Vulnerability from variot

WebAccess/NMS (versions prior to 3.0.2) allows an unauthenticated remote user to create a new admin account. WebAccess/NMS There is a vulnerability in the lack of authentication for critical features.Information is obtained, information is tampered with, and service operation is interrupted. (DoS) It may be put into a state. This vulnerability allows remote attackers to bypass authentication on affected installations of Advantech WebAccess/NMS. Authentication is not required to exploit this vulnerability.The specific flaw exists within the processing of calls to the usersInputAction.action endpoint. Authentication is missing for the critical function of creating new administrator accounts. An attacker can leverage this vulnerability to create new accounts, leading to further compromise. Advantech WebAccess/NMS is a set of Web browser-based Network Management System (NMS) software package developed by China Taiwan Advantech Corporation. There is an access control error vulnerability in Advantech WebAccess/NMS versions prior to 3.0.2

Show details on source website

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        "id": "JVNDB-2020-003804"
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            "id": "JVNDB-2020-003804",
            "trust": 0.8,
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            "author": "ZDI",
            "id": "CVE-2020-10625",
            "trust": 0.7,
            "value": "HIGH"
            "author": "CNNVD",
            "id": "CNNVD-202004-388",
            "trust": 0.6,
            "value": "CRITICAL"
            "author": "VULHUB",
            "id": "VHN-163122",
            "trust": 0.1,
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    "sources": [
        "db": "ZDI",
        "id": "ZDI-20-414"
        "db": "VULHUB",
        "id": "VHN-163122"
        "db": "JVNDB",
        "id": "JVNDB-2020-003804"
        "db": "NVD",
        "id": "CVE-2020-10625"
        "db": "CNNVD",
        "id": "CNNVD-202004-388"
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    "data": "WebAccess/NMS (versions prior to 3.0.2) allows an unauthenticated remote user to create a new admin account. WebAccess/NMS There is a vulnerability in the lack of authentication for critical features.Information is obtained, information is tampered with, and service operation is interrupted. (DoS) It may be put into a state. This vulnerability allows remote attackers to bypass authentication on affected installations of Advantech WebAccess/NMS. Authentication is not required to exploit this vulnerability.The specific flaw exists within the processing of calls to the usersInputAction.action endpoint. Authentication is missing for the critical function of creating new administrator accounts. An attacker can leverage this vulnerability to create new accounts, leading to further compromise. Advantech WebAccess/NMS is a set of Web browser-based Network Management System (NMS) software package developed by China Taiwan Advantech Corporation. There is an access control error vulnerability in Advantech WebAccess/NMS versions prior to 3.0.2",
    "sources": [
        "db": "NVD",
        "id": "CVE-2020-10625"
        "db": "JVNDB",
        "id": "JVNDB-2020-003804"
        "db": "ZDI",
        "id": "ZDI-20-414"
        "db": "VULHUB",
        "id": "VHN-163122"
    "trust": 2.34
  "external_ids": {
    "@context": {
      "@vocab": "",
      "data": {
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      "sources": {
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    "data": [
        "db": "NVD",
        "id": "CVE-2020-10625",
        "trust": 3.2
        "db": "ICS CERT",
        "id": "ICSA-20-098-01",
        "trust": 2.5
        "db": "ZDI",
        "id": "ZDI-20-414",
        "trust": 1.3
        "db": "JVNDB",
        "id": "JVNDB-2020-003804",
        "trust": 0.8
        "db": "ZDI_CAN",
        "id": "ZDI-CAN-9769",
        "trust": 0.7
        "db": "CNNVD",
        "id": "CNNVD-202004-388",
        "trust": 0.7
        "db": "NSFOCUS",
        "id": "46346",
        "trust": 0.6
        "db": "AUSCERT",
        "id": "ESB-2020.1251",
        "trust": 0.6
        "db": "CNVD",
        "id": "CNVD-2020-22312",
        "trust": 0.1
        "db": "VULHUB",
        "id": "VHN-163122",
        "trust": 0.1
    "sources": [
        "db": "ZDI",
        "id": "ZDI-20-414"
        "db": "VULHUB",
        "id": "VHN-163122"
        "db": "JVNDB",
        "id": "JVNDB-2020-003804"
        "db": "NVD",
        "id": "CVE-2020-10625"
        "db": "CNNVD",
        "id": "CNNVD-202004-388"
  "id": "VAR-202004-0081",
  "iot": {
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    "sources": [
        "db": "VULHUB",
        "id": "VHN-163122"
    "trust": 0.41850854000000004
  "last_update_date": "2023-12-18T11:58:32.270000Z",
  "patch": {
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    "data": [
        "title": "Top Page",
        "trust": 0.8,
        "url": ""
        "title": "Advantech has issued an update to correct this vulnerability.",
        "trust": 0.7,
        "url": ""
        "title": "Advantech WebAccess/NMS Fixes for access control error vulnerabilities",
        "trust": 0.6,
        "url": ""
    "sources": [
        "db": "ZDI",
        "id": "ZDI-20-414"
        "db": "JVNDB",
        "id": "JVNDB-2020-003804"
        "db": "CNNVD",
        "id": "CNNVD-202004-388"
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        "trust": 1.9
    "sources": [
        "db": "VULHUB",
        "id": "VHN-163122"
        "db": "JVNDB",
        "id": "JVNDB-2020-003804"
        "db": "NVD",
        "id": "CVE-2020-10625"
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      "@vocab": "",
      "data": {
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      "sources": {
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    "data": [
        "trust": 3.2,
        "url": ""
        "trust": 1.4,
        "url": ""
        "trust": 0.8,
        "url": ""
        "trust": 0.6,
        "url": ""
        "trust": 0.6,
        "url": ""
        "trust": 0.6,
        "url": ""
    "sources": [
        "db": "ZDI",
        "id": "ZDI-20-414"
        "db": "VULHUB",
        "id": "VHN-163122"
        "db": "JVNDB",
        "id": "JVNDB-2020-003804"
        "db": "NVD",
        "id": "CVE-2020-10625"
        "db": "CNNVD",
        "id": "CNNVD-202004-388"
  "sources": {
    "@context": {
      "@vocab": "",
      "data": {
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    "data": [
        "db": "ZDI",
        "id": "ZDI-20-414"
        "db": "VULHUB",
        "id": "VHN-163122"
        "db": "JVNDB",
        "id": "JVNDB-2020-003804"
        "db": "NVD",
        "id": "CVE-2020-10625"
        "db": "CNNVD",
        "id": "CNNVD-202004-388"
  "sources_release_date": {
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      "@vocab": "",
      "data": {
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    "data": [
        "date": "2020-04-08T00:00:00",
        "db": "ZDI",
        "id": "ZDI-20-414"
        "date": "2020-04-09T00:00:00",
        "db": "VULHUB",
        "id": "VHN-163122"
        "date": "2020-04-24T00:00:00",
        "db": "JVNDB",
        "id": "JVNDB-2020-003804"
        "date": "2020-04-09T14:15:12.683000",
        "db": "NVD",
        "id": "CVE-2020-10625"
        "date": "2020-04-07T00:00:00",
        "db": "CNNVD",
        "id": "CNNVD-202004-388"
  "sources_update_date": {
    "@context": {
      "@vocab": "",
      "data": {
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    "data": [
        "date": "2020-04-08T00:00:00",
        "db": "ZDI",
        "id": "ZDI-20-414"
        "date": "2020-04-10T00:00:00",
        "db": "VULHUB",
        "id": "VHN-163122"
        "date": "2020-04-24T00:00:00",
        "db": "JVNDB",
        "id": "JVNDB-2020-003804"
        "date": "2020-04-10T14:15:07.783000",
        "db": "NVD",
        "id": "CVE-2020-10625"
        "date": "2020-04-14T00:00:00",
        "db": "CNNVD",
        "id": "CNNVD-202004-388"
  "threat_type": {
    "@context": {
      "@vocab": "",
      "sources": {
        "@container": "@list",
        "@context": {
          "@vocab": ""
    "data": "remote",
    "sources": [
        "db": "CNNVD",
        "id": "CNNVD-202004-388"
    "trust": 0.6
  "title": {
    "@context": {
      "@vocab": "",
      "sources": {
        "@container": "@list",
        "@context": {
          "@vocab": ""
    "data": "WebAccess/NMS Vulnerability regarding lack of authentication for critical features in",
    "sources": [
        "db": "JVNDB",
        "id": "JVNDB-2020-003804"
    "trust": 0.8
  "type": {
    "@context": {
      "@vocab": "",
      "sources": {
        "@container": "@list",
        "@context": {
          "@vocab": ""
    "data": "access control error",
    "sources": [
        "db": "CNNVD",
        "id": "CNNVD-202004-388"
    "trust": 0.6

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Taxonomy of the tags.



  • Seen: The vulnerability was mentioned, discussed, or seen somewhere by the user.
  • Confirmed: The vulnerability is confirmed from an analyst perspective.
  • Exploited: This vulnerability was exploited and seen by the user reporting the sighting.
  • Patched: This vulnerability was successfully patched by the user reporting the sighting.
  • Not exploited: This vulnerability was not exploited or seen by the user reporting the sighting.
  • Not confirmed: The user expresses doubt about the veracity of the vulnerability.
  • Not patched: This vulnerability was not successfully patched by the user reporting the sighting.