Vulnerability from variot

Some HTTP/2 implementations are vulnerable to a settings flood, potentially leading to a denial of service. The attacker sends a stream of SETTINGS frames to the peer. Since the RFC requires that the peer reply with one acknowledgement per SETTINGS frame, an empty SETTINGS frame is almost equivalent in behavior to a ping. Depending on how efficiently this data is queued, this can consume excess CPU, memory, or both. Multiple HTTP/2 implementations are vulnerable to a variety of denial-of-service (DoS) attacks. HTTP/2 is the second version of the hypertext transfer protocol, which is mainly used to ensure the communication between the client and the server. A resource management error vulnerability exists in HTTP/2. An attacker could exploit this vulnerability to cause a denial of service. Description:

Red Hat Decision Manager is an open source decision management platform that combines business rules management, complex event processing, Decision Model & Notation (DMN) execution, and Business Optimizer for solving planning problems. It automates business decisions and makes that logic available to the entire business. Bugs fixed (

1649870 - CVE-2019-14820 keycloak: adapter endpoints are exposed via arbitrary URLs 1690628 - CVE-2019-3875 keycloak: missing signatures validation on CRL used to verify client certificates 1728609 - CVE-2019-10201 keycloak: SAML broker does not check existence of signature on document allowing any user impersonation 1729261 - CVE-2019-10199 keycloak: CSRF check missing in My Resources functionality in the Account Console 1735645 - CVE-2019-9512 HTTP/2: flood using PING frames results in unbounded memory growth 1735744 - CVE-2019-9514 HTTP/2: flood using HEADERS frames results in unbounded memory growth 1735745 - CVE-2019-9515 HTTP/2: flood using SETTINGS frames results in unbounded memory growth 1738673 - CVE-2019-10219 hibernate-validator: safeHTML validator allows XSS 1741860 - CVE-2019-9511 HTTP/2: large amount of data requests leads to denial of service 1749487 - CVE-2019-14832 keycloak: cross-realm user access auth bypass 1751227 - CVE-2019-14838 wildfly-core: Incorrect privileges for 'Monitor', 'Auditor' and 'Deployer' user by default 1755831 - CVE-2019-16335 jackson-databind: Serialization gadgets in com.zaxxer.hikari.HikariDataSource 1755849 - CVE-2019-14540 jackson-databind: Serialization gadgets in com.zaxxer.hikari.HikariConfig 1758167 - CVE-2019-17267 jackson-databind: Serialization gadgets in classes of the ehcache package 1758171 - CVE-2019-14892 jackson-databind: Serialization gadgets in classes of the commons-configuration package 1758182 - CVE-2019-14893 jackson-databind: Serialization gadgets in classes of the xalan package 1758187 - CVE-2019-16942 jackson-databind: Serialization gadgets in org.apache.commons.dbcp.datasources. 1758191 - CVE-2019-16943 jackson-databind: Serialization gadgets in com.p6spy.engine.spy.P6DataSource 1764607 - CVE-2019-0210 thrift: Out-of-bounds read related to TJSONProtocol or TSimpleJSONProtocol 1764612 - CVE-2019-0205 thrift: Endless loop when feed with specific input data 1764658 - CVE-2019-12400 xml-security: Apache Santuario potentially loads XML parsing code from an untrusted source 1767483 - CVE-2019-10086 apache-commons-beanutils: does not suppresses the class property in PropertyUtilsBean by default 1772008 - CVE-2019-14887 wildfly: The 'enabled-protocols' value in legacy security is not respected if OpenSSL security provider is in use 1772464 - CVE-2019-14888 undertow: possible Denial Of Service (DOS) in Undertow HTTP server listening on HTTPS 1775293 - CVE-2019-17531 jackson-databind: Serialization gadgets in org.apache.log4j.receivers.db. 1793154 - CVE-2019-20330 jackson-databind: lacks certain net.sf.ehcache blocking 1796225 - CVE-2020-7238 netty: HTTP Request Smuggling due to Transfer-Encoding whitespace mishandling 1802444 - CVE-2020-1729 SmallRye: SecuritySupport class is incorrectly public and contains a static method to access the current threads context class loader 1815470 - CVE-2020-10673 jackson-databind: mishandles the interaction between serialization gadgets and typing which could result in remote command execution 1815495 - CVE-2020-10672 jackson-databind: mishandles the interaction between serialization gadgets and typing which could result in remote command execution 1816170 - CVE-2019-12406 cxf: does not restrict the number of message attachments 1816175 - CVE-2019-12419 cxf: OpenId Connect token service does not properly validate the clientId 1816330 - CVE-2020-8840 jackson-databind: Lacks certain xbean-reflect/JNDI blocking 1816332 - CVE-2020-9546 jackson-databind: Serialization gadgets in shaded-hikari-config 1816337 - CVE-2020-9547 jackson-databind: Serialization gadgets in ibatis-sqlmap 1816340 - CVE-2020-9548 jackson-databind: Serialization gadgets in anteros-core 1819208 - CVE-2020-10968 jackson-databind: Serialization gadgets in org.aoju.bus.proxy.provider.*.RmiProvider 1819212 - CVE-2020-10969 jackson-databind: Serialization gadgets in javax.swing.JEditorPane 1821304 - CVE-2020-11111 jackson-databind: Serialization gadgets in org.apache.activemq.jms.pool.XaPooledConnectionFactory 1821311 - CVE-2020-11112 jackson-databind: Serialization gadgets in org.apache.commons.proxy.provider.remoting.RmiProvider 1821315 - CVE-2020-11113 jackson-databind: Serialization gadgets in 1826798 - CVE-2020-11620 jackson-databind: Serialization gadgets in commons-jelly:commons-jelly 1826805 - CVE-2020-11619 jackson-databind: Serialization gadgets in org.springframework:spring-aop

  1. Description:

Red Hat JBoss Enterprise Application Platform 7 is a platform for Java applications based on the WildFly application runtime. See the Red Hat JBoss Enterprise Application Platform 7.2.5 Release Notes for information about the most significant bug fixes and enhancements included in this release.

The References section of this erratum contains a download link (you must log in to download the update).

The JBoss server process must be restarted for the update to take effect. JIRA issues fixed (

JBEAP-17075 - (7.2.z) Upgrade yasson from 1.0.2.redhat-00001 to 1.0.5 JBEAP-17220 - (7.2.x) HHH-13504 Upgrade ByteBuddy to 1.9.11 JBEAP-17365 - GSS Upgrade RESTEasy from 3.6.1.SP6 to 3.6.1.SP7 JBEAP-17476 - GSS Upgrade Generic JMS RA 2.0.2.Final JBEAP-17478 - GSS Upgrade JBoss Remoting from 5.0.14.SP1 to 5.0.16.Final JBEAP-17483 - GSS Upgrade Apache CXF from 3.2.9 to 3.2.10 JBEAP-17495 - (7.2.z) Upgrade PicketLink from 2.5.5.SP12-redhat-00007 to 2.5.5.SP12-redhat-00009 JBEAP-17496 - (7.2.z) Upgrade PicketLink bindings from 2.5.5.SP12-redhat-00007 to 2.5.5.SP12-redhat-00009 JBEAP-17513 - GSS Upgrade Hibernate ORM from 5.3.11.SP1 to 5.3.13 JBEAP-17521 - (7.2.z) Upgrade picketbox from 5.0.3.Final-redhat-00004 to 5.0.3.Final-redhat-00005 JBEAP-17523 - GSS Upgrade wildfly-core from 6.0.16 to 6.0.17 JBEAP-17547 - GSS Upgrade Elytron-Tool from 1.4.3 to 1.4.4.Final JBEAP-17548 - GSS Upgrade Elytron from 1.6.4.Final-redhat-00001 to 1.6.5.Final-redhat-00001 JBEAP-17560 - GSS Upgrade HAL from 3.0.16 to 3.0.17 JBEAP-17579 - GSS Upgrade JBoss MSC from 1.4.8 to 1.4.11 JBEAP-17582 - GSS Upgrade JSF based on Mojarra 2.3.5.SP3-redhat-00002 to 2.3.5.SP3-redhat-00003 JBEAP-17631 - GSS Upgrade Undertow from 2.0.25.SP1 to 2.0.26.SP3 JBEAP-17647 - GSS Upgrade IronJacamar from 1.4.17.Final to 1.4.18.Final JBEAP-17665 - GSS Upgrade XNIO from 3.7.3.Final-redhat-00001 to 3.7.6.Final JBEAP-17722 - GSS Upgrade wildfly-http-client from 1.0.15.Final-redhat-00001 to 1.0.17.Final JBEAP-17874 - (7.2.z) Upgrade to wildfly-openssl 1.0.8 JBEAP-17880 - (7.2.z) Upgrade XNIO from 3.7.6.Final-redhat-00001 to 3.7.6.SP1

The fixes are too intrusive to backport to the version in the oldstable distribution (stretch). An upgrade to Debian stable (buster) is recommended instead.

For the stable distribution (buster), these problems have been fixed in version 8.0.2+ds-1+deb10u1.

We recommend that you upgrade your trafficserver packages.

For the detailed security status of trafficserver please refer to its security tracker page at:

Further information about Debian Security Advisories, how to apply these updates to your system and frequently asked questions can be found at:

Mailing list: -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE-----

iQIzBAEBCgAdFiEEtuYvPRKsOElcDakFEMKTtsN8TjYFAl12uUMACgkQEMKTtsN8 TjbP/Q//UvaJG0Gts7+yZcOmkiaVinEtOzN445QNHGGQMKPfR4/hCuY6TrO0aWUM msNVTMwiEgLtXBqjNC2mT7f1UzQjZ76wb7wXAayaTsUsidMqsL9ZkVpzGSLrMBur wrhUpJRbDp/29qBdETP5bpjAp/Q7HMN1d9WbJa1ao2UpG1J2zpB8jQP0UjfVuM8W JwDlgj+Oj7M4CuQgN1A4vtK62f5k8X+d4bZZZSNUqkHKJuNFB1STDrDuZ+5aCPGo h0PYB/NX21T3W6AfGHIRwJda4IsSqRI/UnNIQygRs2QRiSzkGInCmb5KjsXKAiqF SnYLqKlxAcQ/8+zsEUqQKziBrZX6QsIiKFDYRV29KoK3AwDm7s5Q4KHzXGtNX5Mp a0GzAccDa1GpTxzSI8u5Jo60Ygf2ETkpwiyWSUivcFnzASyDCAwNLAwPAWpfARhO 2rE+LIi42dGnGfa2plKt7jvQDBj2hBvRHd8nMT8ugoJCTQCNnHC9X5/RNWPqIZmR XVHQSRTR8BCCnTdRuvXJB3oQyRQZORMqrsYoARm50+J/v2wJ/Q8Wo4kwWXpflDoH SAO10qjWU9Ja5giiQJh9ToJKPfx6sAma77XoaBz0HteCs3uCvyJK5cpmmoMcImyh 3po/YTjSdJRYZI9YjLWT1ZDP6TeueBkIqf07uuT9Kk92VWuyfhs=UFIM -----END PGP SIGNATURE----- . Description:

Red Hat Single Sign-On 7.3 is a standalone server, based on the Keycloak project, that provides authentication and standards-based single sign-on capabilities for web and mobile applications. Solution:

Before applying this update, make sure all previously released errata relevant to your system have been applied. JIRA issues fixed (

KEYCLOAK-11816 - Tracker bug for the RH-SSO 7.3.5 release for RHEL7

  1. Each of these container images includes gRPC, which has been updated with the below fixes. Solution:

For OpenShift Container Platform 4.1 see the following documentation, which will be updated shortly for release 4.1.z, for important instructions on how to upgrade your cluster and fully apply this asynchronous errata update: ease-notes.html

  1. Description:

AMQ Broker is a high-performance messaging implementation based on ActiveMQ Artemis. It uses an asynchronous journal for fast message persistence, and supports multiple languages, protocols, and platforms. For further information, refer to the release notes linked to in the References section. -----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hash: SHA256

===================================================================== Red Hat Security Advisory

Synopsis: Important: nodejs:10 security update Advisory ID: RHSA-2019:2925-01 Product: Red Hat Enterprise Linux Advisory URL: Issue date: 2019-09-30 CVE Names: CVE-2019-9511 CVE-2019-9512 CVE-2019-9513 CVE-2019-9514 CVE-2019-9515 CVE-2019-9516 CVE-2019-9517 CVE-2019-9518 =====================================================================

  1. Summary:

An update for the nodejs:10 module is now available for Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8.

Red Hat Product Security has rated this update as having a security impact of Important. A Common Vulnerability Scoring System (CVSS) base score, which gives a detailed severity rating, is available for each vulnerability from the CVE link(s) in the References section.

  1. Relevant releases/architectures:

Red Hat Enterprise Linux AppStream (v. 8) - aarch64, noarch, ppc64le, s390x, x86_64

  1. Description:

Node.js is a software development platform for building fast and scalable network applications in the JavaScript programming language.

The following packages have been upgraded to a later upstream version: nodejs (10.16.3).

Security Fix(es):

  • HTTP/2: large amount of data requests leads to denial of service (CVE-2019-9511)

  • HTTP/2: flood using PING frames results in unbounded memory growth (CVE-2019-9512)

  • HTTP/2: flood using PRIORITY frames results in excessive resource consumption (CVE-2019-9513)

  • HTTP/2: flood using HEADERS frames results in unbounded memory growth (CVE-2019-9514)

  • HTTP/2: flood using SETTINGS frames results in unbounded memory growth (CVE-2019-9515)

  • HTTP/2: 0-length headers lead to denial of service (CVE-2019-9516)

  • HTTP/2: request for large response leads to denial of service (CVE-2019-9517)

  • HTTP/2: flood using empty frames results in excessive resource consumption (CVE-2019-9518)

For more details about the security issue(s), including the impact, a CVSS score, acknowledgments, and other related information, refer to the CVE page(s) listed in the References section.

  1. Solution:

For details on how to apply this update, which includes the changes described in this advisory, refer to:

  1. Bugs fixed (

1735645 - CVE-2019-9512 HTTP/2: flood using PING frames results in unbounded memory growth 1735741 - CVE-2019-9513 HTTP/2: flood using PRIORITY frames results in excessive resource consumption 1735744 - CVE-2019-9514 HTTP/2: flood using HEADERS frames results in unbounded memory growth 1735745 - CVE-2019-9515 HTTP/2: flood using SETTINGS frames results in unbounded memory growth 1735749 - CVE-2019-9518 HTTP/2: flood using empty frames results in excessive resource consumption 1741860 - CVE-2019-9511 HTTP/2: large amount of data requests leads to denial of service 1741864 - CVE-2019-9516 HTTP/2: 0-length headers lead to denial of service 1741868 - CVE-2019-9517 HTTP/2: request for large response leads to denial of service

  1. Package List:

Red Hat Enterprise Linux AppStream (v. 8):

Source: nodejs-10.16.3-2.module+el8.0.0+4214+49953fda.src.rpm nodejs-nodemon-1.18.3-1.module+el8+2632+6c5111ed.src.rpm nodejs-packaging-17-3.module+el8+2873+aa7dfd9a.src.rpm

aarch64: nodejs-10.16.3-2.module+el8.0.0+4214+49953fda.aarch64.rpm nodejs-debuginfo-10.16.3-2.module+el8.0.0+4214+49953fda.aarch64.rpm nodejs-debugsource-10.16.3-2.module+el8.0.0+4214+49953fda.aarch64.rpm nodejs-devel-10.16.3-2.module+el8.0.0+4214+49953fda.aarch64.rpm npm-6.9.0-

noarch: nodejs-docs-10.16.3-2.module+el8.0.0+4214+49953fda.noarch.rpm nodejs-nodemon-1.18.3-1.module+el8+2632+6c5111ed.noarch.rpm nodejs-packaging-17-3.module+el8+2873+aa7dfd9a.noarch.rpm

ppc64le: nodejs-10.16.3-2.module+el8.0.0+4214+49953fda.ppc64le.rpm nodejs-debuginfo-10.16.3-2.module+el8.0.0+4214+49953fda.ppc64le.rpm nodejs-debugsource-10.16.3-2.module+el8.0.0+4214+49953fda.ppc64le.rpm nodejs-devel-10.16.3-2.module+el8.0.0+4214+49953fda.ppc64le.rpm npm-6.9.0-

s390x: nodejs-10.16.3-2.module+el8.0.0+4214+49953fda.s390x.rpm nodejs-debuginfo-10.16.3-2.module+el8.0.0+4214+49953fda.s390x.rpm nodejs-debugsource-10.16.3-2.module+el8.0.0+4214+49953fda.s390x.rpm nodejs-devel-10.16.3-2.module+el8.0.0+4214+49953fda.s390x.rpm npm-6.9.0-

x86_64: nodejs-10.16.3-2.module+el8.0.0+4214+49953fda.x86_64.rpm nodejs-debuginfo-10.16.3-2.module+el8.0.0+4214+49953fda.x86_64.rpm nodejs-debugsource-10.16.3-2.module+el8.0.0+4214+49953fda.x86_64.rpm nodejs-devel-10.16.3-2.module+el8.0.0+4214+49953fda.x86_64.rpm nodejs-devel-debuginfo-10.16.3-2.module+el8.0.0+4214+49953fda.x86_64.rpm npm-6.9.0-

These packages are GPG signed by Red Hat for security. Our key and details on how to verify the signature are available from

  1. References:

  1. Contact:

The Red Hat security contact is More contact details at

Copyright 2019 Red Hat, Inc. -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Version: GnuPG v1

iQIVAwUBXZGtHtzjgjWX9erEAQiTyRAAor6sJh3gZ6PZ3xUQhSyFif5kUuLb9dOa gsUrFUW9QjnSD4OeWq0eOJ+W1VkY0WKU0p2KCt4f0R9Msi85EKRzjymM4iv8icMu COL40Wcyvpn2WsdzHrrCT0rM7jiry7YShv/KOlao2wUhkbzs5aHc9D8fBhUvkiCj bHQhrGY+63pnIe6LyCUJ9nEEGPCMaFdpzI+9hDvAevh2ooj6h0PISg/MOb5T7N2z d0RNhrmp5wJUJWbb2hrcnUrbu4CQjf5r44a4R1EdrAL8C+y2vgnVO+wb8RprnMrW 350YueLNrCSYgqeysfbcNG1ccP6iZ/YLCOIOwfb9138cDqelUooAdPKmAj6hY97O pRv1cfc4sBCu1MxhnUgRcY3idmD7qaSbY7lNize04z/HMNK5aq3Kgx5bN/q0OA+n FqWVVCckoFYIn6wWUv1CPlAskpjqns2DPoEd1AUeZH9Efg0JBgKGgQh64T6q20Ua Je5DSConOr149WxNARXWbVz7FhnI+wsDTQzWTk7XuXBfhvSHrfl9tqD444cNP1wm WAvONvS+nlxDOqk4Joo+ZOHA9Wjx/lxciQo6S8aYaQHnCBSUbXAvXjKy0VeoUUdz bD5zrdhbGiSxtR0WNKVP0KVb62P14HGGrceFQRIJPSiqkIrNBS7oeCLuOPpB1QSx J/w0T73QFqQ= =4d1d -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----

-- RHSA-announce mailing list

Show details on source website

  "@context": {
    "@vocab": "",
    "affected_products": {
      "@id": ""
    "configurations": {
      "@id": ""
    "credits": {
      "@id": ""
    "cvss": {
      "@id": ""
    "description": {
      "@id": ""
    "exploit_availability": {
      "@id": ""
    "external_ids": {
      "@id": ""
    "iot": {
      "@id": ""
    "iot_taxonomy": {
      "@id": ""
    "patch": {
      "@id": ""
    "problemtype_data": {
      "@id": ""
    "references": {
      "@id": ""
    "sources": {
      "@id": ""
    "sources_release_date": {
      "@id": ""
    "sources_update_date": {
      "@id": ""
    "threat_type": {
      "@id": ""
    "title": {
      "@id": ""
    "type": {
      "@id": ""
  "@id": "",
  "affected_products": {
    "@context": {
      "@vocab": "",
      "data": {
        "@container": "@list"
      "sources": {
        "@container": "@list",
        "@context": {
          "@vocab": ""
        "@id": ""
    "data": [
        "model": "leap",
        "scope": "eq",
        "trust": 1.0,
        "vendor": "opensuse",
        "version": "15.1"
        "model": "big-ip local traffic manager",
        "scope": "gte",
        "trust": 1.0,
        "vendor": "f5",
        "version": "14.0.0"
        "model": "linux",
        "scope": "eq",
        "trust": 1.0,
        "vendor": "debian",
        "version": "10.0"
        "model": "web gateway",
        "scope": "gte",
        "trust": 1.0,
        "vendor": "mcafee",
        "version": ""
        "model": "big-ip local traffic manager",
        "scope": "gte",
        "trust": 1.0,
        "vendor": "f5",
        "version": "14.1.0"
        "model": "web gateway",
        "scope": "lt",
        "trust": 1.0,
        "vendor": "mcafee",
        "version": ""
        "model": "vs960hd",
        "scope": "eq",
        "trust": 1.0,
        "vendor": "synology",
        "version": null
        "model": "node.js",
        "scope": "lt",
        "trust": 1.0,
        "vendor": "nodejs",
        "version": "8.16.1"
        "model": "node.js",
        "scope": "lte",
        "trust": 1.0,
        "vendor": "nodejs",
        "version": "10.12.0"
        "model": "openshift service mesh",
        "scope": "eq",
        "trust": 1.0,
        "vendor": "redhat",
        "version": "1.0"
        "model": "software collections",
        "scope": "eq",
        "trust": 1.0,
        "vendor": "redhat",
        "version": "1.0"
        "model": "big-ip local traffic manager",
        "scope": "gte",
        "trust": 1.0,
        "vendor": "f5",
        "version": "12.1.0"
        "model": "node.js",
        "scope": "gte",
        "trust": 1.0,
        "vendor": "nodejs",
        "version": "8.9.0"
        "model": "fedora",
        "scope": "eq",
        "trust": 1.0,
        "vendor": "fedoraproject",
        "version": "29"
        "model": "graalvm",
        "scope": "eq",
        "trust": 1.0,
        "vendor": "oracle",
        "version": "19.2.0"
        "model": "big-ip local traffic manager",
        "scope": "gte",
        "trust": 1.0,
        "vendor": "f5",
        "version": "11.6.1"
        "model": "node.js",
        "scope": "gte",
        "trust": 1.0,
        "vendor": "nodejs",
        "version": "10.0.0"
        "model": "jboss enterprise application platform",
        "scope": "eq",
        "trust": 1.0,
        "vendor": "redhat",
        "version": "7.2.0"
        "model": "web gateway",
        "scope": "lt",
        "trust": 1.0,
        "vendor": "mcafee",
        "version": "8.2.0"
        "model": "big-ip local traffic manager",
        "scope": "lt",
        "trust": 1.0,
        "vendor": "f5",
        "version": ""
        "model": "jboss enterprise application platform",
        "scope": "eq",
        "trust": 1.0,
        "vendor": "redhat",
        "version": "7.3.0"
        "model": "node.js",
        "scope": "gte",
        "trust": 1.0,
        "vendor": "nodejs",
        "version": "12.0.0"
        "model": "big-ip local traffic manager",
        "scope": "lt",
        "trust": 1.0,
        "vendor": "f5",
        "version": ""
        "model": "openshift container platform",
        "scope": "eq",
        "trust": 1.0,
        "vendor": "redhat",
        "version": "4.1"
        "model": "big-ip local traffic manager",
        "scope": "lt",
        "trust": 1.0,
        "vendor": "f5",
        "version": ""
        "model": "node.js",
        "scope": "gte",
        "trust": 1.0,
        "vendor": "nodejs",
        "version": "8.0.0"
        "model": "traffic server",
        "scope": "gte",
        "trust": 1.0,
        "vendor": "apache",
        "version": "8.0.0"
        "model": "node.js",
        "scope": "gte",
        "trust": 1.0,
        "vendor": "nodejs",
        "version": "10.13.0"
        "model": "diskstation manager",
        "scope": "eq",
        "trust": 1.0,
        "vendor": "synology",
        "version": "6.2"
        "model": "node.js",
        "scope": "lt",
        "trust": 1.0,
        "vendor": "nodejs",
        "version": "12.8.1"
        "model": "swiftnio",
        "scope": "lte",
        "trust": 1.0,
        "vendor": "apple",
        "version": "1.4.0"
        "model": "traffic server",
        "scope": "gte",
        "trust": 1.0,
        "vendor": "apache",
        "version": "7.0.0"
        "model": "quay",
        "scope": "eq",
        "trust": 1.0,
        "vendor": "redhat",
        "version": "3.0.0"
        "model": "linux",
        "scope": "eq",
        "trust": 1.0,
        "vendor": "debian",
        "version": "9.0"
        "model": "jboss core services",
        "scope": "eq",
        "trust": 1.0,
        "vendor": "redhat",
        "version": "1.0"
        "model": "traffic server",
        "scope": "lte",
        "trust": 1.0,
        "vendor": "apache",
        "version": "7.1.6"
        "model": "enterprise linux",
        "scope": "eq",
        "trust": 1.0,
        "vendor": "redhat",
        "version": "8.0"
        "model": "web gateway",
        "scope": "gte",
        "trust": 1.0,
        "vendor": "mcafee",
        "version": "8.1.0"
        "model": "node.js",
        "scope": "lt",
        "trust": 1.0,
        "vendor": "nodejs",
        "version": "10.16.3"
        "model": "openstack",
        "scope": "eq",
        "trust": 1.0,
        "vendor": "redhat",
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    "data": "Some HTTP/2 implementations are vulnerable to a settings flood, potentially leading to a denial of service. The attacker sends a stream of SETTINGS frames to the peer. Since the RFC requires that the peer reply with one acknowledgement per SETTINGS frame, an empty SETTINGS frame is almost equivalent in behavior to a ping. Depending on how efficiently this data is queued, this can consume excess CPU, memory, or both. Multiple HTTP/2 implementations are vulnerable to a variety of denial-of-service (DoS) attacks. HTTP/2 is the second version of the hypertext transfer protocol, which is mainly used to ensure the communication between the client and the server. A resource management error vulnerability exists in HTTP/2. An attacker could exploit this vulnerability to cause a denial of service. Description:\n\nRed Hat Decision Manager is an open source decision management platform\nthat combines business rules management, complex event processing, Decision\nModel \u0026 Notation (DMN) execution, and Business Optimizer for solving\nplanning problems. It automates business decisions and makes that logic\navailable to the entire business. Bugs fixed (\n\n1649870 - CVE-2019-14820 keycloak: adapter endpoints are exposed via arbitrary URLs\n1690628 - CVE-2019-3875 keycloak: missing signatures validation on CRL used to verify client certificates\n1728609 - CVE-2019-10201 keycloak: SAML broker does not check existence of signature on document allowing any user impersonation\n1729261 - CVE-2019-10199 keycloak: CSRF check missing in My Resources functionality in the Account Console\n1735645 - CVE-2019-9512 HTTP/2: flood using PING frames results in unbounded memory growth\n1735744 - CVE-2019-9514 HTTP/2: flood using HEADERS frames results in unbounded memory growth\n1735745 - CVE-2019-9515 HTTP/2: flood using SETTINGS frames results in unbounded memory growth\n1738673 - CVE-2019-10219 hibernate-validator: safeHTML validator allows XSS\n1741860 - CVE-2019-9511 HTTP/2: large amount of data requests leads to denial of service\n1749487 - CVE-2019-14832 keycloak: cross-realm user access auth bypass\n1751227 - CVE-2019-14838 wildfly-core: Incorrect privileges for \u0027Monitor\u0027, \u0027Auditor\u0027 and \u0027Deployer\u0027 user by default\n1755831 - CVE-2019-16335 jackson-databind: Serialization gadgets in com.zaxxer.hikari.HikariDataSource\n1755849 - CVE-2019-14540 jackson-databind: Serialization gadgets in com.zaxxer.hikari.HikariConfig\n1758167 - CVE-2019-17267 jackson-databind: Serialization gadgets in classes of the ehcache package\n1758171 - CVE-2019-14892 jackson-databind: Serialization gadgets in classes of the commons-configuration package\n1758182 - CVE-2019-14893 jackson-databind: Serialization gadgets in classes of the xalan package\n1758187 - CVE-2019-16942 jackson-databind: Serialization gadgets in org.apache.commons.dbcp.datasources.*\n1758191 - CVE-2019-16943 jackson-databind: Serialization gadgets in com.p6spy.engine.spy.P6DataSource\n1764607 - CVE-2019-0210 thrift: Out-of-bounds read related to TJSONProtocol or TSimpleJSONProtocol\n1764612 - CVE-2019-0205 thrift: Endless loop when feed with specific input data\n1764658 - CVE-2019-12400 xml-security: Apache Santuario potentially loads XML parsing code from an untrusted source\n1767483 - CVE-2019-10086 apache-commons-beanutils: does not suppresses the class property in PropertyUtilsBean by default\n1772008 - CVE-2019-14887 wildfly: The \u0027enabled-protocols\u0027 value in legacy security is not respected if OpenSSL security provider is in use\n1772464 - CVE-2019-14888 undertow: possible Denial Of Service (DOS) in Undertow HTTP server listening on HTTPS\n1775293 - CVE-2019-17531 jackson-databind: Serialization gadgets in org.apache.log4j.receivers.db.*\n1793154 - CVE-2019-20330 jackson-databind: lacks certain net.sf.ehcache blocking\n1796225 - CVE-2020-7238 netty: HTTP Request Smuggling due to Transfer-Encoding whitespace mishandling\n1802444 - CVE-2020-1729 SmallRye: SecuritySupport class is incorrectly public and contains a static method to access the current threads context class loader\n1815470 - CVE-2020-10673 jackson-databind: mishandles the interaction between serialization gadgets and typing which could result in remote command execution\n1815495 - CVE-2020-10672 jackson-databind: mishandles the interaction between serialization gadgets and typing which could result in remote command execution\n1816170 - CVE-2019-12406 cxf: does not restrict the number of message attachments\n1816175 - CVE-2019-12419 cxf: OpenId Connect token service does not properly validate the clientId\n1816330 - CVE-2020-8840 jackson-databind: Lacks certain xbean-reflect/JNDI blocking\n1816332 - CVE-2020-9546 jackson-databind: Serialization gadgets in shaded-hikari-config\n1816337 - CVE-2020-9547 jackson-databind: Serialization gadgets in ibatis-sqlmap\n1816340 - CVE-2020-9548 jackson-databind: Serialization gadgets in anteros-core\n1819208 - CVE-2020-10968 jackson-databind: Serialization gadgets in org.aoju.bus.proxy.provider.*.RmiProvider\n1819212 - CVE-2020-10969 jackson-databind: Serialization gadgets in javax.swing.JEditorPane\n1821304 - CVE-2020-11111 jackson-databind: Serialization gadgets in org.apache.activemq.jms.pool.XaPooledConnectionFactory\n1821311 - CVE-2020-11112 jackson-databind: Serialization gadgets in org.apache.commons.proxy.provider.remoting.RmiProvider\n1821315 - CVE-2020-11113 jackson-databind: Serialization gadgets in\n1826798 - CVE-2020-11620 jackson-databind: Serialization gadgets in commons-jelly:commons-jelly\n1826805 - CVE-2020-11619 jackson-databind: Serialization gadgets in org.springframework:spring-aop\n\n5. Description:\n\nRed Hat JBoss Enterprise Application Platform 7 is a platform for Java\napplications based on the WildFly application runtime. See the Red Hat JBoss Enterprise\nApplication Platform 7.2.5 Release Notes for information about the most\nsignificant bug fixes and enhancements included in this release. \n\nThe References section of this erratum contains a download link (you must\nlog in to download the update). \n\nThe JBoss server process must be restarted for the update to take effect. JIRA issues fixed (\n\nJBEAP-17075 - (7.2.z) Upgrade yasson from 1.0.2.redhat-00001 to 1.0.5\nJBEAP-17220 - (7.2.x) HHH-13504 Upgrade ByteBuddy to 1.9.11\nJBEAP-17365 - [GSS](7.2.z) Upgrade RESTEasy from 3.6.1.SP6 to 3.6.1.SP7\nJBEAP-17476 - [GSS](7.2.z) Upgrade Generic JMS RA 2.0.2.Final\nJBEAP-17478 - [GSS](7.2.z) Upgrade JBoss Remoting from 5.0.14.SP1 to 5.0.16.Final\nJBEAP-17483 - [GSS](7.2.z) Upgrade Apache CXF from 3.2.9 to 3.2.10\nJBEAP-17495 - (7.2.z) Upgrade PicketLink from 2.5.5.SP12-redhat-00007 to 2.5.5.SP12-redhat-00009\nJBEAP-17496 - (7.2.z) Upgrade PicketLink bindings from 2.5.5.SP12-redhat-00007 to 2.5.5.SP12-redhat-00009\nJBEAP-17513 - [GSS](7.2.z) Upgrade Hibernate ORM from 5.3.11.SP1 to 5.3.13\nJBEAP-17521 - (7.2.z) Upgrade picketbox from 5.0.3.Final-redhat-00004 to 5.0.3.Final-redhat-00005\nJBEAP-17523 - [GSS](7.2.z) Upgrade wildfly-core from 6.0.16 to 6.0.17\nJBEAP-17547 - [GSS](7.2.z) Upgrade Elytron-Tool from 1.4.3 to 1.4.4.Final\nJBEAP-17548 - [GSS](7.2.z) Upgrade Elytron from 1.6.4.Final-redhat-00001 to 1.6.5.Final-redhat-00001\nJBEAP-17560 - [GSS](7.2.z) Upgrade HAL from 3.0.16 to 3.0.17\nJBEAP-17579 - [GSS](7.2.z) Upgrade JBoss MSC from 1.4.8 to 1.4.11\nJBEAP-17582 - [GSS](7.2.z) Upgrade JSF based on Mojarra 2.3.5.SP3-redhat-00002 to 2.3.5.SP3-redhat-00003\nJBEAP-17631 - [GSS](7.2.z) Upgrade Undertow from 2.0.25.SP1 to 2.0.26.SP3\nJBEAP-17647 - [GSS](7.2.z) Upgrade IronJacamar from 1.4.17.Final to 1.4.18.Final\nJBEAP-17665 - [GSS](7.2.z) Upgrade XNIO from 3.7.3.Final-redhat-00001 to 3.7.6.Final\nJBEAP-17722 - [GSS](7.2.z) Upgrade wildfly-http-client from 1.0.15.Final-redhat-00001 to 1.0.17.Final\nJBEAP-17874 - (7.2.z) Upgrade to wildfly-openssl 1.0.8\nJBEAP-17880 - (7.2.z) Upgrade XNIO from 3.7.6.Final-redhat-00001 to 3.7.6.SP1\n\n6. \n\nThe fixes are too intrusive to backport to the version in the oldstable\ndistribution (stretch). An upgrade to Debian stable (buster) is\nrecommended instead. \n\nFor the stable distribution (buster), these problems have been fixed in\nversion 8.0.2+ds-1+deb10u1. \n\nWe recommend that you upgrade your trafficserver packages. \n\nFor the detailed security status of trafficserver please refer to\nits security tracker page at:\n\n\nFurther information about Debian Security Advisories, how to apply\nthese updates to your system and frequently asked questions can be\nfound at:\n\nMailing list:\n-----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE-----\n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\n3po/YTjSdJRYZI9YjLWT1ZDP6TeueBkIqf07uuT9Kk92VWuyfhs=UFIM\n-----END PGP SIGNATURE-----\n. Description:\n\nRed Hat Single Sign-On 7.3 is a standalone server, based on the Keycloak\nproject, that provides authentication and standards-based single sign-on\ncapabilities for web and mobile applications. Solution:\n\nBefore applying this update, make sure all previously released errata\nrelevant to your system have been applied. JIRA issues fixed (\n\nKEYCLOAK-11816 - Tracker bug for the RH-SSO 7.3.5 release for RHEL7\n\n7. Each of these container images includes gRPC,\nwhich has been updated with the below fixes. Solution:\n\nFor OpenShift Container Platform 4.1 see the following documentation, which\nwill be updated shortly for release 4.1.z, for important instructions on\nhow to upgrade your cluster and fully apply this asynchronous errata\nupdate:\n\n\nease-notes.html\n\n4. Description:\n\nAMQ Broker is a high-performance messaging implementation based on ActiveMQ\nArtemis. It uses an asynchronous journal for fast message persistence, and\nsupports multiple languages, protocols, and platforms. For further information, refer to the release notes linked to\nin the References section. -----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE-----\nHash: SHA256\n\n=====================================================================\n                   Red Hat Security Advisory\n\nSynopsis:          Important: nodejs:10 security update\nAdvisory ID:       RHSA-2019:2925-01\nProduct:           Red Hat Enterprise Linux\nAdvisory URL:\nIssue date:        2019-09-30\nCVE Names:         CVE-2019-9511 CVE-2019-9512 CVE-2019-9513 \n                   CVE-2019-9514 CVE-2019-9515 CVE-2019-9516 \n                   CVE-2019-9517 CVE-2019-9518 \n=====================================================================\n\n1. Summary:\n\nAn update for the nodejs:10 module is now available for Red Hat Enterprise\nLinux 8. \n\nRed Hat Product Security has rated this update as having a security impact\nof Important. A Common Vulnerability Scoring System (CVSS) base score,\nwhich gives a detailed severity rating, is available for each vulnerability\nfrom the CVE link(s) in the References section. \n\n2. Relevant releases/architectures:\n\nRed Hat Enterprise Linux AppStream (v. 8) - aarch64, noarch, ppc64le, s390x, x86_64\n\n3. Description:\n\nNode.js is a software development platform for building fast and scalable\nnetwork applications in the JavaScript programming language. \n\nThe following packages have been upgraded to a later upstream version:\nnodejs (10.16.3). \n\nSecurity Fix(es):\n\n* HTTP/2: large amount of data requests leads to denial of service\n(CVE-2019-9511)\n\n* HTTP/2: flood using PING frames results in unbounded memory growth\n(CVE-2019-9512)\n\n* HTTP/2: flood using PRIORITY frames results in excessive resource\nconsumption (CVE-2019-9513)\n\n* HTTP/2: flood using HEADERS frames results in unbounded memory growth\n(CVE-2019-9514)\n\n* HTTP/2: flood using SETTINGS frames results in unbounded memory growth\n(CVE-2019-9515)\n\n* HTTP/2: 0-length headers lead to denial of service (CVE-2019-9516)\n\n* HTTP/2: request for large response leads to denial of service\n(CVE-2019-9517)\n\n* HTTP/2: flood using empty frames results in excessive resource\nconsumption (CVE-2019-9518)\n\nFor more details about the security issue(s), including the impact, a CVSS\nscore, acknowledgments, and other related information, refer to the CVE\npage(s) listed in the References section. \n\n4. Solution:\n\nFor details on how to apply this update, which includes the changes\ndescribed in this advisory, refer to:\n\n\n\n5. Bugs fixed (\n\n1735645 - CVE-2019-9512 HTTP/2: flood using PING frames results in unbounded memory growth\n1735741 - CVE-2019-9513 HTTP/2: flood using PRIORITY frames results in excessive resource consumption\n1735744 - CVE-2019-9514 HTTP/2: flood using HEADERS frames results in unbounded memory growth\n1735745 - CVE-2019-9515 HTTP/2: flood using SETTINGS frames results in unbounded memory growth\n1735749 - CVE-2019-9518 HTTP/2: flood using empty frames results in excessive resource consumption\n1741860 - CVE-2019-9511 HTTP/2: large amount of data requests leads to denial of service\n1741864 - CVE-2019-9516 HTTP/2: 0-length headers lead to denial of service\n1741868 - CVE-2019-9517 HTTP/2: request for large response leads to denial of service\n\n6. Package List:\n\nRed Hat Enterprise Linux AppStream (v. 8):\n\nSource:\nnodejs-10.16.3-2.module+el8.0.0+4214+49953fda.src.rpm\nnodejs-nodemon-1.18.3-1.module+el8+2632+6c5111ed.src.rpm\nnodejs-packaging-17-3.module+el8+2873+aa7dfd9a.src.rpm\n\naarch64:\nnodejs-10.16.3-2.module+el8.0.0+4214+49953fda.aarch64.rpm\nnodejs-debuginfo-10.16.3-2.module+el8.0.0+4214+49953fda.aarch64.rpm\nnodejs-debugsource-10.16.3-2.module+el8.0.0+4214+49953fda.aarch64.rpm\nnodejs-devel-10.16.3-2.module+el8.0.0+4214+49953fda.aarch64.rpm\nnpm-6.9.0-\n\nnoarch:\nnodejs-docs-10.16.3-2.module+el8.0.0+4214+49953fda.noarch.rpm\nnodejs-nodemon-1.18.3-1.module+el8+2632+6c5111ed.noarch.rpm\nnodejs-packaging-17-3.module+el8+2873+aa7dfd9a.noarch.rpm\n\nppc64le:\nnodejs-10.16.3-2.module+el8.0.0+4214+49953fda.ppc64le.rpm\nnodejs-debuginfo-10.16.3-2.module+el8.0.0+4214+49953fda.ppc64le.rpm\nnodejs-debugsource-10.16.3-2.module+el8.0.0+4214+49953fda.ppc64le.rpm\nnodejs-devel-10.16.3-2.module+el8.0.0+4214+49953fda.ppc64le.rpm\nnpm-6.9.0-\n\ns390x:\nnodejs-10.16.3-2.module+el8.0.0+4214+49953fda.s390x.rpm\nnodejs-debuginfo-10.16.3-2.module+el8.0.0+4214+49953fda.s390x.rpm\nnodejs-debugsource-10.16.3-2.module+el8.0.0+4214+49953fda.s390x.rpm\nnodejs-devel-10.16.3-2.module+el8.0.0+4214+49953fda.s390x.rpm\nnpm-6.9.0-\n\nx86_64:\nnodejs-10.16.3-2.module+el8.0.0+4214+49953fda.x86_64.rpm\nnodejs-debuginfo-10.16.3-2.module+el8.0.0+4214+49953fda.x86_64.rpm\nnodejs-debugsource-10.16.3-2.module+el8.0.0+4214+49953fda.x86_64.rpm\nnodejs-devel-10.16.3-2.module+el8.0.0+4214+49953fda.x86_64.rpm\nnodejs-devel-debuginfo-10.16.3-2.module+el8.0.0+4214+49953fda.x86_64.rpm\nnpm-6.9.0-\n\nThese packages are GPG signed by Red Hat for security.  Our key and\ndetails on how to verify the signature are available from\n\n\n7. References:\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n8. Contact:\n\nThe Red Hat security contact is \\u003e. More contact\ndetails at\n\nCopyright 2019 Red Hat, Inc. \n-----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE-----\nVersion: GnuPG v1\n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\nJ/w0T73QFqQ=\n=4d1d\n-----END PGP SIGNATURE-----\n\n--\nRHSA-announce mailing list\\n\n",
    "sources": [
        "db": "NVD",
        "id": "CVE-2019-9515"
        "db": "CERT/CC",
        "id": "VU#605641"
        "db": "VULHUB",
        "id": "VHN-160950"
        "db": "PACKETSTORM",
        "id": "158650"
        "db": "PACKETSTORM",
        "id": "157741"
        "db": "PACKETSTORM",
        "id": "155480"
        "db": "PACKETSTORM",
        "id": "154222"
        "db": "PACKETSTORM",
        "id": "154430"
        "db": "PACKETSTORM",
        "id": "157214"
        "db": "PACKETSTORM",
        "id": "155518"
        "db": "PACKETSTORM",
        "id": "154475"
        "db": "PACKETSTORM",
        "id": "156852"
        "db": "PACKETSTORM",
        "id": "154663"
    "trust": 2.61
  "external_ids": {
    "@context": {
      "@vocab": "",
      "data": {
        "@container": "@list"
      "sources": {
        "@container": "@list",
        "@context": {
          "@vocab": ""
    "data": [
        "db": "NVD",
        "id": "CVE-2019-9515",
        "trust": 2.7
        "db": "CERT/CC",
        "id": "VU#605641",
        "trust": 2.5
        "db": "MCAFEE",
        "id": "SB10296",
        "trust": 1.7
        "db": "CNNVD",
        "id": "CNNVD-201908-932",
        "trust": 0.7
        "db": "PACKETSTORM",
        "id": "158651",
        "trust": 0.7
        "db": "PACKETSTORM",
        "id": "154222",
        "trust": 0.7
        "db": "PACKETSTORM",
        "id": "157214",
        "trust": 0.7
        "db": "PACKETSTORM",
        "id": "156852",
        "trust": 0.7
        "db": "PACKETSTORM",
        "id": "155484",
        "trust": 0.6
        "db": "PACKETSTORM",
        "id": "156830",
        "trust": 0.6
        "db": "PACKETSTORM",
        "id": "156941",
        "trust": 0.6
        "db": "PACKETSTORM",
        "id": "158095",
        "trust": 0.6
        "db": "PACKETSTORM",
        "id": "156628",
        "trust": 0.6
        "db": "PACKETSTORM",
        "id": "155352",
        "trust": 0.6
        "db": "PACKETSTORM",
        "id": "155520",
        "trust": 0.6
        "db": "PACKETSTORM",
        "id": "155728",
        "trust": 0.6
        "db": "AUSCERT",
        "id": "ESB-2019.4238",
        "trust": 0.6
        "db": "AUSCERT",
        "id": "ESB-2019.4737",
        "trust": 0.6
        "db": "AUSCERT",
        "id": "ESB-2019.4332",
        "trust": 0.6
        "db": "AUSCERT",
        "id": "ESB-2020.1030",
        "trust": 0.6
        "db": "AUSCERT",
        "id": "ESB-2020.2619",
        "trust": 0.6
        "db": "AUSCERT",
        "id": "ESB-2019.4533",
        "trust": 0.6
        "db": "AUSCERT",
        "id": "ESB-2020.0643",
        "trust": 0.6
        "db": "AUSCERT",
        "id": "ESB-2020.1766",
        "trust": 0.6
        "db": "AUSCERT",
        "id": "ESB-2019.3325",
        "trust": 0.6
        "db": "AUSCERT",
        "id": "ESB-2020.1076",
        "trust": 0.6
        "db": "AUSCERT",
        "id": "ESB-2020.0994",
        "trust": 0.6
        "db": "AUSCERT",
        "id": "ESB-2019.3114",
        "trust": 0.6
        "db": "AUSCERT",
        "id": "ESB-2019.3597.2",
        "trust": 0.6
        "db": "AUSCERT",
        "id": "ESB-2020.0007",
        "trust": 0.6
        "db": "AUSCERT",
        "id": "ESB-2019.4645",
        "trust": 0.6
        "db": "AUSCERT",
        "id": "ESB-2019.4596",
        "trust": 0.6
        "db": "AUSCERT",
        "id": "ESB-2019.3227",
        "trust": 0.6
        "db": "AUSCERT",
        "id": "ESB-2019.4586",
        "trust": 0.6
        "db": "AUSCERT",
        "id": "ESB-2020.0100",
        "trust": 0.6
        "db": "AUSCERT",
        "id": "ESB-2019.4788",
        "trust": 0.6
        "db": "AUSCERT",
        "id": "ESB-2020.2071",
        "trust": 0.6
        "db": "AUSCERT",
        "id": "ESB-2019.3299",
        "trust": 0.6
        "db": "AUSCERT",
        "id": "ESB-2019.4484",
        "trust": 0.6
        "db": "AUSCERT",
        "id": "ESB-2020.1335",
        "trust": 0.6
        "db": "AUSCERT",
        "id": "ESB-2020.1427",
        "trust": 0.6
        "db": "AUSCERT",
        "id": "ESB-2019.4665",
        "trust": 0.6
        "db": "AUSCERT",
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    "data": "remote",
    "sources": [
        "db": "CNNVD",
        "id": "CNNVD-201908-932"
    "trust": 0.6
  "title": {
    "@context": {
      "@vocab": "",
      "sources": {
        "@container": "@list",
        "@context": {
          "@vocab": ""
    "data": "HTTP/2 implementations do not robustly handle abnormal traffic and resource exhaustion",
    "sources": [
        "db": "CERT/CC",
        "id": "VU#605641"
    "trust": 0.8
  "type": {
    "@context": {
      "@vocab": "",
      "sources": {
        "@container": "@list",
        "@context": {
          "@vocab": ""
    "data": "resource management error",
    "sources": [
        "db": "CNNVD",
        "id": "CNNVD-201908-932"
    "trust": 0.6

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