|------------+-------------+-------------|\n| 12.1XN     | Not         |             |\n|            | Vulnerable  |             |\n|------------+-------------+-------------|\n| 12.1XO     | Not         |             |\n|            | Vulnerable  |             |\n|------------+-------------+-------------|\n| 12.1XP     | Not         |             |\n|            | Vulnerable  |             |\n|------------+-------------+-------------|\n| 12.1XQ     | Not         |             |\n|            | Vulnerable  |             |\n|------------+-------------+-------------|\n| 12.1XR     | Not         |             |\n|            | Vulnerable  |             |\n|------------+-------------+-------------|\n| 12.1XS     | Not         |             |\n|            | Vulnerable  |             |\n|------------+-------------+-------------|\n| 12.1XT     | Not         |             |\n|            | Vulnerable  |             |\n|------------+-------------+-------------|\n| 12.1XU     | Not         |             |\n|            | Vulnerable  |             |\n|------------+-------------+-------------|\n| 12.1XV     | Not         |             |\n|            | Vulnerable  |             |\n|------------+-------------+-------------|\n| 12.1XW     | Not         |             |\n|            | Vulnerable  |             |\n|------------+-------------+-------------|\n| 12.1XX     | Not         |             |\n|            | Vulnerable  |             |\n|------------+-------------+-------------|\n| 12.1XY     | Not         |             |\n|            | Vulnerable  |             |\n|------------+-------------+-------------|\n| 12.1XZ     | Not         |             |\n|            | Vulnerable  |             |\n|------------+-------------+-------------|\n| 12.1YA     | Not         |             |\n|            | Vulnerable  |             |\n|------------+-------------+-------------|\n| 12.1YB     | Not         |             |\n|            | Vulnerable  |             |\n|------------+-------------+-------------|\n| 12.1YC     | Not         |             |\n|            | Vulnerable  |             |\n|------------+-------------+-------------|\n| 12.1YD     | Not         |             |\n|            | Vulnerable  |             |\n|------------+-------------+-------------|\n|            | Note:       |             |\n|            | Releases    |             |\n|            | prior to    |             |\n|            | 12.1(5)YE1  |             |\n|            | are         | 12.4(19a)   |\n| 12.1YE     | vulnerable, |             |\n|            | release     | 12.4(19b)   |\n|            | 12.1(5)YE1  |             |\n|            | and later   |             |\n|            | are not     |             |\n|            | vulnerable; |             |\n|------------+-------------+-------------|\n| 12.1YF     | Not         |             |\n|            | Vulnerable  |             |\n|------------+-------------+-------------|\n| 12.1YG     | Not         |             |\n|            | Vulnerable  |             |\n|------------+-------------+-------------|\n| 12.1YH     | Not         |             |\n|            | Vulnerable  |             |\n|------------+-------------+-------------|\n| 12.1YI     | Not         |             |\n|            | Vulnerable  |             |\n|------------+-------------+-------------|\n| 12.1YJ     | Not         |             |\n|            | Vulnerable  |             |\n|------------+-------------+-------------|\n|  Affected  | First Fixed | Recommended |\n| 12.2-Based |   Release   |   Release   |\n|  Releases  |             |             |\n|------------+-------------+-------------|\n|            | Vulnerable; | 12.4(19a)   |\n| 12.2       | first fixed |             |\n|            | in 12.4     | 12.4(19b)   |\n|------------+-------------+-------------|\n|            | Vulnerable; | 12.4(19a)   |\n| 12.2B      | first fixed |             |\n|            | in 12.4     | 12.4(19b)   |\n|------------+-------------+-------------|\n| 12.2BC     | Not         |             |\n|            | Vulnerable  |             |\n|------------+-------------+-------------|\n|            | Vulnerable; | 12.4(19a)   |\n| 12.2BW     | first fixed |             |\n|            | in 12.4     | 12.4(19b)   |\n|------------+-------------+-------------|\n|            | Releases    |             |\n|            | prior to    |             |\n|            | 12.2(8)BY   |             |\n|            | are         |             |\n|            | vulnerable, | 12.4(19a)   |\n| 12.2BY     | release     |             |\n|            | 12.2(8)BY   | 12.4(19b)   |\n|            | and later   |             |\n|            | are not     |             |\n|            | vulnerable; |             |\n|            | first fixed |             |\n|            | in 12.4     |             |\n|------------+-------------+-------------|\n| 12.2BZ     | Not         |             |\n|            | Vulnerable  |             |\n|------------+-------------+-------------|\n| 12.2CX     | Not         |             |\n|            | Vulnerable  |             |\n|------------+-------------+-------------|\n| 12.2CY     | Not         |             |\n|            | Vulnerable  |             |\n|------------+-------------+-------------|\n| 12.2CZ     | Vulnerable; |             |\n|            | contact TAC |             |\n|------------+-------------+-------------|\n| 12.2DA     | Not         |             |\n|            | Vulnerable  |             |\n|------------+-------------+-------------|\n| 12.2DD     | Not         |             |\n|            | Vulnerable  |             |\n|------------+-------------+-------------|\n| 12.2DX     | Not         |             |\n|            | Vulnerable  |             |\n|------------+-------------+-------------|\n| 12.2EU     | Not         |             |\n|            | Vulnerable  |             |\n|------------+-------------+-------------|\n| 12.2EW     | Not         |             |\n|            | Vulnerable  |             |\n|------------+-------------+-------------|\n| 12.2EWA    | Not         |             |\n|            | Vulnerable  |             |\n|------------+-------------+-------------|\n| 12.2EX     | Not         |             |\n|            | Vulnerable  |             |\n|------------+-------------+-------------|\n| 12.2EY     | Not         |             |\n|            | Vulnerable  |             |\n|------------+-------------+-------------|\n| 12.2EZ     | Not         |             |\n|            | Vulnerable  |             |\n|------------+-------------+-------------|\n| 12.2FX     | Not         |             |\n|            | Vulnerable  |             |\n|------------+-------------+-------------|\n| 12.2FY     | Not         |             |\n|            | Vulnerable  |             |\n|------------+-------------+-------------|\n| 12.2FZ     | Not         |             |\n|            | Vulnerable  |             |\n|------------+-------------+-------------|\n| 12.2IXA    | Not         |             |\n|            | Vulnerable  |             |\n|------------+-------------+-------------|\n| 12.2IXB    | Not         |             |\n|            | Vulnerable  |             |\n|------------+-------------+-------------|\n| 12.2IXC    | Not         |             |\n|            | Vulnerable  |             |\n|------------+-------------+-------------|\n| 12.2IXD    | Not         |             |\n|            | Vulnerable  |             |\n|------------+-------------+-------------|\n| 12.2IXE    | Not         |             |\n|            | Vulnerable  |             |\n|------------+-------------+-------------|\n| 12.2IXF    | Not         |             |\n|            | Vulnerable  |             |\n|------------+-------------+-------------|\n| 12.2JA     | Not         |             |\n|            | Vulnerable  |             |\n|------------+-------------+-------------|\n| 12.2JK     | Not         |             |\n|            | Vulnerable  |             |\n|------------+-------------+-------------|\n| 12.2MB     | Not         |             |\n|            | Vulnerable  |             |\n|------------+-------------+-------------|\n| 12.2MC     | Not         |             |\n|            | Vulnerable  |             |\n|------------+-------------+-------------|\n| 12.2S      | Not         |             |\n|            | Vulnerable  |             |\n|------------+-------------+-------------|\n| 12.2SB     | Not         |             |\n|            | Vulnerable  |             |\n|------------+-------------+-------------|\n| 12.2SBC    | Not         |             |\n|            | Vulnerable  |             |\n|------------+-------------+-------------|\n| 12.2SCA    | Not         |             |\n|            | Vulnerable  |             |\n|------------+-------------+-------------|\n| 12.2SE     | Not         |             |\n|            | Vulnerable  |             |\n|------------+-------------+-------------|\n| 12.2SEA    | Not         |             |\n|            | Vulnerable  |             |\n|------------+-------------+-------------|\n| 12.2SEB    | Not         |             |\n|            | Vulnerable  |             |\n|------------+-------------+-------------|\n| 12.2SEC    | Not         |             |\n|            | Vulnerable  |             |\n|------------+-------------+-------------|\n| 12.2SED    | Not         |             |\n|            | Vulnerable  |             |\n|------------+-------------+-------------|\n| 12.2SEE    | Not         |             |\n|            | Vulnerable  |             |\n|------------+-------------+-------------|\n| 12.2SEF    | Not         |             |\n|            | Vulnerable  |             |\n|------------+-------------+-------------|\n| 12.2SEG    | Not         |             |\n|            | Vulnerable  |             |\n|------------+-------------+-------------|\n| 12.2SG     | Not         |             |\n|            | Vulnerable  |             |\n|------------+-------------+-------------|\n| 12.2SGA    | Not         |             |\n|            | Vulnerable  |             |\n|------------+-------------+-------------|\n| 12.2SL     | Not         |             |\n|            | Vulnerable  |             |\n|------------+-------------+-------------|\n| 12.2SM     | Not         |             |\n|            | Vulnerable  |             |\n|------------+-------------+-------------|\n| 12.2SO     | Not         |             |\n|            | Vulnerable  |             |\n|------------+-------------+-------------|\n| 12.2SRA    | Not         |             |\n|            | Vulnerable  |             |\n|------------+-------------+-------------|\n| 12.2SRB    | Not         |             |\n|            | Vulnerable  |             |\n|------------+-------------+-------------|\n| 12.2SRC    | Not         |             |\n|            | Vulnerable  |             |\n|------------+-------------+-------------|\n| 12.2SU     | Not         |             |\n|            | Vulnerable  |             |\n|------------+-------------+-------------|\n| 12.2SV     | Not         |             |\n|            | Vulnerable  |             |\n|------------+-------------+-------------|\n| 12.2SVA    | Not         |             |\n|            | Vulnerable  |             |\n|------------+-------------+-------------|\n| 12.2SVC    | Not         |             |\n|            | Vulnerable  |             |\n|------------+-------------+-------------|\n| 12.2SVD    | Not         |             |\n|            | Vulnerable  |             |\n|------------+-------------+-------------|\n| 12.2SW     | Not         |             |\n|            | Vulnerable  |             |\n|------------+-------------+-------------|\n| 12.2SX     | Not         |             |\n|            | Vulnerable  |             |\n|------------+-------------+-------------|\n| 12.2SXA    | Not         |             |\n|            | Vulnerable  |             |\n|------------+-------------+-------------|\n| 12.2SXB    | Not         |             |\n|            | Vulnerable  |             |\n|------------+-------------+-------------|\n| 12.2SXD    | Not         |             |\n|            | Vulnerable  |             |\n|------------+-------------+-------------|\n| 12.2SXE    | Not         |             |\n|            | Vulnerable  |             |\n|------------+-------------+-------------|\n| 12.2SXF    | Not         |             |\n|            | Vulnerable  |             |\n|------------+-------------+-------------|\n| 12.2SXH    | Not         |             |\n|            | Vulnerable  |             |\n|------------+-------------+-------------|\n| 12.2SXI    | Not         |             |\n|            | Vulnerable  |             |\n|------------+-------------+-------------|\n| 12.2SY     | Not         |             |\n|            | Vulnerable  |             |\n|------------+-------------+-------------|\n| 12.2SZ     | Not         |             |\n|            | Vulnerable  |             |\n|------------+-------------+-------------|\n|            | Vulnerable; | 12.4(19a)   |\n| 12.2T      | first fixed |             |\n|            | in 12.4     | 12.4(19b)   |\n|------------+-------------+-------------|\n|            | Releases    |             |\n|            | prior to    |             |\n|            | 12.2(8)     |             |\n|            | TPC10d are  |             |\n|            | vulnerable, |             |\n| 12.2TPC    | release     |             |\n|            | 12.2(8)     |             |\n|            | TPC10d and  |             |\n|            | later are   |             |\n|            | not         |             |\n|            | vulnerable; |             |\n|------------+-------------+-------------|\n| 12.2UZ     | Not         |             |\n|            | Vulnerable  |             |\n|------------+-------------+-------------|\n| 12.2XA     | Not         |             |\n|            | Vulnerable  |             |\n|------------+-------------+-------------|\n|            | Vulnerable; | 12.4(19a)   |\n| 12.2XB     | first fixed |             |\n|            | in 12.4     | 12.4(19b)   |\n|------------+-------------+-------------|\n|            | Vulnerable; | 12.4(19a)   |\n| 12.2XC     | first fixed |             |\n|            | in 12.4     | 12.4(19b)   |\n|------------+-------------+-------------|\n| 12.2XD     | Not         |             |\n|            | Vulnerable  |             |\n|------------+-------------+-------------|\n| 12.2XE     | Not         |             |\n|            | Vulnerable  |             |\n|------------+-------------+-------------|\n| 12.2XF     | Not         |             |\n|            | Vulnerable  |             |\n|------------+-------------+-------------|\n|            | Vulnerable; | 12.4(19a)   |\n| 12.2XG     | first fixed |             |\n|            | in 12.4     | 12.4(19b)   |\n|------------+-------------+-------------|\n| 12.2XH     | Not         |             |\n|            | Vulnerable  |             |\n|------------+-------------+-------------|\n| 12.2XI     | Not         |             |\n|            | Vulnerable  |             |\n|------------+-------------+-------------|\n| 12.2XJ     | Not         |             |\n|            | Vulnerable  |             |\n|------------+-------------+-------------|\n|            | Vulnerable; | 12.4(19a)   |\n| 12.2XK     | first fixed |             |\n|            | in 12.4     | 12.4(19b)   |\n|------------+-------------+-------------|\n|            | Vulnerable; | 12.4(19a)   |\n| 12.2XL     | first fixed |             |\n|            | in 12.4     | 12.4(19b)   |\n|------------+-------------+-------------|\n| 12.2XM     | Not         |             |\n|            | Vulnerable  |             |\n|------------+-------------+-------------|\n| 12.2XN     | Not         |             |\n|            | Vulnerable  |             |\n|------------+-------------+-------------|\n| 12.2XNA    | Not         |             |\n|            | Vulnerable  |             |\n|------------+-------------+-------------|\n| 12.2XO     | Not         |             |\n|            | Vulnerable  |             |\n|------------+-------------+-------------|\n| 12.2XQ     | Not         |             |\n|            | Vulnerable  |             |\n|------------+-------------+-------------|\n| 12.2XR     | Not         |             |\n|            | Vulnerable  |             |\n|------------+-------------+-------------|\n| 12.2XS     | Not         |             |\n|            | Vulnerable  |             |\n|------------+-------------+-------------|\n|            | Vulnerable; | 12.4(19a)   |\n| 12.2XT     | first fixed |             |\n|            | in 12.4     | 12.4(19b)   |\n|------------+-------------+-------------|\n|            | Vulnerable; | 12.4(19a)   |\n| 12.2XU     | first fixed |             |\n|            | in 12.4     | 12.4(19b)   |\n|------------+-------------+-------------|\n| 12.2XV     | Not         |             |\n|            | Vulnerable  |             |\n|------------+-------------+-------------|\n| 12.2XW     | Not         |             |\n|            | Vulnerable  |             |\n|------------+-------------+-------------|\n| 12.2YA     | Not         |             |\n|            | Vulnerable  |             |\n|------------+-------------+-------------|\n| 12.2YB     | Not         |             |\n|            | Vulnerable  |             |\n|------------+-------------+-------------|\n| 12.2YC     | Not         |             |\n|            | Vulnerable  |             |\n|------------+-------------+-------------|\n| 12.2YD     | Not         |             |\n|            | Vulnerable  |             |\n|------------+-------------+-------------|\n| 12.2YE     | Not         |             |\n|            | Vulnerable  |             |\n|------------+-------------+-------------|\n| 12.2YF     | Not         |             |\n|            | Vulnerable  |             |\n|------------+-------------+-------------|\n| 12.2YG     | Not         |             |\n|            | Vulnerable  |             |\n|------------+-------------+-------------|\n| 12.2YH     | Not         |             |\n|            | Vulnerable  |             |\n|------------+-------------+-------------|\n|            | Vulnerable; | 12.4(19a)   |\n| 12.2YJ     | first fixed |             |\n|            | in 12.4     | 12.4(19b)   |\n|------------+-------------+-------------|\n| 12.2YK     | Not         |             |\n|            | Vulnerable  |             |\n|------------+-------------+-------------|\n|            | Vulnerable; | 12.4(19a)   |\n| 12.2YL     | first fixed |             |\n|            | in 12.4     | 12.4(19b)   |\n|------------+-------------+-------------|\n|            | Vulnerable; | 12.4(19a)   |\n| 12.2YM     | first fixed |             |\n|            | in 12.4     | 12.4(19b)   |\n|------------+-------------+-------------|\n|            | Vulnerable; | 12.4(19a)   |\n| 12.2YN     | first fixed |             |\n|            | in 12.4     | 12.4(19b)   |\n|------------+-------------+-------------|\n|            | Vulnerable; | 12.2(18)    |\n|            | migrate to  | SXF15;      |\n| 12.2YO     | any release | Available   |\n|            | in 12.2SY   | on          |\n|            |             | 08-AUG-08   |\n|------------+-------------+-------------|\n| 12.2YP     | Not         |             |\n|            | Vulnerable  |             |\n|------------+-------------+-------------|\n| 12.2YQ     | Not         |             |\n|            | Vulnerable  |             |\n|------------+-------------+-------------|\n| 12.2YR     | Not         |             |\n|            | Vulnerable  |             |\n|------------+-------------+-------------|\n| 12.2YS     | Not         |             |\n|            | Vulnerable  |             |\n|------------+-------------+-------------|\n|            | Vulnerable; | 12.4(19a)   |\n| 12.2YT     | first fixed |             |\n|            | in 12.4     | 12.4(19b)   |\n|------------+-------------+-------------|\n|            | Vulnerable; | 12.4(19a)   |\n| 12.2YU     | first fixed |             |\n|            | in 12.4     | 12.4(19b)   |\n|------------+-------------+-------------|\n|            | Vulnerable; | 12.4(19a)   |\n| 12.2YV     | first fixed |             |\n|            | in 12.4     | 12.4(19b)   |\n|------------+-------------+-------------|\n| 12.2YW     | Not         |             |\n|            | Vulnerable  |             |\n|------------+-------------+-------------|\n| 12.2YX     | Not         |             |\n|            | Vulnerable  |             |\n|------------+-------------+-------------|\n| 12.2YY     | Not         |             |\n|            | Vulnerable  |             |\n|------------+-------------+-------------|\n| 12.2YZ     | Not         |             |\n|            | Vulnerable  |             |\n|------------+-------------+-------------|\n| 12.2ZA     | Not         |             |\n|            | Vulnerable  |             |\n|------------+-------------+-------------|\n|            | Vulnerable; | 12.4(19a)   |\n| 12.2ZB     | first fixed |             |\n|            | in 12.4     | 12.4(19b)   |\n|------------+-------------+-------------|\n| 12.2ZC     | Not         |             |\n|            | Vulnerable  |             |\n|------------+-------------+-------------|\n| 12.2ZD     | Vulnerable; |             |\n|            | contact TAC |             |\n|------------+-------------+-------------|\n|            | Vulnerable; | 12.4(19a)   |\n| 12.2ZE     | first fixed |             |\n|            | in 12.4     | 12.4(19b)   |\n|------------+-------------+-------------|\n|            | Vulnerable; | 12.4(19a)   |\n| 12.2ZF     | first fixed |             |\n|            | in 12.4     | 12.4(19b)   |\n|------------+-------------+-------------|\n|            |             | 12.4(19a)   |\n|            |             |             |\n|            | Vulnerable; | 12.4(19b)   |\n| 12.2ZG     | first fixed |             |\n|            | in 12.4T    | 12.4(20)T;  |\n|            |             | Available   |\n|            |             | on          |\n|            |             | 11-JUL-08   |\n|------------+-------------+-------------|\n|            |             | 12.4(19a)   |\n|            |             |             |\n|            | Vulnerable; | 12.4(19b)   |\n| 12.2ZH     | first fixed |             |\n|            | in 12.4     | 12.4(20)T;  |\n|            |             | Available   |\n|            |             | on          |\n|            |             | 11-JUL-08   |\n|------------+-------------+-------------|\n|            | Vulnerable; | 12.4(19a)   |\n| 12.2ZJ     | first fixed |             |\n|            | in 12.4     | 12.4(19b)   |\n|------------+-------------+-------------|\n|            |             | 12.4(19a)   |\n|            |             |             |\n|            | Vulnerable; | 12.4(19b)   |\n| 12.2ZL     | first fixed |             |\n|            | in 12.4     | 12.4(20)T;  |\n|            |             | Available   |\n|            |             | on          |\n|            |             | 11-JUL-08   |\n|------------+-------------+-------------|\n| 12.2ZP     | Not         |             |\n|            | Vulnerable  |             |\n|------------+-------------+-------------|\n| 12.2ZU     | Not         |             |\n|            | Vulnerable  |             |\n|------------+-------------+-------------|\n| 12.2ZY     | Not         |             |\n|            | Vulnerable  |             |\n|------------+-------------+-------------|\n| 12.2ZYA    | Not         |             |\n|            | Vulnerable  |             |\n|------------+-------------+-------------|\n|  Affected  | First Fixed | Recommended |\n| 12.3-Based |   Release   |   Release   |\n|  Releases  |             |             |\n|------------+-------------+-------------|\n|            | Vulnerable; | 12.4(19a)   |\n| 12.3       | first fixed |             |\n|            | in 12.4     | 12.4(19b)   |\n|------------+-------------+-------------|\n|            | Vulnerable; | 12.4(19a)   |\n| 12.3B      | first fixed |             |\n|            | in 12.4     | 12.4(19b)   |\n|------------+-------------+-------------|\n| 12.3BC     | Not         |             |\n|            | Vulnerable  |             |\n|------------+-------------+-------------|\n|            | Vulnerable; | 12.4(19a)   |\n| 12.3BW     | first fixed |             |\n|            | in 12.4     | 12.4(19b)   |\n|------------+-------------+-------------|\n| 12.3EU     | Not         |             |\n|            | Vulnerable  |             |\n|------------+-------------+-------------|\n| 12.3JA     | Not         |             |\n|            | Vulnerable  |             |\n|------------+-------------+-------------|\n| 12.3JEA    | Not         |             |\n|            | Vulnerable  |             |\n|------------+-------------+-------------|\n| 12.3JEB    | Not         |             |\n|            | Vulnerable  |             |\n|------------+-------------+-------------|\n| 12.3JEC    | Not         |             |\n|            | Vulnerable  |             |\n|------------+-------------+-------------|\n| 12.3JK     | Not         |             |\n|            | Vulnerable  |             |\n|------------+-------------+-------------|\n| 12.3JL     | Not         |             |\n|            | Vulnerable  |             |\n|------------+-------------+-------------|\n| 12.3JX     | Not         |             |\n|            | Vulnerable  |             |\n|------------+-------------+-------------|\n|            | Vulnerable; | 12.4(19a)   |\n| 12.3T      | first fixed |             |\n|            | in 12.4     | 12.4(19b)   |\n|------------+-------------+-------------|\n| 12.3TPC    | Vulnerable; |             |\n|            | contact TAC |             |\n|------------+-------------+-------------|\n| 12.3VA     | Vulnerable; |             |\n|            | contact TAC |             |\n|------------+-------------+-------------|\n|            |             | 12.4(19a)   |\n|            |             |             |\n|            | Vulnerable; | 12.4(19b)   |\n| 12.3XA     | first fixed |             |\n|            | in 12.4     | 12.4(20)T;  |\n|            |             | Available   |\n|            |             | on          |\n|            |             | 11-JUL-08   |\n|------------+-------------+-------------|\n|            | Vulnerable; | 12.4(19a)   |\n| 12.3XB     | first fixed |             |\n|            | in 12.4     | 12.4(19b)   |\n|------------+-------------+-------------|\n|            |             | 12.4(19a)   |\n|            |             |             |\n|            | Vulnerable; | 12.4(19b)   |\n| 12.3XC     | first fixed |             |\n|            | in 12.4     | 12.4(20)T;  |\n|            |             | Available   |\n|            |             | on          |\n|            |             | 11-JUL-08   |\n|------------+-------------+-------------|\n|            | Vulnerable; | 12.4(19a)   |\n| 12.3XD     | first fixed |             |\n|            | in 12.4     | 12.4(19b)   |\n|------------+-------------+-------------|\n|            |             | 12.4(19a)   |\n|            |             |             |\n|            | Vulnerable; | 12.4(19b)   |\n| 12.3XE     | first fixed |             |\n|            | in 12.4     | 12.4(20)T;  |\n|            |             | Available   |\n|            |             | on          |\n|            |             | 11-JUL-08   |\n|------------+-------------+-------------|\n|            | Vulnerable; | 12.4(19a)   |\n| 12.3XF     | first fixed |             |\n|            | in 12.4     | 12.4(19b)   |\n|------------+-------------+-------------|\n|            |             | 12.4(19a)   |\n|            |             |             |\n|            | Vulnerable; | 12.4(19b)   |\n| 12.3XG     | first fixed |             |\n|            | in 12.4T    | 12.4(20)T;  |\n|            |             | Available   |\n|            |             | on          |\n|            |             | 11-JUL-08   |\n|------------+-------------+-------------|\n|            | Vulnerable; | 12.4(19a)   |\n| 12.3XH     | first fixed |             |\n|            | in 12.4     | 12.4(19b)   |\n|------------+-------------+-------------|\n| 12.3XI     | Vulnerable; |             |\n|            | contact TAC |             |\n|------------+-------------+-------------|\n|            |             | 12.3(14)    |\n|            |             | YX12        |\n|            | Vulnerable; |             |\n| 12.3XJ     | first fixed | 12.4(20)T;  |\n|            | in 12.3YX   | Available   |\n|            |             | on          |\n|            |             | 11-JUL-08   |\n|------------+-------------+-------------|\n|            | Vulnerable; | 12.4(19a)   |\n| 12.3XK     | first fixed |             |\n|            | in 12.4     | 12.4(19b)   |\n|------------+-------------+-------------|\n|            | Vulnerable; | 12.4(19a)   |\n| 12.3XQ     | first fixed |             |\n|            | in 12.4     | 12.4(19b)   |\n|------------+-------------+-------------|\n|            |             | 12.4(19a)   |\n|            |             |             |\n|            | Vulnerable; | 12.4(19b)   |\n| 12.3XR     | first fixed |             |\n|            | in 12.4     | 12.4(20)T;  |\n|            |             | Available   |\n|            |             | on          |\n|            |             | 11-JUL-08   |\n|------------+-------------+-------------|\n|            | Vulnerable; | 12.4(19a)   |\n| 12.3XS     | first fixed |             |\n|            | in 12.4     | 12.4(19b)   |\n|------------+-------------+-------------|\n| 12.3XU     | Not         |             |\n|            | Vulnerable  |             |\n|------------+-------------+-------------|\n|            |             | 12.3(14)    |\n|            |             | YX12        |\n|            | Vulnerable; |             |\n| 12.3XW     | first fixed | 12.4(20)T;  |\n|            | in 12.3YX   | Available   |\n|            |             | on          |\n|            |             | 11-JUL-08   |\n|------------+-------------+-------------|\n| 12.3XY     | Not         |             |\n|            | Vulnerable  |             |\n|------------+-------------+-------------|\n|            |             | 12.4(19a)   |\n|            |             |             |\n|            | Vulnerable; | 12.4(19b)   |\n| 12.3YA     | first fixed |             |\n|            | in 12.4     | 12.4(20)T;  |\n|            |             | Available   |\n|            |             | on          |\n|            |             | 11-JUL-08   |\n|------------+-------------+-------------|\n|            | Vulnerable; | 12.4(20)T;  |\n| 12.3YD     | first fixed | Available   |\n|            | in 12.4T    | on          |\n|            |             | 11-JUL-08   |\n|------------+-------------+-------------|\n|            |             | 12.3(14)    |\n|            |             | YX12        |\n|            | Vulnerable; |             |\n| 12.3YF     | first fixed | 12.4(20)T;  |\n|            | in 12.3YX   | Available   |\n|            |             | on          |\n|            |             | 11-JUL-08   |\n|------------+-------------+-------------|\n|            | Vulnerable; | 12.4(20)T;  |\n| 12.3YG     | first fixed | Available   |\n|            | in 12.4T    | on          |\n|            |             | 11-JUL-08   |\n|------------+-------------+-------------|\n|            | Vulnerable; | 12.4(20)T;  |\n| 12.3YH     | first fixed | Available   |\n|            | in 12.4T    | on          |\n|            |             | 11-JUL-08   |\n|------------+-------------+-------------|\n|            | Vulnerable; | 12.4(20)T;  |\n| 12.3YI     | first fixed | Available   |\n|            | in 12.4T    | on          |\n|            |             | 11-JUL-08   |\n|------------+-------------+-------------|\n| 12.3YJ     | Not         |             |\n|            | Vulnerable  |             |\n|------------+-------------+-------------|\n|            | Vulnerable; | 12.4(20)T;  |\n| 12.3YK     | first fixed | Available   |\n|            | in 12.4T    | on          |\n|            |             | 11-JUL-08   |\n|------------+-------------+-------------|\n|            | Releases    |             |\n|            | prior to    |             |\n|            | 12.3(14)    |             |\n|            | YM12 are    |             |\n|            | vulnerable, | 12.3(14)    |\n| 12.3YM     | release     | YM12        |\n|            | 12.3(14)    |             |\n|            | YM12 and    |             |\n|            | later are   |             |\n|            | not         |             |\n|            | vulnerable; |             |\n|------------+-------------+-------------|\n| 12.3YQ     | Not         |             |\n|            | Vulnerable  |             |\n|------------+-------------+-------------|\n|            | Vulnerable; | 12.4(20)T;  |\n| 12.3YS     | first fixed | Available   |\n|            | in 12.4T    | on          |\n|            |             | 11-JUL-08   |\n|------------+-------------+-------------|\n|            | Vulnerable; | 12.4(20)T;  |\n| 12.3YT     | first fixed | Available   |\n|            | in 12.4T    | on          |\n|            |             | 11-JUL-08   |\n|------------+-------------+-------------|\n|            | Vulnerable; |             |\n| 12.3YU     | first fixed |             |\n|            | in 12.4XB   |             |\n|------------+-------------+-------------|\n| 12.3YX     | 12.3(14)    | 12.3(14)    |\n|            | YX12        | YX12        |\n|------------+-------------+-------------|\n| 12.3YZ     | Vulnerable; |             |\n|            | contact TAC |             |\n|------------+-------------+-------------|\n|  Affected  | First Fixed | Recommended |\n| 12.4-Based |   Release   |   Release   |\n|  Releases  |             |             |\n|------------+-------------+-------------|\n|            | 12.4(18b)   |             |\n|            |             |             |\n|            | 12.4(19a)   | 12.4(19a)   |\n| 12.4       |             |             |\n|            | 12.4(19b)   | 12.4(19b)   |\n|            |             |             |\n|            | 12.4(21)    |             |\n|------------+-------------+-------------|\n| 12.4JA     | Not         |             |\n|            | Vulnerable  |             |\n|------------+-------------+-------------|\n| 12.4JK     | Not         |             |\n|            | Vulnerable  |             |\n|------------+-------------+-------------|\n| 12.4JMA    | Not         |             |\n|            | Vulnerable  |             |\n|------------+-------------+-------------|\n| 12.4JMB    | Not         |             |\n|            | Vulnerable  |             |\n|------------+-------------+-------------|\n| 12.4JMC    | Not         |             |\n|            | Vulnerable  |             |\n|------------+-------------+-------------|\n| 12.4JX     | Not         |             |\n|            | Vulnerable  |             |\n|------------+-------------+-------------|\n| 12.4MD     | 12.4(15)MD  | 12.4(15)MD  |\n|------------+-------------+-------------|\n| 12.4MR     | 12.4(19)MR  | 12.4(19)MR  |\n|------------+-------------+-------------|\n| 12.4SW     | Vulnerable; |             |\n|            | contact TAC |             |\n|------------+-------------+-------------|\n|            | 12.4(15)T6  |             |\n|            |             | 12.4(20)T;  |\n| 12.4T      | 12.4(20)T;  | Available   |\n|            | Available   | on          |\n|            | on          | 11-JUL-08   |\n|            | 11-JUL-08   |             |\n|------------+-------------+-------------|\n|            | Vulnerable; | 12.4(20)T;  |\n| 12.4XA     | first fixed | Available   |\n|            | in 12.4T    | on          |\n|            |             | 11-JUL-08   |\n|------------+-------------+-------------|\n| 12.4XB     | 12.4(2)XB10 |             |\n|------------+-------------+-------------|\n| 12.4XC     | Vulnerable; |             |\n|            | contact TAC |             |\n|------------+-------------+-------------|\n|            | 12.4(4)     | 12.4(20)T;  |\n|            | XD11;       | Available   |\n| 12.4XD     | Available   | on          |\n|            | on          | 11-JUL-08   |\n|            | 31-JUL-08   |             |\n|------------+-------------+-------------|\n|            | Vulnerable; | 12.4(20)T;  |\n| 12.4XE     | first fixed | Available   |\n|            | in 12.4T    | on          |\n|            |             | 11-JUL-08   |\n|------------+-------------+-------------|\n| 12.4XF     | Not         |             |\n|            | Vulnerable  |             |\n|------------+-------------+-------------|\n| 12.4XG     | Not         |             |\n|            | Vulnerable  |             |\n|------------+-------------+-------------|\n|            | Vulnerable; | 12.4(20)T;  |\n| 12.4XJ     | first fixed | Available   |\n|            | in 12.4T    | on          |\n|            |             | 11-JUL-08   |\n|------------+-------------+-------------|\n| 12.4XK     | Not         |             |\n|            | Vulnerable  |             |\n|------------+-------------+-------------|\n| 12.4XL     | 12.4(15)XL2 | 12.4(15)XL2 |\n|------------+-------------+-------------|\n| 12.4XM     | 12.4(15)XM1 | 12.4(15)XM1 |\n|------------+-------------+-------------|\n| 12.4XN     | Vulnerable; |             |\n|            | contact TAC |             |\n|------------+-------------+-------------|\n| 12.4XQ     | Vulnerable; |             |\n|            | contact TAC |             |\n|------------+-------------+-------------|\n| 12.4XT     | Vulnerable; |             |\n|            | contact TAC |             |\n|------------+-------------+-------------|\n| 12.4XV     | Vulnerable; |             |\n|            | contact TAC |             |\n|------------+-------------+-------------|\n| 12.4XW     | 12.4(11)XW8 | 12.4(11)XW6 |\n|------------+-------------+-------------|\n| 12.4XY     | 12.4(15)XY3 |             |\n|------------+-------------+-------------|\n|            | Vulnerable; | 12.4(20)T;  |\n| 12.4XZ     | first fixed | Available   |\n|            | in 12.4T    | on          |\n|            |             | 11-JUL-08   |\n+----------------------------------------+\n\nCisco Network Registrar\n+----------------------\n\n+---------------------------------------+\n|   Affected   |                        |\n|   Release    |  First Fixed Release   |\n|    Train     |                        |\n|--------------+------------------------|\n| 6.1.x        | Contact TAC            |\n|--------------+------------------------|\n|              | patch;         |\n| 6.3.x        | available mid-July     |\n|              | 2008                   |\n|--------------+------------------------|\n| 7.0.x        | 7.0.1; available in    |\n|              | mid-July 2008          |\n+---------------------------------------+\n\nCisco Network Registrar software is available for download at:\n\n\n\nCisco Application and Content Networking System\n+----------------------------------------------\n\nThis issue is fixed in version 5.5.11 of Cisco ACNS software. This\nrelease will be available for download from in late July\n2008. \n\nCisco ACNS 5.5 software is available for download at:\n\n\n\nWorkarounds\n===========\n\nThere are no workarounds. \n\nAdditional information about identification and mitigation of attacks\nagainst DNS is in the Cisco Applied Intelligence white paper \"DNS Best\nPractices, Network Protections, and Attack Identification,\" available at\n \n\nObtaining Fixed Software\n========================\n\nCisco has released free software updates that address these\nvulnerabilities. Prior to deploying software, customers should consult\ntheir maintenance provider or check the software for feature set\ncompatibility and known issues specific to their environment. \n\nCustomers may only install and expect support for the feature sets\nthey have purchased. By installing, downloading, accessing or\notherwise using such software upgrades, customers agree to be bound\nby the terms of Cisco\u0027s software license terms found at\n,\nor as otherwise set forth at Downloads at\n \n\nDo not contact or for software\nupgrades. \n\nCustomers with Service Contracts\n+-------------------------------\n\nCustomers with contracts should obtain upgraded software through their\nregular update channels. For most customers, this means that upgrades\nshould be obtained through the Software Center on Cisco\u0027s worldwide\nwebsite at \n\nCustomers using Third Party Support Organizations\n+------------------------------------------------\n\nCustomers whose Cisco products are provided or maintained through prior\nor existing agreements with third-party support organizations, such\nas Cisco Partners, authorized resellers, or service providers should\ncontact that support organization for guidance and assistance with the\nappropriate course of action in regards to this advisory. \n\nThe effectiveness of any workaround or fix is dependent on specific\ncustomer situations, such as product mix, network topology, traffic\nbehavior, and organizational mission. Due to the variety of affected\nproducts and releases, customers should consult with their service\nprovider or support organization to ensure any applied workaround or fix\nis the most appropriate for use in the intended network before it is\ndeployed. \n\nCustomers without Service Contracts\n+----------------------------------\n\nCustomers who purchase direct from Cisco but do not hold a Cisco service\ncontract, and customers who purchase through third-party vendors but are\nunsuccessful in obtaining fixed software through their point of sale\nshould acquire upgrades by contacting the Cisco Technical Assistance\nCenter (TAC). TAC contacts are as follows. \n\n  * +1 800 553 2447 (toll free from within North America)\n  * +1 408 526 7209 (toll call from anywhere in the world)\n  * e-mail:\n\nCustomers should have their product serial number available and be\nprepared to give the URL of this notice as evidence of entitlement to a\nfree upgrade. Free upgrades for non-contract customers must be requested\nthrough the TAC. \n\nRefer to\nfor additional TAC contact information, including localized telephone\nnumbers, and instructions and e-mail addresses for use in various\nlanguages. \n\nExploitation and Public Announcements\n=====================================\n\nThe Cisco PSIRT is not aware of any public announcements or malicious\nuse of the vulnerability described in this advisory. Cisco would like to\nthank Dan Kaminsky for notifying vendors about his findings. \n\nNote that vulnerability information for Cisco IOS Software is being\nprovided in this advisory outside of the announced publication schedule\nfor Cisco IOS Software described at due to\nindustry-wide disclosure of the vulnerability. \n\nStatus of this Notice: FINAL\n============================\n\nTHIS DOCUMENT IS PROVIDED ON AN \"AS IS\" BASIS AND DOES NOT IMPLY\nANY KIND OF GUARANTEE OR WARRANTY, INCLUDING THE WARRANTIES OF\nMERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR USE. YOUR USE OF THE\nINFORMATION ON THE DOCUMENT OR MATERIALS LINKED FROM THE DOCUMENT IS\nAT YOUR OWN RISK. CISCO RESERVES THE RIGHT TO CHANGE OR UPDATE THIS\nDOCUMENT AT ANY TIME. \n\nA stand-alone copy or Paraphrase of the text of this document that omits\nthe distribution URL in the following section is an uncontrolled copy,\nand may lack important information or contain factual errors. \n\nDistribution\n============\n\nThis advisory is posted on Cisco\u0027s worldwide website at\n\n\n\nIn addition to worldwide web posting, a text version of this notice is\nclear-signed with the Cisco PSIRT PGP key and is posted to the following\ne-mail and Usenet news recipients. \n\n  *\n  *\n  *\n  *\n  *\n  *\n  *\n  *\n\nFuture updates of this advisory, if any, will be placed on Cisco\u0027s\nworldwide website, but may or may not be actively announced on mailing\nlists or newsgroups. Users concerned about this problem are encouraged\nto check the above URL for any updates. \n\nRevision History\n================\n\n+-----------------------------------------------------------+\n| Revision 1.0  | 2008-July-08  | Initial public release    |\n+-----------------------------------------------------------+\n\nCisco Security Procedures\n=========================\n\nComplete information on reporting security vulnerabilities in\nCisco products, obtaining assistance with security incidents, and\nregistering to receive security information from Cisco, is available\non Cisco\u0027s worldwide website at\n \nThis includes instructions for press inquiries regarding Cisco security\nnotices. All Cisco security advisories are available at\n \n\n+--------------------------------------------------------------------\nCopyright 2007-2008 Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. \n+--------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nUpdated: Jul 08, 2008                             Document ID: 107064\n\n+--------------------------------------------------------------------\n\n-----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE-----\nVersion: GnuPG v1.4.9 (GNU/Linux)\n\niEYEARECAAYFAkhztUIACgkQ86n/Gc8U/uCAgACfVRRoJO4w4defnpwbNlfgBm4t\n2SMAnjKCKECHtsjN9umqqPrPd2DW4IcC\n=XGZw\n-----END PGP SIGNATURE-----\n.  This could be used to misdirect users and services;\n i.e. for web and email traffic (CVE-2008-1447). \n \n This update provides the latest stable BIND releases for all platforms\n except Corporate Server/Desktop 3.0 and MNF2, which have been patched\n to correct the issue. \n _______________________________________________________________________\n\n References:\n \n\n _______________________________________________________________________\n \n Updated Packages:\n \n Mandriva Linux 2007.1:\n 73cc24fc9586b7ab290d755012c16a79  2007.1/i586/bind-9.4.2-0.1mdv2007.1.i586.rpm\n 70867c50cfd64b4406aa002d627d740b  2007.1/i586/bind-devel-9.4.2-0.1mdv2007.1.i586.rpm\n 3603e9d9115466753397a1f472011703  2007.1/i586/bind-utils-9.4.2-0.1mdv2007.1.i586.rpm \n cf5e4100ecb21a4eb603831e5a6ec23d  2007.1/SRPMS/bind-9.4.2-0.1mdv2007.1.src.rpm\n\n Mandriva Linux 2007.1/X86_64:\n 4eb7ce0984d3ce3befff667392e3bf3e  2007.1/x86_64/bind-9.4.2-0.1mdv2007.1.x86_64.rpm\n d7b9a9e7d4c52a5b0c54f59ca20bf2d5  2007.1/x86_64/bind-devel-9.4.2-0.1mdv2007.1.x86_64.rpm\n c5c66c9609615029d2f07f7b09a63118  2007.1/x86_64/bind-utils-9.4.2-0.1mdv2007.1.x86_64.rpm \n cf5e4100ecb21a4eb603831e5a6ec23d  2007.1/SRPMS/bind-9.4.2-0.1mdv2007.1.src.rpm\n\n Mandriva Linux 2008.0:\n 52dfe3970fcd9495b2bb9379a9312b25  2008.0/i586/bind-9.4.2-1mdv2008.0.i586.rpm\n 97d20d35b6814aa2f9fab549ca6237c0  2008.0/i586/bind-devel-9.4.2-1mdv2008.0.i586.rpm\n 87a7bb3dd25abd8cd882a8f2fdc2398e  2008.0/i586/bind-utils-9.4.2-1mdv2008.0.i586.rpm \n da4444a8074e6ede39dfa557fb258db7  2008.0/SRPMS/bind-9.4.2-1mdv2008.0.src.rpm\n\n Mandriva Linux 2008.0/X86_64:\n b9d0337363bc1e2b14505f25d4ee5f99  2008.0/x86_64/bind-9.4.2-1mdv2008.0.x86_64.rpm\n 9b75e2a96784c00c2912bc3bf333d089  2008.0/x86_64/bind-devel-9.4.2-1mdv2008.0.x86_64.rpm\n 0a593b090d9e6bda3666e234056e19ba  2008.0/x86_64/bind-utils-9.4.2-1mdv2008.0.x86_64.rpm \n da4444a8074e6ede39dfa557fb258db7  2008.0/SRPMS/bind-9.4.2-1mdv2008.0.src.rpm\n\n Mandriva Linux 2008.1:\n 2534ef007262d4ea2d219bab0190466c  2008.1/i586/bind-9.5.0-3mdv2008.1.i586.rpm\n c3feee5d05aa3aee14cd70a2d295d0b1  2008.1/i586/bind-devel-9.5.0-3mdv2008.1.i586.rpm\n f306c06665b723a2530258e6d1dbdae2  2008.1/i586/bind-doc-9.5.0-3mdv2008.1.i586.rpm\n 967ef80628f92160930bc3a3827a216e  2008.1/i586/bind-utils-9.5.0-3mdv2008.1.i586.rpm \n 70fc7a7964944a2926979710c5148ed1  2008.1/SRPMS/bind-9.5.0-3mdv2008.1.src.rpm\n\n Mandriva Linux 2008.1/X86_64:\n 3f4d96d7a7f913c141e1f63cdc7e7336  2008.1/x86_64/bind-9.5.0-3mdv2008.1.x86_64.rpm\n 420db658366763686198f41394aa72b3  2008.1/x86_64/bind-devel-9.5.0-3mdv2008.1.x86_64.rpm\n 6f3674f68311494c5a9ff0dbce831e82  2008.1/x86_64/bind-doc-9.5.0-3mdv2008.1.x86_64.rpm\n 4294b3a086b89bf53c5c967c17962447  2008.1/x86_64/bind-utils-9.5.0-3mdv2008.1.x86_64.rpm \n 70fc7a7964944a2926979710c5148ed1  2008.1/SRPMS/bind-9.5.0-3mdv2008.1.src.rpm\n\n Corporate 3.0:\n de2a4372d1c25d73f343c9fcb044c9dd  corporate/3.0/i586/bind-9.2.3-6.5.C30mdk.i586.rpm\n 1f24f6dbdb6c02e21cbbef99555049cb  corporate/3.0/i586/bind-devel-9.2.3-6.5.C30mdk.i586.rpm\n 00405b98290d5a41f226081baa57e18d  corporate/3.0/i586/bind-utils-9.2.3-6.5.C30mdk.i586.rpm \n 6a237dc290f4f7c463b1996e6a4a4515  corporate/3.0/SRPMS/bind-9.2.3-6.5.C30mdk.src.rpm\n\n Corporate 3.0/X86_64:\n 628162f3d6a414828d2231fefc46842b  corporate/3.0/x86_64/bind-9.2.3-6.5.C30mdk.x86_64.rpm\n dd29ff31a9cffcc1b20fd045869d7013  corporate/3.0/x86_64/bind-devel-9.2.3-6.5.C30mdk.x86_64.rpm\n c475c1a4d048e04da1fc27dcbb17c3f3  corporate/3.0/x86_64/bind-utils-9.2.3-6.5.C30mdk.x86_64.rpm \n 6a237dc290f4f7c463b1996e6a4a4515  corporate/3.0/SRPMS/bind-9.2.3-6.5.C30mdk.src.rpm\n\n Corporate 4.0:\n 271ead204904be302d197cd542f5ae23  corporate/4.0/i586/bind-9.3.5-0.4.20060mlcs4.i586.rpm\n 42413dcc1cf053e735216f767eff4e5d  corporate/4.0/i586/bind-devel-9.3.5-0.4.20060mlcs4.i586.rpm\n 0201afe493a41e1deedc9bf7e9725f4a  corporate/4.0/i586/bind-utils-9.3.5-0.4.20060mlcs4.i586.rpm \n 86bc0cdc9ed1b959b6f56e0660268f2e  corporate/4.0/SRPMS/bind-9.3.5-0.4.20060mlcs4.src.rpm\n\n Corporate 4.0/X86_64:\n b1a18a7d0578dab7bd825eda6c682b3d  corporate/4.0/x86_64/bind-9.3.5-0.4.20060mlcs4.x86_64.rpm\n 6a2ebd550feb9147058de05b1a1ef04d  corporate/4.0/x86_64/bind-devel-9.3.5-0.4.20060mlcs4.x86_64.rpm\n 670a1b934ce4974b8505018ab69ade0b  corporate/4.0/x86_64/bind-utils-9.3.5-0.4.20060mlcs4.x86_64.rpm \n 86bc0cdc9ed1b959b6f56e0660268f2e  corporate/4.0/SRPMS/bind-9.3.5-0.4.20060mlcs4.src.rpm\n\n Multi Network Firewall 2.0:\n 5b694c24cc2092e38f531dbfdd5c9d41  mnf/2.0/i586/bind-9.2.3-6.5.C30mdk.i586.rpm\n c08bc805027059c47bed32215f17eacb  mnf/2.0/i586/bind-utils-9.2.3-6.5.C30mdk.i586.rpm \n 39225289516498e1b071c5059306f2b9  mnf/2.0/SRPMS/bind-9.2.3-6.5.C30mdk.src.rpm\n _______________________________________________________________________\n\n To upgrade automatically use MandrivaUpdate or urpmi.  The verification\n of md5 checksums and GPG signatures is performed automatically for you. \n\n All packages are signed by Mandriva for security.  You can obtain the\n GPG public key of the Mandriva Security Team by executing:\n\n  gpg --recv-keys --keyserver 0x22458A98\n\n You can view other update advisories for Mandriva Linux at:\n\n\n\n If you want to report vulnerabilities, please contact\n\n  security_(at)\n _______________________________________________________________________\n\n Type Bits/KeyID     Date       User ID\n pub  1024D/22458A98 2000-07-10 Mandriva Security Team\n  \u003csecurity*\u003e\n-----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE-----\nVersion: GnuPG v1.4.9 (GNU/Linux)\n\niD8DBQFIdPwTmqjQ0CJFipgRAm9AAJ9/UOAuOWDL1KgnMNGM/224QGUNQgCfW+G9\nJ7qxrU208lhOcIjhtq8FWX8=\n=91dV\n-----END PGP SIGNATURE-----\n\n_______________________________________________\nFull-Disclosure - We believe in it. In IP NAT filtering in Sun Solaris 10 and OpenSolaris series products, when a DNS server runs NAT, it incorrectly changes the original address of the data packet. When the destination address is a DNS port, it will allow remote attackers to bypass CVE-2008 -1447 security protection. -----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE-----\nHash: SHA256\n\n- ------------------------------------------------------------------------\n                   VMware Security Advisory\n\nAdvisory ID:       VMSA-2008-0014\nSynopsis:          Updates to VMware Workstation, VMware Player,\n                   VMware ACE, VMware Server, VMware ESX address\n                   information disclosure, privilege escalation and\n                   other security issues. \nIssue date:        2008-08-29\nUpdated on:        2008-08-29 (initial release of advisory)\nCVE numbers:       CVE-2008-2101 CVE-2007-5269 CVE-2008-1447\n                   CVE-2008-3691 CVE-2008-3692 CVE-2008-3693\n                   CVE-2008-3694 CVE-2008-3695 CVE-2007-5438\n                   CVE-2008-3696 CVE-2008-3697 CVE-2008-3698\n                   CVE-2008-1806 CVE-2008-1807 CVE-2008-1808\n                   CVE-2007-5503\n- --------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\n1. Summary\n\n      Updates to VMware Workstation, VMware Player, VMware ACE, VMware\n      Server, VMware ESX address information disclosure, privilege\n      escalation and other security issues. \n\n2. Relevant releases\n\n      VMware Workstation 6.0.4 and earlier,\n      VMware Workstation 5.5.7 and earlier,\n      VMware Player 2.0.4 and earlier,\n      VMware Player 1.0.7 and earlier,\n      VMware ACE 2.0.4 and earlier,\n      VMware ACE 1.0.6 and earlier,\n      VMware Server 1.0.6 and earlier,\n\n      VMware ESX 3.0.3 without patches ESX303-200808404-SG, ESX303-200808403-SG\n                                       ESX303-200808406-SG. \n\n\n      VMware ESX 3.0.2 without patches ESX-1005109, ESX-1005113,\n                                       ESX-1005114. \n\n      VMware ESX 3.0.1 without patches ESX-1005108, ESX-1005112,\n                                       ESX-1005111, ESX-1004823,\n                                       ESX-1005117. \n\n      NOTE: Hosted products VMware Workstation 5.x, VMware Player 1.x,\n            and VMware ACE 1.x will reach end of general support\n            2008-11-09. Customers should plan to upgrade to the latest\n            version of their respective products. \n\n            Extended support (Security and Bug fixes) for ESX 3.0.2 ends\n            on 10/29/2008 and Extended support for ESX 3.0.2 Update 1\n            ends on 8/8/2009.  Users should plan to upgrade to ESX 3.0.3\n            and preferably to the newest release available. \n\n            Extended Support (Security and Bug fixes) for ESX 3.0.1 has\n            ended on 2008-07-31. \n\n3. Problem Description\n\n I Security Issues\n\n  a. Setting ActiveX killbit\n\n      Starting from this release, VMware has set the killbit on its\n      ActiveX controls. Setting the killbit ensures that ActiveX\n      controls cannot run in Internet Explorer (IE), and avoids\n      security issues involving ActiveX controls in IE. See the\n      Microsoft KB article 240797 and the related references on this\n      topic. \n\n      Security vulnerabilities have been reported for ActiveX controls\n      provided by VMware when run in IE. Under specific circumstances,\n      exploitation of these ActiveX controls might result in denial-of-\n      service or can allow running of arbitrary code when the user\n      browses a malicious Web site or opens a malicious file in IE\n      browser. An attempt to run unsafe ActiveX controls in IE might\n      result in pop-up windows warning the user. \n\n      Note: IE can be configured to run unsafe ActiveX controls without\n            prompting.  VMware recommends that you retain the default\n            settings in IE, which prompts when unsafe actions are\n            requested. \n\n      Earlier, VMware had issued knowledge base articles, KB 5965318 and\n      KB 9078920 on security issues with ActiveX controls. To avoid\n      malicious scripts that exploit ActiveX controls, do not enable\n      unsafe ActiveX objects in your browser settings. As a best\n      practice, do not browse untrusted Web sites as an administrator\n      and do not click OK or Yes if prompted by IE to allow certain\n      actions. \n\n      VMware would like to thank Julien Bachmann, Shennan Wang, Shinnai,\n      and Michal Bucko for reporting these issues to us. \n\n      VMware         Product   Running  Replace with/\n      Product        Version   on       Apply Patch\n      =============  ========  =======  =================\n      VirtualCenter  any       Windows  not affected\n\n      Workstation    6.x       Windows  6.0.5 build 109488 or later\n      Workstation    6.x       Linux    not affected\n      Workstation    5.x       Windows  5.5.8 build 108000 or later\n      Workstation    5.x       Linux    not affected\n\n      Player         2.x       Windows  2.0.5 build 109488 or later\n      Player         2.x       Linux    not affected\n      Player         1.x       Windows  1.0.8 build  or later\n      Player         1.x       Linux    not affected\n\n      ACE            2.x       Windows  2.0.5 build 109488 or later\n      ACE            1.x       Windows  1.0.7 build 108880 or later\n\n      Server         1.x       Windows  1.0.7 build 108231 or later\n      Server         1.x       Linux    not affected\n\n      Fusion         1.x       Mac OS/X not affected\n\n      ESXi           3.5       ESXi     not affected\n\n      ESX            any       ESX      not affected\n\n\n  b. VMware ISAPI Extension Denial of Service\n\n      The Internet Server Application Programming Interface (ISAPI) is\n      an API that extends the functionality of Internet Information\n      Server (IIS). VMware uses ISAPI extensions in its Server product. \n\n      One of the ISAPI extensions provided by VMware is vulnerable to a\n      remote denial of service. By sending a malformed request, IIS\n      might shut down. IIS 6.0 restarts automatically. However, IIS 5.0\n      does not restart automatically when its Startup Type is set to\n      Manual. \n\n      VMware would like to thank the Juniper Networks J-Security\n      Security Research Team for reporting this issue to us. \n\n      VMware         Product   Running  Replace with/\n      Product        Version   on       Apply Patch\n      =============  ========  =======  =================\n      VirtualCenter  any       Windows  not affected\n\n      Workstation    6.x       Windows  not affected\n      Workstation    6.x       Linux    not affected\n      Workstation    5.x       Windows  not affected\n      Workstation    5.x       Linux    not affected\n\n      Player         2.x       Windows  not affected\n      Player         2.x       Linux    not affected\n      Player         1.x       Windows  not affected\n      Player         1.x       Linux    not affected\n\n      ACE            2.x       Windows  not affected\n      ACE            1.x       Windows  not affected\n\n      Server         1.x       Windows  1.0.7 build 108231 or later\n      Server         1.x       Linux    not affected\n\n      Fusion         1.x       Mac OS/X not affected\n\n      ESXi           3.5       ESXi     not affected\n\n      ESX            any       ESX      not affected\n\n  c. OpenProcess Local Privilege Escalation on Host System\n\n      This release fixes a privilege escalation vulnerability in host\n      systems.  Exploitation of this vulnerability allows users to run\n      arbitrary code on the host system with elevated privileges. \n\n      VMware would like to thank Sun Bing from McAfee, Inc. for\n      reporting this issue to us. \n\n      VMware         Product   Running  Replace with/\n      Product        Version   on       Apply Patch\n      =============  ========  =======  =================\n      VirtualCenter  any       Windows  not affected\n\n      Workstation    6.x       Windows  not affected\n      Workstation    6.x       Linux    not affected\n      Workstation    5.x       Windows  5.5.8 build 108000 or later\n      Workstation    5.x       Linux    not affected\n\n      Player         2.x       Windows  not affected\n      Player         2.x       Linux    not affected\n      Player         1.x       Windows  1.0.8 build 109488 or later\n      Player         1.x       Linux    not affected\n\n      ACE            2.x       Windows  not affected\n      ACE            1.x       Windows  1.0.7 build 108880 or later\n\n      Server         1.x       Windows  1.0.7 build 108231 or later\n      Server         1.x       Linux    not affected\n\n      Fusion         1.x       Mac OS/X not affected\n\n      ESXi           3.5       ESXi     not affected\n\n      ESX            any       ESX      not affected\n\n  d. Update to Freetype\n\n      FreeType 2.3.6 resolves an integer overflow vulnerability and other\n      vulnerabilities that can allow malicious users to run arbitrary code\n      or might cause a denial-of-service after reading a maliciously\n      crafted file. This release updates FreeType to 2.3.7. \n\n      VMware         Product   Running  Replace with/\n      Product        Version   on       Apply Patch\n      =============  ========  =======  =================\n      VirtualCenter  any       Windows  not affected\n\n      Workstation    6.x       Windows  not affected\n      Workstation    6.x       Linux    6.0.5 build 109488 or later\n      Workstation    5.x       Windows  not affected\n      Workstation    5.x       Linux    5.5.8 build 108000 or later\n\n      Player         2.x       Windows  not affected\n      Player         2.x       Linux    2.0.5 build 109488 or later\n      Player         1.x       Windows  not affected\n      Player         1.x       Linux    1.0.8 build 108000 or later\n\n      ACE            2.x       Windows  not affected\n      ACE            1.x       Windows  not affected\n\n      Server         1.x       Windows  not affected\n      Server         1.x       Linux    1.0.7 build 108231 or later\n\n      Fusion         1.x       Mac OS/X affected, patch pending\n\n      ESXi           3.5       ESXi     not affected\n\n      ESX            3.5       ESX      not affected\n      ESX            3.0.3     ESX      not affected\n      ESX            3.0.2     ESX      not affected\n      ESX            3.0.1     ESX      not affected\n      ESX            2.5.5     ESX      affected, patch pending\n      ESX            2.5.4     ESX      affected, patch pending\n\n  e. Update to Cairo\n\n      Cairo 1.4.12 resolves an integer overflow vulnerability that can\n      allow malicious users to run arbitrary code or might cause a\n      denial-of-service after reading a maliciously crafted PNG file. \n      This release updates Cairo to 1.4.14. \n\n      VMware         Product   Running  Replace with/\n      Product        Version   on       Apply Patch\n      =============  ========  =======  =================\n      VirtualCenter  any       Windows  not affected\n\n      Workstation    6.x       Windows  not affected\n      Workstation    6.x       Linux    6.0.5 build 109488 or later\n      Workstation    5.x       Windows  not affected\n      Workstation    5.x       Linux    not affected\n\n      Player         2.x       Windows  not affected\n      Player         2.x       Linux    2.0.5 build 109488 or later\n      Player         1.x       Windows  not affected\n      Player         1.x       Linux    not affected\n\n      ACE            2.x       Windows  not affected\n      ACE            1.x       Windows  not affected\n\n      Server         1.x       Windows  not affected\n      Server         1.x       Linux    not affected\n\n      Fusion         1.x       Mac OS/X affected, patch pending\n\n      ESXi           3.5       ESXi     not affected\n\n      ESX            any       ESX      not affected\n\n   f. VMware Consolidated Backup(VCB) command-line utilities may expose\n      sensitive information\n\n      VMware Consolidated Backup command-line utilities accept the user\n      password through the -p command-line option. Users logged into the\n      service console could gain access to the username and password used\n      by VCB command-line utilities when such commands are running. \n\n      This patch resolves this issue by providing an alternative way of\n      passing the password used by VCB command-line utilities. \n\n      The following options are recommended for passing the password:\n\n      1. The password is specified in /etc/backuptools.conf\n      (PASSWORD=xxxxx), and -p is not used in the command line. \n      /etc/backuptools.conf file permissions are read/write only\n      for root. \n\n      2. No password is specified in /etc/backuptools.conf and the\n      -p option is not used in the command line. The user will be\n       prompted to enter a password. \n\n      ESX is not affected unless you use VCB. \n\n      VMware         Product   Running  Replace with/\n      Product        Version   on       Apply Patch\n      =============  ========  =======  ===================\n      VirtualCenter  any       Windows  not affected\n\n      hosted *       any       any      not affected\n\n      ESXi           3.5       ESXi     not affected\n\n      ESX            3.5       ESX      ESX350-200806203-UG\n      ESX            3.0.3     ESX      ESX303-200808403-SG\n      ESX            3.0.2     ESX      ESX-1004824\n      ESX            3.0.1     ESX      ESX-1004823\n      ESX            2.5.5     ESX      not affected\n      ESX            2.5.4     ESX      not affected\n\n      * hosted products are VMware Workstation, Player, ACE, Server, Fusion\n\n   g. Third Party Library libpng Updated to 1.2.29\n\n      Several flaws were discovered in the way third party library\n      libpng handled various PNG image chunks. An attacker could\n      create a carefully crafted PNG image file in such a way that\n      it causes an application linked with libpng to crash when the\n      file is manipulated. \n\n      NOTE: There are multiple patches required to remediate the issue. \n\n      VMware         Product   Running  Replace with/\n      Product        Version   on       Apply Patch\n      =============  ========  =======  ===================\n      VirtualCenter  any       Windows  not affected\n\n      hosted *       any       any      not affected\n\n      ESXi           3.5       ESXi     affected, patch pending\n\n      ESX            3.5       ESX      affected, patch pending\n      ESX            3.0.3     ESX      ESX303-200808404-SG\n                                        ESX303-200808403-SG\n      ESX            3.0.2     ESX      ESX-1005109 ESX-1005114 ESX-1005113\n      ESX            3.0.1     ESX      ESX-1005112 ESX-1005108 ESX-1005111\n      ESX            2.5.5     ESX      affected, patch pending\n      ESX            2.5.4     ESX      affected, patch pending\n\n      * hosted products are VMware Workstation, Player, ACE, Server, Fusion\n\n\n II ESX Service Console rpm updates\n\n   a. update to bind\n\n      This update upgrades the service console rpms for bind-utils and\n      bind-lib to version 9.2.4-22.el3. \n\n      Version 9.2.4.-22.el3 addresses the recently discovered\n      vulnerability in the BIND software used for Domain Name\n      resolution (DNS). Of the BIND packages, VMware only ships bind-util\n      and bind-lib in the service console and these components by\n      themselves cannot be used to setup a DNS server. \n\n      VMware explicitly discourages installing applications like BIND\n      on the service console. In case the customer has installed BIND,\n      and the DNS server is configured to support recursive queries,\n      their ESX Server system is affected and they should replace BIND\n      with a patched version. \n\n      VMware         Product   Running  Replace with/\n      Product        Version   on       Apply Patch\n      =============  ========  =======  ===================\n      VirtualCenter  any       Windows  not affected\n\n      hosted *       any       any      not affected\n\n      ESXi           3.5       ESXi     not affected\n\n      ESX            3.5       ESX      patch pending\n      ESX            3.0.3     ESX      ESX303-200808406-SG\n      ESX            3.0.2     ESX      ESX-1006356\n      ESX            3.0.1     ESX      ESX-1005117\n      ESX            2.5.5     ESX      patch pending\n      ESX            2.5.4     ESX      patch pending\n\n      * hosted products are VMware Workstation, Player, ACE, Server, Fusion\n\n4. Solution\n\n   Please review the patch/release notes for your product and version\n   and verify the md5sum of your downloaded file. \n\n   VMware Workstation 6.0.5\n   ------------------------\n\n   Release notes:\n\n\n   Windows binary\n   md5sum: 46b4c54f0493f59f52ac6c2965296859\n\n   RPM Installation file for 32-bit Linux\n   md5sum: 49ebfbd05d146ecc43262622ab746f03\n\n   tar Installation file for 32-bit Linux\n   md5sum: 14ac93bffeee72528629d4caecc5ef37\n\n   RPM Installation file for 64-bit Linux\n   md5sum: 0a856f1a1a31ba3c4b08bcf85d97ccf6\n\n   tar Installation file for 64-bit Linux\n   md5sum: 3b459254069d663e9873a661bc97cf6c\n\n   VMware Workstation 5.5.8\n   ------------------------\n\n   Release notes:\n\n\n   Windows binary:\n   md5sum: 745c3250e5254eaf6e65fcfc4172070f\n\n   Compressed Tar archive for 32-bit Linux\n   md5sum: 65a454749d15d4863401619d7ff5566e\n\n   Linux RPM version for 32-bit Linux\n   md5sum: d80adc73b1500bdb0cb24d1b0733bcff\n\n\n   VMware Player 2.0.5 and 1.0.8\n   -----------------------------\n\n   Release notes Player 1.x:\n\n   Release notes Player 2.0\n\n\n   2.0.5 Windows binary\n   md5sum: 60265438047259b23ff82fdfe737f969\n\n   VMware Player 2.0.5 for Linux (.rpm)\n   md5sum: 3bc81e203e947e6ca5b55b3f33443d34\n\n   VMware Player 2.0.5 for Linux (.tar)\n   md5sum: f499603d790edc5aa355e45b9c5eae01\n\n   VMware Player 2.0.5 - 64-bit (.rpm)\n   md5sum: 85bc2f11d06c362feeff1a64ee5a6834\n\n   VMware Player 2.0.5 - 64-bit (.tar)\n   md5sum: b74460bb961e88817884c7e2c0f30215\n\n   1.0.8 Windows binary\n   md5sum: e5f927304925297a7d869f74b7b9b053\n\n   Player 1.0.8 for Linux (.rpm)\n   md5sum: a13fdb8d72b661cefd24e7dcf6e2a990\n\n   Player 1.0.8 for Linux (.tar)\n   md5sum: 99fbe861253eec5308d8c47938e8ad1e\n\n\n   VMware ACE 2.0.5\n   ----------------\n\n   Release notes 2.0:\n\n\n   ACE Manager Server Virtual Appliance\n   Virtual Appliance for the ACE Management Server\n   md5sum: 41e7349f3b6568dffa23055bb629208d\n\n   ACE for Window 32-bit and 64-bit\n   Main installation file for Windows 32-bit and 64-bit host (ACE Option\n   Page key required for enabling ACE authoring)\n   md5sum:46b4c54f0493f59f52ac6c2965296859\n\n   ACE Management Server for Windows\n   ACE Management Server installation file for Windows\n   md5sum:33a015c4b236329bcb7e12c82271c417\n\n   ACE Management Server for Red Hat Enterprise Linux 4\n   ACE Management Server installation file for Red Hat Enterprise Linux 4\n   md5sum:dc3bd89fd2285f41ed42f8b28cd5535f\n\n   ACE Management Server for SUSE Enterprise Linux 9\n   ACE Management Server installation file for SUSE Enterprise Linux 9\n   md5sum:2add6a4fc97e1400fb2f94274ce0dce0\n\n   VMware ACE 1.0.7\n   ----------------\n\n   Release notes:\n\n   md5sum: 42d806cddb8e9f905722aeac19740f33\n\n   VMware Server 1.0.7\n   -------------------\n\n   Release notes:\n\n\n   VMware Server for Windows 32-bit and 64-bit\n   md5sum: 2e2ee5ebe08ae48eac5e661cad01acf6\n\n   VMware Server Windows client package\n   md5sum: ce7d906a5a8de37cbc20db4332de1adb\n\n   VMware Server for Linux\n   md5sum: 04f201122b16222cd58fc81ca814ff8c\n\n   VMware Server for Linux rpm\n   md5sum: 6bae706df040c35851823bc087597d8d\n\n   Management Interface\n   md5sum: e67489bd2f23bcd4a323d19df4e903e8\n\n   VMware Server Linux client package\n   md5sum: 99f1107302111ffd3f766194a33d492b\n\n   ESX\n   ---\n   ESX 3.5.0 patch ESX350-200806203-UG (VCB)\n\n   md5sum: 3bd512dc8aa2b276f7cfd19080d193c9\n\n\n   ESX 3.0.3 patch ESX303-200808403-SG (libpng)\n\n   md5sum: 5f1e75631e53c0e9e013acdbe657cfc7\n\n\n   ESX 3.0.3 patch ESX303-200808404-SG (libpng)\n\n   md5sum: 65468a5b6ba105cfde1dd444d77b2df4\n\n\n   ESX 3.0.3 patch ESX303-200808406-SG (bind)\n\n   md5sum: a11273e8d430e5784071caff673995f4\n\n\n   ESX 3.0.3 patch (VCB)\n\n   ESX 3.0.2 patch ESX-1005109 (libpng)\n\n   md5sum: 456d74d94317f852024aed5d3852be09\n\n\n   ESX 3.0.2 patch ESX-1005113 (libpng)\n\n   md5sum: 5d604f2bfd90585b9c8679f5fc8c31b7\n\n\n   ESX 3.0.2 patch ESX-1005114 (libpng)\n\n   md5sum: 3b6d33b334f0020131580fdd8f9b5365\n\n\n   ESX 3.0.2 patch ESX-1004824 (VCB)\n\n   md5sum: c72b0132c9f5d7b4cb1b9e47748a9c5b\n\n\n   ESX 3.0.2 patch ESX-1006356 (bind)\n\n   md5sum: f0bc9d0b641954145df3986cdb1c2bab\n\n\n   ESX 3.0.1 patch ESX-1005111 (libpng)\n\n   md5sum: 60e1be9b41070b3531c06f9a0595e24c\n\n\n   ESX 3.0.1 patch ESX-1005112 (libpng)\n\n   md5sum: ad645cef0f9fa18bb648ba5a37074732\n\n\n   ESX 3.0.1 patch ESX-1005108 (libpng)\n\n   md5sum: aabc873d978f023c929ccd9a54588ea5\n\n\n   ESX 3.0.1 patch ESX-1004823 (VCB)\n\n   md5sum: 5ff2e8ce50c18afca76fb16c28415a59\n\n\n   ESX 3.0.1 patch ESX-1005117 (bind)\n\n   md5sum: 5271ecc6e36fb6f1fdf372e57891aa33\n\n\n\n5. References\n\n   CVE numbers\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n- ------------------------------------------------------------------------\n6. Change log\n\n2008-08-29  VMSA-2008-0014\ninitial release\n\n- ------------------------------------------------------------------------\n7. Contact\n\nE-mail list for product security notifications and announcements:\n\n\nThis Security Advisory is posted to the following lists:\n\n  * security-announce at\n  * bugtraq at\n  * full-disclosure at\n\nE-mail:  security at\nPGP key at:\n\nVMware Security Center\n\n\nVMware security response policy\n\n\nGeneral support life cycle policy\n\n\nVMware Infrastructure support life cycle policy\n\n\nCopyright 2008 VMware Inc. All customers should test the updates / patch in their environment. HP is investigating changes to reduce the performance issues. This bulletin will be revised when new updates / patch become available. Effective attack techniques against these\n   vulnerabilities have been demonstrated. Tools\n   and techniques have been developed that can reliably poison a domain of the\n   attacker\u0027s  choosing on most current implementations. As a result, the\n   consensus  of  DNS  software  implementers is to implement source port\n   randomization in their resolvers as a mitigation. \n\n\nII. Impact\n\n   An attacker with the ability to conduct a successful cache poisoning attack\n   can cause a nameserver\u0027s clients to contact the incorrect, and possibly\n   malicious, hosts for particular services. Consequently, web traffic, email,\n   and other important network data can be redirected to systems under the\n   attacker\u0027s control. \n\n\nIII. Solution\n\nApply a patch from your vendor\n\n   Patches have been released by a number of vendors to implement source port\n   randomization in the nameserver. Please see the Systems Affected\n   section of Vulnerability Note VU#800113 for additional details for specific\n   vendors. \n\n   As mentioned above, stub resolvers are also vulnerable to these attacks. \n   Stub resolvers that will issue queries in response to attacker behavior, and\n   may  receive  packets  from  an  attacker,  should  be patched. System\n   administrators should be alert for patches to client operating systems that\n   implement port randomization in the stub resolver. \n\nWorkarounds\n\n   Restrict access\n   Administrators, particularly those who are unable to apply a patch, can\n   limit exposure to this vulnerability by restricting sources that can ask for\n   recursion. Note that restricting access will still allow attackers with\n   access to authorized hosts to exploit this vulnerability. \n\n   Filter traffic at network perimeters\n   Because the ability to spoof IP addresses is necessary to conduct these\n   attacks, administrators should take care to filter spoofed addresses at the\n   network perimeter. IETF Request for Comments (RFC) documents RFC 2827, RFC\n   3704, and RFC 3013 describe best current practices (BCPs) for implementing\n   this defense. It is important to understand your network\u0027s configuration and\n   service requirements before deciding what changes are appropriate. \n\n   Run a local DNS cache\n   In lieu of strong port randomization characteristics in a stub resolver,\n   administrators can protect their systems by using local caching full-service\n   resolvers, both on the client systems and on servers that are topologically\n   close  on  the  network  to the client systems. This should be done in\n   conjunction with the network segmentation and filtering strategies mentioned\n   above. \n\n   Disable recursion\n   Disable recursion on any nameserver responding to DNS requests made by\n   untrusted systems. \n\n   Implement source port randomization\n   Vendors that implement DNS software are encouraged to review IETF Internet\n   Draft, \"Measures for making DNS more resilient against forged answers,\" for\n   additional information about implementing mitigations in their products. \n   This document is a work in progress and may change prior to its publication\n   as an RFC, if it is approved. \n\n\nIV. References\n\n     * US-CERT Vulnerability Note VU#800113 -\n       \u003c\u003e\n     * US-CERT Vulnerability Note VU#484649 -\n       \u003c\u003e\n     * US-CERT Vulnerability Note VU#252735 -\n       \u003c\u003e\n     * US-CERT Vulnerability Note VU#927905 -\n       \u003c\u003e\n     * US-CERT Vulnerability Note VU#457875 -\n       \u003c\u003e\n     * Internet Draft: Measures for making DNS more resilient against forged\n       answers -\n       \u003c\u003e\n     * RFC 3833 - \u003c\u003e\n     * RFC 2827 - \u003c\u003e\n     * RFC 3704 - \u003c\u003e\n     * RFC 3013 - \u003c\u003e\n     * Microsoft Security Bulletin MS08-037 -\n       \u003c\u003e\n     * Internet     Systems    Consortium    BIND    Vulnerabilities    -\n       \u003c\u003e\n\n ____________________________________________________________________\n\n   US-CERT thanks Dan Kaminsky of IOActive and Paul Vixie of Internet Systems\n   Consortium (ISC) for notifying us about this problem and for helping us to\n   construct this advisory. \n ____________________________________________________________________\n\n   The most recent version of this document can be found at:\n\n     \u003c\u003e\n ____________________________________________________________________\n\n   Feedback can be directed to US-CERT Technical Staff. Please send\n   email to \\u003e with \"TA08-190B Feedback VU#800113\" in the\n   subject. \n ____________________________________________________________________\n\n   For instructions on subscribing to or unsubscribing from this\n   mailing list, visit \u003c\u003e. \n ____________________________________________________________________\n\n   Produced 2008 by US-CERT, a government organization. \n\n----------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nTry a new way to discover vulnerabilities that ALREADY EXIST in your\nIT infrastructure. \n\nThe Full Featured Secunia Network Software Inspector (NSI) is now\navailable:\n\n\nThe Secunia NSI enables you to INSPECT, DISCOVER, and DOCUMENT\nvulnerabilities in more than 4,000 different Windows applications. \n\n----------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nTITLE:\nRed Hat update for bind\n\nSECUNIA ADVISORY ID:\nSA26195\n\nVERIFY ADVISORY:\n\n\nCRITICAL:\nModerately critical\n\nIMPACT:\nSpoofing\n\nWHERE:\n\u003eFrom remote\n\nOPERATING SYSTEM:\nRed Hat Enterprise Linux (v. 5 server)\n\nRed Hat Enterprise Linux Desktop (v. 5 client)\n\nRed Hat Enterprise Linux Desktop Workstation (v. 5 client)\n\nRedHat Enterprise Linux AS 2.1\n\nRedHat Enterprise Linux AS 3\n\nRedHat Enterprise Linux AS 4\n\nRedHat Enterprise Linux ES 2.1\n\nRedHat Enterprise Linux ES 3\n\nRedHat Enterprise Linux ES 4\n\nRedHat Enterprise Linux WS 3\n\nRedHat Enterprise Linux WS 2.1\n\nRedHat Enterprise Linux WS 4\n\nRedHat Linux Advanced Workstation 2.1 for Itanium\n\n\nDESCRIPTION:\nRed Hat has issued an update for bind. \n\nFor more information:\nSA26152\n\nSOLUTION:\nUpdated packages are available from Red Hat Network. \n\n\nORIGINAL ADVISORY:\n\n\nOTHER REFERENCES:\nSA26152:\n\n\n----------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nAbout:\nThis Advisory was delivered by Secunia as a free service to help\neverybody keeping their systems up to date against the latest\nvulnerabilities. \n\nSubscribe:\n\n\nDefinitions: (Criticality, Where etc.)\n\n\n\nPlease Note:\nSecunia recommends that you verify all advisories you receive by\nclicking the link. \nSecunia NEVER sends attached files with advisories. \nSecunia does not advise people to install third party patches, only\nuse those supplied by the vendor. Security Advisory (08-AUG-2008) (CVE-2008-3280)\n===============================================\n\nBen Laurie of Google\u0027s Applied Security team, while working with an\nexternal researcher, Dr. Richard Clayton of the Computer Laboratory,\nCambridge University, found that various OpenID Providers (OPs) had\nTLS Server Certificates that used weak keys, as a result of the Debian\nPredictable Random Number Generator (CVE-2008-0166). \n\nIn combination with the DNS Cache Poisoning issue (CVE-2008-1447) and\nthe fact that almost all SSL/TLS implementations do not consult CRLs\n(currently an untracked issue), this means that it is impossible to\nrely on these OPs. \n\nAttack Description\n------------------\n\nIn order to mount an attack against a vulnerable OP, the attacker\nfirst finds the private key corresponding to the weak TLS\ncertificate. He then sets up a website masquerading as the original\nOP, both for the OpenID protocol and also for HTTP/HTTPS. \n\nThere are two cases, one is where the victim is a user trying to\nidentify themselves, in which case, even if they use HTTPS to \"ensure\"\nthat the site they are visiting is indeed their provider, they will be\nunable to detect the substitution and will give their login\ncredentials to the attacker. \n\nThe second case is where the victim is the Relying Party (RP). In this\ncase, even if the RP uses TLS to connect to the OP, as is recommended\nfor higher assurance, he will not be defended, as the vast majority of\nOpenID implementations do not check CRLs, and will, therefore, accept\nthe malicious site as the true OP. \n\nMitigation\n----------\n\nMitigation is surprisingly hard. In theory the vulnerable site should\nrevoke their weak certificate and issue a new one. \n\nHowever, since the CRLs will almost certainly not be checked, this\nmeans the site will still be vulnerable to attack for the lifetime of\nthe certificate (and perhaps beyond, depending on user\nbehaviour). Note that shutting down the site DOES NOT prevent the\nattack. \n\nTherefore mitigation falls to other parties. Until either 1 and 2 or 3 have been done, OpenID cannot be trusted\n   for any OP that cannot demonstrate it has never had a weak\n   certificate. \n\nDiscussion\n----------\n\nNormally, when security problems are encountered with a single piece\nof software, the responsible thing to do is to is to wait until fixes\nare available before making any announcement. However, as a number of\nexamples in the past have demonstrated, this approach does not work\nparticularly well when many different pieces of software are involved\nbecause it is necessary to coordinate a simultaneous release of the\nfixes, whilst hoping that the very large number of people involved\nwill cooperate in keeping the vulnerability secret. \n\nIn the present situation, the fixes will involve considerable\ndevelopment work in adding CRL handling to a great many pieces of\nopenID code. This is a far from trivial amount of work. \n\nThe fixes will also involve changes to browser preferences to ensure\nthat CRLs are checked by default -- which many vendors have resisted\nfor years. We are extremely pessimistic that a security vulnerability\nin OpenID will be seen as sufficiently important to change the browser\nvendors minds. \n\nHence, we see no value in delaying this announcement; and by making\nthe details public as soon as possible, we believe that individuals\nwho rely on OpenID will be better able to take their own individual\nsteps to avoid relying upon the flawed certificates we have\nidentified. \n\nOpenID is at heart quite a weak protocol, when used in its most\ngeneral form[1], and consequently there is very limited reliance upon\nits security. This means that the consequences of the combination of\nattacks that are now possible is nothing like as serious as might\notherwise have been the case. \n\nHowever, it does give an insight into the type of security disaster\nthat may occur in the future if we do not start to take CRLs\nseriously, but merely stick them onto \"to-do\" lists or disable them in\nthe name of tiny performance improvements. \n\nAffected Sites\n--------------\n\nThere is no central registry of OpenID systems, and so we cannot be\nsure that we have identified all of the weak certificates that are\ncurrently being served. The list of those we have found so far is:\n\\\\n\nNotes\n-----\n\n[1] There are ways of using OpenID that are significantly more secure\n    than the commonly deployed scheme, I shall describe those in a\n    separate article. \n\n_______________________________________________\nFull-Disclosure - We believe in it. \nCharter:\nHosted and sponsored by Secunia -\n. \n\nRelease Date: 2008-07-16\nLast Updated: 2010-10-12\n\n ------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nPotential Security Impact: Remote DNS cache poisoning\n\nSource: Hewlett-Packard Company, HP Software Security Response Team\n\nVULNERABILITY SUMMARY\nA potential security vulnerability has been identified with HP-UX running BIND. \nHP-UX B.11.11, B.11.23, B.11.31 running BIND v9.3.2 or BIND v9.2.0, HP-UX B.11.11 running BIND v8.1.2\n\nBACKGROUND\n\nCVSS 2.0 Base Metrics\n===========================================================\n  Reference              Base Vector             Base Score\nCVE-2008-1447    (AV:N/AC:L/Au:N/C:P/I:P/A:P)       7.5\n===========================================================\n             Information on CVSS is documented\n            in HP Customer Notice: HPSN-2008-002\n\nRESOLUTION\n\nHP has provided the following software updates / patch to resolve the vulnerabilities for BIND v9.2.0 and BIND v9.3.2. \n\nCustomers running BIND v8.1.2 on HP-UX B.11.11 should upgrade to BIND v9.2.0 or BIND v9.3.2 and apply the updates listed below. \n\nA new BIND v9.2.0 depot is available to address an issue encountered on HP-UX B.11.11. The new depot is available by contacting HP Support. \nThe patch PHNE_37865 is available from:\n\nThe BIND v9.3.2 updates are available for download from:\n\nHP-UX Release / Action\n\nB.11.11 running v8.1.2\n Upgrade to BIND v9.2.0 or BIND v9.3.2 and apply the updates listed below, remove \"query-source port\" and \"query-source-v6 port\" options in /etc/named.conf. \n\nHP-UX Release / BIND Depot name / Action\n\nB.11.11 running v9.2.0 /\n BIND920V15.depot /\n Remove \"query-source port\" and \"query-source-v6 port\" options in /etc/named.conf. \n\nHP-UX Release / Action\n\nB.11.23 running v9.2.0 /\n Install PHNE_37865; Remove \"query-source port\" and \"query-source-v6 port\" options in /etc/named.conf. \n\nHP-UX Release / Action\n\nB.11.11 running v9.3.2 /\n Install revision C. or subsequent; Remove \"query-source port\" and \"query-source-v6 port\" options in\n\n/etc/named.conf. \n\nB.11.23 running v9.3.2 /\n Install revision C. or subsequent; Remove \"query-source port\" and \"query-source-v6 port\" options in\n\n/etc/named.conf. \n\nB.11.31 running v9.3.2 /\n Install revision C. or subsequent; Remove \"query-source port\" and \"query-source-v6 port\" options in\n\n/etc/named.conf. \n\nNote: Remove \"query-source port\" and \"query-source-v6 port\" options in /etc/named.conf. \n\nNote: Firewall configurations may need to be adjusted to allow DNS queries from random source ports to pass. In addition,\n\nfirewalls that forward DNS queries must not replace the random source ports. \n\nMANUAL ACTIONS: Yes - NonUpdate\nRemove \"query-source port\" and \"query-source-v6 port\" options in /etc/named.conf. Check firewall settings. \nFor B.11.11 running v8.1.2, upgrade to BIND v9.2.0 or BIND v9.3.2 and apply the updates\nFor B.11.11 running v9.2.0 install BIND920v15.depot\n\nPRODUCT SPECIFIC INFORMATION\nHP-UX Software Assistant: HP-UX Software Assistant is an enhanced application that replaces HP-UX Security Patch Check. It\n\nanalyzes all HP-issued Security Bulletins and lists recommended actions that may apply to a specific HP-UX system. It can\n\nalso download patches and create a depot automatically. For more information see:\n\nAFFECTED VERSIONS\n\nFor BIND v8.1.2\nHP-UX B.11.11\n=============\nInternetSrvcs.INETSVCS-RUN\naction: upgrade to BIND v9.2.0 or BIND v9.3.2 and apply the updates, remove \"query-source port\" and \"query-source-v6 port\" options in /etc/named.conf. \n\nFor BIND v9.3.2\nHP-UX B.11.11\n=============\nBindUpgrade.BIND-UPGRADE\naction: install revision C. or subsequent, remove \"query-source port\" and \"query-source-v6 port\" options in /etc/named.conf. \nURL:\n\nHP-UX B.11.23\n=============\nBindUpgrade.BIND-UPGRADE\nBindUpgrade.BIND2-UPGRADE\naction: install revision C. or subsequent, remove \"query-source port\" and \"query-source-v6 port\" options in /etc/named.conf. \nURL:\n\nHP-UX B.11.31\n=============\nNameService.BIND-AUX\nNameService.BIND-RUN\naction: install revision C. or subsequent, remove \"query-source port\" and \"query-source-v6 port\" options in /etc/named.conf. \nURL:\n\nFor BIND v9.2.0\nHP-UX B.11.11\n=============\nBINDv920.INETSVCS-BIND\naction: install revision B. or subsequent, remove \"query-source port\" and \"query-source-v6 port\" options in /etc/named.conf. \nURL Contact HP Support for information on where to download depot. \n\nHP-UX B.11.23\n=============\nInternetSrvcs.INETSVCS-INETD\nInternetSrvcs.INETSVCS-RUN\nInternetSrvcs.INETSVCS2-RUN\naction: install patch PHNE_37865 or subsequent, remove \"query-source port\" and \"query-source-v6 port\" options in /etc/named.conf. \nURL:\n\nEND AFFECTED VERSIONS\n\nHISTORY\nVersion:1 (rev.1) - 16 July 2008 Initial release\nVersion:2 (rev.2) - 19 July 2008 Added BIND v9.2.0 depot information\nVersion:3 (rev.3) - 06 August 2008 Updated patch location, revised BIND v9.2.0 depot information, added BIND v8.1.2\nVersion:4 (rev.4) - 08 August 2008 Updated manual actions to include named.conf and firewall configuration setings\nVersion:5 (rev.5) - 12 October 2010 Updated version for BIND v9.2.0 depot for B.11.11\n\nThird Party Security Patches: Third party security patches that are to be installed on systems running HP software products should be applied in accordance with the customer\u0027s patch management policy. \n\nSupport: For further information, contact normal HP Services support channel. \n\nReport: To report a potential security vulnerability with any HP supported product, send Email to:\nIt is strongly recommended that security related information being communicated to HP be encrypted using PGP, especially exploit information. \nTo get the security-alert PGP key, please send an e-mail message as follows:\n  To:\n  Subject: get key\nSubscribe: To initiate a subscription to receive future HP Security Bulletins via Email:\n\u0026langcode=USENG\u0026jumpid=in_SC-GEN__driverITRC\u0026topiccode=ITRC\nOn the web page: ITRC security bulletins and patch sign-up\nUnder Step1: your ITRC security bulletins and patches\n    -check ALL categories for which alerts are required and continue. \nUnder Step2: your ITRC operating systems\n    -verify your operating system selections are checked and save. \n\nTo update an existing subscription:\nLog in on the web page: Subscriber\u0027s choice for Business: sign-in. \nOn the web page: Subscriber\u0027s Choice: your profile summary - use Edit Profile to update appropriate sections. \n\nTo review previously published Security Bulletins visit:\n\n* The Software Product Category that this Security Bulletin\nrelates to is represented by the 5th and 6th characters\nof the Bulletin number in the title:\n\nGN = HP General SW\nMA = HP Management Agents\nMI = Misc. 3rd Party SW\nMP = HP MPE/iX\nNS = HP NonStop Servers\nOV = HP OpenVMS\nPI = HP Printing \u0026 Imaging\nST = HP Storage SW\nTL = HP Trusted Linux\nTU = HP Tru64 UNIX\nUX = HP-UX\nVV = HP VirtualVault\n\nSystem management and security procedures must be reviewed frequently to maintain system integrity. HP is continually reviewing and enhancing the security features of software products to provide customers with current secure solutions. \n\n\"HP is broadly distributing this Security Bulletin in order to bring to the attention of users of the affected HP products the important security information contained in this Bulletin. HP recommends that all users determine the applicability of this information to their individual situations and take appropriate action. HP does not warrant that this information is necessarily accurate or complete for all user situations and, consequently, HP will not be responsible for any damages resulting from user\u0027s use or disregard of the information provided in this Bulletin. \nHewlett-Packard Company shall not be liable for technical or editorial errors or omissions contained herein. To the extent permitted by law, neither HP or its affiliates, subcontractors or suppliers will be liable for incidental,special or consequential damages including downtime cost; lost profits;damages relating to the procurement of substitute products or services; or damages for loss of data, or software restoration. Hewlett-Packard Company and the names of Hewlett-Packard products referenced herein are trademarks of Hewlett-Packard Company in the United States and other countries. Other product and company names mentioned herein may be trademarks of their respective owners",
    "sources": [
        "db": "NVD",
        "id": "CVE-2008-1447"
        "db": "JVNDB",
        "id": "JVNDB-2008-001495"
        "db": "CERT/CC",
        "id": "VU#252735"
        "db": "CERT/CC",
        "id": "VU#800113"
        "db": "BID",
        "id": "30131"
        "db": "VULMON",
        "id": "CVE-2008-1447"
        "db": "PACKETSTORM",
        "id": "68039"
        "db": "PACKETSTORM",
        "id": "68068"
        "db": "VULHUB",
        "id": "VHN-31572"
        "db": "PACKETSTORM",
        "id": "68288"
        "db": "PACKETSTORM",
        "id": "69536"
        "db": "PACKETSTORM",
        "id": "68360"
        "db": "PACKETSTORM",
        "id": "68878"
        "db": "PACKETSTORM",
        "id": "68061"
        "db": "PACKETSTORM",
        "id": "58035"
        "db": "PACKETSTORM",
        "id": "68924"
        "db": "PACKETSTORM",
        "id": "94774"
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        "id": "JVNDB-2008-001495"
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        "id": "94774"
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        "id": "68924"
        "db": "CNNVD",
        "id": "CNNVD-200807-129"
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        "id": "CVE-2008-1447"
  "id": "VAR-200707-0675",
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        "title": "APPLE-SA-2008-09-09",
        "trust": 0.8,
        "url": ""
        "title": "Security Update 2008-006",
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        "id": "VHN-31572"
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        "id": "CVE-2008-1447"
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        "id": "30131"
        "db": "JVNDB",
        "id": "JVNDB-2008-001495"
        "db": "PACKETSTORM",
        "id": "68039"
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        "id": "68068"
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        "id": "94774"
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        "id": "68061"
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        "db": "PACKETSTORM",
        "id": "68924"
        "db": "CNNVD",
        "id": "CNNVD-200807-129"
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        "id": "CVE-2008-1447"
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        "id": "CVE-2008-1447"
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        "id": "30131"
        "db": "JVNDB",
        "id": "JVNDB-2008-001495"
        "db": "PACKETSTORM",
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        "id": "68068"
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        "id": "94774"
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        "id": "CNNVD-200807-129"
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    "data": [
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        "db": "CERT/CC",
        "id": "VU#800113"
        "date": "2007-07-27T00:00:00",
        "db": "CERT/CC",
        "id": "VU#252735"
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        "db": "VULHUB",
        "id": "VHN-31572"
        "date": "2008-07-08T00:00:00",
        "db": "VULMON",
        "id": "CVE-2008-1447"
        "date": "2008-07-08T00:00:00",
        "db": "BID",
        "id": "30131"
        "date": "2008-07-23T00:00:00",
        "db": "JVNDB",
        "id": "JVNDB-2008-001495"
        "date": "2008-07-10T06:26:35",
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        "db": "PACKETSTORM",
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        "db": "PACKETSTORM",
        "id": "94774"
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        "db": "PACKETSTORM",
        "id": "68288"
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        "db": "PACKETSTORM",
        "id": "69536"
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        "db": "PACKETSTORM",
        "id": "68360"
        "date": "2008-08-06T21:52:19",
        "db": "PACKETSTORM",
        "id": "68878"
        "date": "2008-07-10T07:07:50",
        "db": "PACKETSTORM",
        "id": "68061"
        "date": "2007-07-26T04:26:32",
        "db": "PACKETSTORM",
        "id": "58035"
        "date": "2008-08-08T20:46:25",
        "db": "PACKETSTORM",
        "id": "68924"
        "date": "2008-07-08T00:00:00",
        "db": "CNNVD",
        "id": "CNNVD-200807-129"
        "date": "2008-07-08T23:41:00",
        "db": "NVD",
        "id": "CVE-2008-1447"
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        "date": "2008-08-06T00:00:00",
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        "id": "VU#252735"
        "date": "2020-03-24T00:00:00",
        "db": "VULHUB",
        "id": "VHN-31572"
        "date": "2020-03-24T00:00:00",
        "db": "VULMON",
        "id": "CVE-2008-1447"
        "date": "2015-04-13T21:35:00",
        "db": "BID",
        "id": "30131"
        "date": "2014-06-02T00:00:00",
        "db": "JVNDB",
        "id": "JVNDB-2008-001495"
        "date": "2020-03-25T00:00:00",
        "db": "CNNVD",
        "id": "CNNVD-200807-129"
        "date": "2020-03-24T18:19:46.383000",
        "db": "NVD",
        "id": "CVE-2008-1447"
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        "id": "68068"
        "db": "CNNVD",
        "id": "CNNVD-200807-129"
    "trust": 0.7
  "title": {
    "@context": {
      "@vocab": "",
      "sources": {
        "@container": "@list",
        "@context": {
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    "data": "Multiple DNS implementations vulnerable to cache poisoning",
    "sources": [
        "db": "CERT/CC",
        "id": "VU#800113"
    "trust": 0.8
  "type": {
    "@context": {
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      "sources": {
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    "data": "security feature problem",
    "sources": [
        "db": "CNNVD",
        "id": "CNNVD-200807-129"
    "trust": 0.6

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