Vulnerability from variot

Multiple vulnerabilities in the authentication mechanisms of Cisco Data Center Network Manager (DCNM) could allow an unauthenticated, remote attacker to bypass authentication and execute arbitrary actions with administrative privileges on an affected device. For more information about these vulnerabilities, see the Details section of this advisory. Cisco Data Center Network Manager (DCNM) Contains a vulnerability in the use of hard-coded credentials.Information may be obtained. Authentication is not required to exploit this vulnerability.The specific flaw exists within the processing of web requests. The system contains a hard-coded administrator username and password that can be used to bypass authentication for some functions. An attacker can leverage this in conjunction with other vulnerabilities to execute code in the context of SYSTEM. A hardcoded encryption key allows any user who accesses the encrypted password for the database to obtain the plaintext password. The system is available for Cisco Nexus and MDS series switches and provides storage visualization, configuration and troubleshooting functions. The web management interface in versions prior to Cisco DCNM 11.3(1) has a trust management issue vulnerability. A remote attacker could exploit this vulnerability by using static credentials to bypass authentication

Show details on source website

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    "sources": [
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        "id": "ZDI-20-013"
        "db": "JVNDB",
        "id": "JVNDB-2019-013854"
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    "sources": [
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        "id": "CVE-2019-15977"
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    "data": "Steven Seeley (mr_me) of Source Incite",
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        "id": "ZDI-20-012"
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        "id": "ZDI-20-013"
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        "severity": [
            "author": "NVD",
            "id": "CVE-2019-15977",
            "trust": 1.8,
            "value": "HIGH"
            "author": "",
            "id": "CVE-2019-15977",
            "trust": 1.0,
            "value": "CRITICAL"
            "author": "ZDI",
            "id": "CVE-2019-15977",
            "trust": 0.7,
            "value": "HIGH"
            "author": "ZDI",
            "id": "CVE-2019-15977",
            "trust": 0.7,
            "value": "MEDIUM"
            "author": "CNNVD",
            "id": "CNNVD-202001-040",
            "trust": 0.6,
            "value": "HIGH"
            "author": "VULHUB",
            "id": "VHN-148077",
            "trust": 0.1,
            "value": "HIGH"
    "sources": [
        "db": "ZDI",
        "id": "ZDI-20-012"
        "db": "ZDI",
        "id": "ZDI-20-013"
        "db": "VULHUB",
        "id": "VHN-148077"
        "db": "JVNDB",
        "id": "JVNDB-2019-013854"
        "db": "NVD",
        "id": "CVE-2019-15977"
        "db": "NVD",
        "id": "CVE-2019-15977"
        "db": "CNNVD",
        "id": "CNNVD-202001-040"
  "description": {
    "@context": {
      "@vocab": "",
      "sources": {
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    "data": "Multiple vulnerabilities in the authentication mechanisms of Cisco Data Center Network Manager (DCNM) could allow an unauthenticated, remote attacker to bypass authentication and execute arbitrary actions with administrative privileges on an affected device. For more information about these vulnerabilities, see the Details section of this advisory. Cisco Data Center Network Manager (DCNM) Contains a vulnerability in the use of hard-coded credentials.Information may be obtained.  Authentication is not required to exploit this vulnerability.The specific flaw exists within the processing of web requests.  The system contains a hard-coded administrator username and password that can be used to bypass authentication for some functions.  An attacker can leverage this in conjunction with other vulnerabilities to execute code in the context of SYSTEM.  A hardcoded encryption key allows any user who accesses the encrypted password for the database to obtain the plaintext password. The system is available for Cisco Nexus and MDS series switches and provides storage visualization, configuration and troubleshooting functions. The web management interface in versions prior to Cisco DCNM 11.3(1) has a trust management issue vulnerability. A remote attacker could exploit this vulnerability by using static credentials to bypass authentication",
    "sources": [
        "db": "NVD",
        "id": "CVE-2019-15977"
        "db": "JVNDB",
        "id": "JVNDB-2019-013854"
        "db": "ZDI",
        "id": "ZDI-20-012"
        "db": "ZDI",
        "id": "ZDI-20-013"
        "db": "VULHUB",
        "id": "VHN-148077"
    "trust": 2.97
  "external_ids": {
    "@context": {
      "@vocab": "",
      "data": {
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      "sources": {
        "@container": "@list",
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    "data": [
        "db": "NVD",
        "id": "CVE-2019-15977",
        "trust": 3.9
        "db": "PACKETSTORM",
        "id": "156242",
        "trust": 1.7
        "db": "ZDI",
        "id": "ZDI-20-013",
        "trust": 1.3
        "db": "JVNDB",
        "id": "JVNDB-2019-013854",
        "trust": 0.8
        "db": "ZDI_CAN",
        "id": "ZDI-CAN-9037",
        "trust": 0.7
        "db": "ZDI",
        "id": "ZDI-20-012",
        "trust": 0.7
        "db": "ZDI_CAN",
        "id": "ZDI-CAN-9038",
        "trust": 0.7
        "db": "CNNVD",
        "id": "CNNVD-202001-040",
        "trust": 0.7
        "db": "AUSCERT",
        "id": "ESB-2020.0036",
        "trust": 0.6
        "db": "AUSCERT",
        "id": "ESB-2020.1072",
        "trust": 0.6
        "db": "EXPLOIT-DB",
        "id": "48020",
        "trust": 0.6
        "db": "VULHUB",
        "id": "VHN-148077",
        "trust": 0.1
    "sources": [
        "db": "ZDI",
        "id": "ZDI-20-012"
        "db": "ZDI",
        "id": "ZDI-20-013"
        "db": "VULHUB",
        "id": "VHN-148077"
        "db": "JVNDB",
        "id": "JVNDB-2019-013854"
        "db": "NVD",
        "id": "CVE-2019-15977"
        "db": "CNNVD",
        "id": "CNNVD-202001-040"
  "id": "VAR-202001-0777",
  "iot": {
    "@context": {
      "@vocab": "",
      "sources": {
        "@container": "@list",
        "@context": {
          "@vocab": ""
    "data": true,
    "sources": [
        "db": "VULHUB",
        "id": "VHN-148077"
    "trust": 0.01
  "last_update_date": "2023-12-18T12:17:27.638000Z",
  "patch": {
    "@context": {
      "@vocab": "",
      "data": {
        "@container": "@list"
      "sources": {
        "@container": "@list",
        "@context": {
          "@vocab": ""
    "data": [
        "title": "cisco-sa-20200102-dcnm-auth-bypass",
        "trust": 2.2,
        "url": ""
        "title": "Cisco Data Center Network Manager Repair measures for trust management problem vulnerabilities",
        "trust": 0.6,
        "url": ""
    "sources": [
        "db": "ZDI",
        "id": "ZDI-20-012"
        "db": "ZDI",
        "id": "ZDI-20-013"
        "db": "JVNDB",
        "id": "JVNDB-2019-013854"
        "db": "CNNVD",
        "id": "CNNVD-202001-040"
  "problemtype_data": {
    "@context": {
      "@vocab": "",
      "sources": {
        "@container": "@list",
        "@context": {
          "@vocab": ""
    "data": [
        "problemtype": "CWE-798",
        "trust": 1.9
    "sources": [
        "db": "VULHUB",
        "id": "VHN-148077"
        "db": "JVNDB",
        "id": "JVNDB-2019-013854"
        "db": "NVD",
        "id": "CVE-2019-15977"
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      "@vocab": "",
      "data": {
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      "sources": {
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    "data": [
        "trust": 3.1,
        "url": ""
        "trust": 1.7,
        "url": ""
        "trust": 1.4,
        "url": ""
        "trust": 0.8,
        "url": ""
        "trust": 0.6,
        "url": ""
        "trust": 0.6,
        "url": ""
        "trust": 0.6,
        "url": ""
        "trust": 0.6,
        "url": ""
    "sources": [
        "db": "ZDI",
        "id": "ZDI-20-012"
        "db": "ZDI",
        "id": "ZDI-20-013"
        "db": "VULHUB",
        "id": "VHN-148077"
        "db": "JVNDB",
        "id": "JVNDB-2019-013854"
        "db": "NVD",
        "id": "CVE-2019-15977"
        "db": "CNNVD",
        "id": "CNNVD-202001-040"
  "sources": {
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      "@vocab": "",
      "data": {
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    "data": [
        "db": "ZDI",
        "id": "ZDI-20-012"
        "db": "ZDI",
        "id": "ZDI-20-013"
        "db": "VULHUB",
        "id": "VHN-148077"
        "db": "JVNDB",
        "id": "JVNDB-2019-013854"
        "db": "NVD",
        "id": "CVE-2019-15977"
        "db": "CNNVD",
        "id": "CNNVD-202001-040"
  "sources_release_date": {
    "@context": {
      "@vocab": "",
      "data": {
        "@container": "@list"
    "data": [
        "date": "2020-01-03T00:00:00",
        "db": "ZDI",
        "id": "ZDI-20-012"
        "date": "2020-01-03T00:00:00",
        "db": "ZDI",
        "id": "ZDI-20-013"
        "date": "2020-01-06T00:00:00",
        "db": "VULHUB",
        "id": "VHN-148077"
        "date": "2020-01-17T00:00:00",
        "db": "JVNDB",
        "id": "JVNDB-2019-013854"
        "date": "2020-01-06T08:15:10.893000",
        "db": "NVD",
        "id": "CVE-2019-15977"
        "date": "2020-01-02T00:00:00",
        "db": "CNNVD",
        "id": "CNNVD-202001-040"
  "sources_update_date": {
    "@context": {
      "@vocab": "",
      "data": {
        "@container": "@list"
    "data": [
        "date": "2020-01-03T00:00:00",
        "db": "ZDI",
        "id": "ZDI-20-012"
        "date": "2020-01-03T00:00:00",
        "db": "ZDI",
        "id": "ZDI-20-013"
        "date": "2023-02-03T00:00:00",
        "db": "VULHUB",
        "id": "VHN-148077"
        "date": "2020-01-17T00:00:00",
        "db": "JVNDB",
        "id": "JVNDB-2019-013854"
        "date": "2023-02-03T17:24:37.980000",
        "db": "NVD",
        "id": "CVE-2019-15977"
        "date": "2020-03-27T00:00:00",
        "db": "CNNVD",
        "id": "CNNVD-202001-040"
  "threat_type": {
    "@context": {
      "@vocab": "",
      "sources": {
        "@container": "@list",
        "@context": {
          "@vocab": ""
    "data": "remote",
    "sources": [
        "db": "CNNVD",
        "id": "CNNVD-202001-040"
    "trust": 0.6
  "title": {
    "@context": {
      "@vocab": "",
      "sources": {
        "@container": "@list",
        "@context": {
          "@vocab": ""
    "data": "Cisco Data Center Network Manager Vulnerabilities related to the use of hard-coded credentials",
    "sources": [
        "db": "JVNDB",
        "id": "JVNDB-2019-013854"
    "trust": 0.8
  "type": {
    "@context": {
      "@vocab": "",
      "sources": {
        "@container": "@list",
        "@context": {
          "@vocab": ""
    "data": "trust management problem",
    "sources": [
        "db": "CNNVD",
        "id": "CNNVD-202001-040"
    "trust": 0.6

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Taxonomy of the tags.



  • Seen: The vulnerability was mentioned, discussed, or seen somewhere by the user.
  • Confirmed: The vulnerability is confirmed from an analyst perspective.
  • Exploited: This vulnerability was exploited and seen by the user reporting the sighting.
  • Patched: This vulnerability was successfully patched by the user reporting the sighting.
  • Not exploited: This vulnerability was not exploited or seen by the user reporting the sighting.
  • Not confirmed: The user expresses doubt about the veracity of the vulnerability.
  • Not patched: This vulnerability was not successfully patched by the user reporting the sighting.