Vulnerability from variot

A vulnerability in the web management interface of Cisco Smart Software Manager satellite could allow an authenticated, remote attacker to redirect a user to an undesired web page. The vulnerability is due to improper input validation of the URL parameters in an HTTP request that is sent to an affected device. An attacker could exploit this vulnerability by sending a crafted HTTP request that could cause the web application to redirect the request to a specified malicious URL. A successful exploit could allow the attacker to redirect a user to a malicious website. The software eliminates cumbersome product activation key (PAK) and license file management, makes the license node no longer locked to the device, and can support the license to be used on any compatible device

Show details on source website

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        "id": "JVNDB-2021-002789"
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        "id": "CVE-2021-1218"
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            "id": "CVE-2021-1218",
            "trust": 1.0,
            "value": "MEDIUM"
            "author": "CNNVD",
            "id": "CNNVD-202101-1521",
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            "author": "VULHUB",
            "id": "VHN-374272",
            "trust": 0.1,
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            "id": "CVE-2021-1218",
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        "db": "VULHUB",
        "id": "VHN-374272"
        "db": "VULMON",
        "id": "CVE-2021-1218"
        "db": "JVNDB",
        "id": "JVNDB-2021-002789"
        "db": "NVD",
        "id": "CVE-2021-1218"
        "db": "NVD",
        "id": "CVE-2021-1218"
        "db": "CNNVD",
        "id": "CNNVD-202101-1521"
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    "data": "A vulnerability in the web management interface of Cisco Smart Software Manager satellite could allow an authenticated, remote attacker to redirect a user to an undesired web page. The vulnerability is due to improper input validation of the URL parameters in an HTTP request that is sent to an affected device. An attacker could exploit this vulnerability by sending a crafted HTTP request that could cause the web application to redirect the request to a specified malicious URL. A successful exploit could allow the attacker to redirect a user to a malicious website. The software eliminates cumbersome product activation key (PAK) and license file management, makes the license node no longer locked to the device, and can support the license to be used on any compatible device",
    "sources": [
        "db": "NVD",
        "id": "CVE-2021-1218"
        "db": "JVNDB",
        "id": "JVNDB-2021-002789"
        "db": "VULHUB",
        "id": "VHN-374272"
        "db": "VULMON",
        "id": "CVE-2021-1218"
    "trust": 1.8
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    "data": [
        "db": "NVD",
        "id": "CVE-2021-1218",
        "trust": 2.6
        "db": "JVNDB",
        "id": "JVNDB-2021-002789",
        "trust": 0.8
        "db": "AUSCERT",
        "id": "ESB-2021.0240",
        "trust": 0.6
        "db": "CNNVD",
        "id": "CNNVD-202101-1521",
        "trust": 0.6
        "db": "VULHUB",
        "id": "VHN-374272",
        "trust": 0.1
        "db": "VULMON",
        "id": "CVE-2021-1218",
        "trust": 0.1
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        "id": "VHN-374272"
        "db": "VULMON",
        "id": "CVE-2021-1218"
        "db": "JVNDB",
        "id": "JVNDB-2021-002789"
        "db": "NVD",
        "id": "CVE-2021-1218"
        "db": "CNNVD",
        "id": "CNNVD-202101-1521"
  "id": "VAR-202101-0778",
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    "data": true,
    "sources": [
        "db": "VULHUB",
        "id": "VHN-374272"
    "trust": 0.01
  "last_update_date": "2023-12-18T12:27:03.757000Z",
  "patch": {
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    "data": [
        "title": "cisco-sa-cssmor-MDCWkT2x",
        "trust": 0.8,
        "url": ""
        "title": "Cisco Smart Software Manager satelite Enter the fix for the verification error vulnerability",
        "trust": 0.6,
        "url": ""
        "title": "Cisco: Cisco Smart Software Manager Satellite Open Redirect Vulnerability",
        "trust": 0.1,
        "url": "\u0026qid=cisco-sa-cssmor-mdcwkt2x"
    "sources": [
        "db": "VULMON",
        "id": "CVE-2021-1218"
        "db": "JVNDB",
        "id": "JVNDB-2021-002789"
        "db": "CNNVD",
        "id": "CNNVD-202101-1521"
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    "data": [
        "problemtype": "CWE-601",
        "trust": 1.1
        "problemtype": "Open redirect (CWE-601) [ Other ]",
        "trust": 0.8
    "sources": [
        "db": "VULHUB",
        "id": "VHN-374272"
        "db": "JVNDB",
        "id": "JVNDB-2021-002789"
        "db": "NVD",
        "id": "CVE-2021-1218"
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      "sources": {
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        "trust": 1.4,
        "url": ""
        "trust": 0.6,
        "url": ""
        "trust": 0.1,
        "url": ""
        "trust": 0.1,
        "url": ""
    "sources": [
        "db": "VULHUB",
        "id": "VHN-374272"
        "db": "VULMON",
        "id": "CVE-2021-1218"
        "db": "JVNDB",
        "id": "JVNDB-2021-002789"
        "db": "NVD",
        "id": "CVE-2021-1218"
        "db": "CNNVD",
        "id": "CNNVD-202101-1521"
  "sources": {
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      "@vocab": "",
      "data": {
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    "data": [
        "db": "VULHUB",
        "id": "VHN-374272"
        "db": "VULMON",
        "id": "CVE-2021-1218"
        "db": "JVNDB",
        "id": "JVNDB-2021-002789"
        "db": "NVD",
        "id": "CVE-2021-1218"
        "db": "CNNVD",
        "id": "CNNVD-202101-1521"
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    "data": [
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        "db": "VULHUB",
        "id": "VHN-374272"
        "date": "2021-01-20T00:00:00",
        "db": "VULMON",
        "id": "CVE-2021-1218"
        "date": "2021-10-01T00:00:00",
        "db": "JVNDB",
        "id": "JVNDB-2021-002789"
        "date": "2021-01-20T21:15:11.617000",
        "db": "NVD",
        "id": "CVE-2021-1218"
        "date": "2021-01-20T00:00:00",
        "db": "CNNVD",
        "id": "CNNVD-202101-1521"
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      "data": {
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    "data": [
        "date": "2021-01-28T00:00:00",
        "db": "VULHUB",
        "id": "VHN-374272"
        "date": "2021-01-28T00:00:00",
        "db": "VULMON",
        "id": "CVE-2021-1218"
        "date": "2021-10-01T08:56:00",
        "db": "JVNDB",
        "id": "JVNDB-2021-002789"
        "date": "2021-01-28T17:48:53.157000",
        "db": "NVD",
        "id": "CVE-2021-1218"
        "date": "2021-02-01T00:00:00",
        "db": "CNNVD",
        "id": "CNNVD-202101-1521"
  "threat_type": {
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    "data": "remote",
    "sources": [
        "db": "CNNVD",
        "id": "CNNVD-202101-1521"
    "trust": 0.6
  "title": {
    "@context": {
      "@vocab": "",
      "sources": {
        "@container": "@list",
        "@context": {
          "@vocab": ""
    "data": "Cisco\u00a0Smart\u00a0Software\u00a0Manager\u00a0Satellite\u00a0 Open redirect vulnerability",
    "sources": [
        "db": "JVNDB",
        "id": "JVNDB-2021-002789"
    "trust": 0.8
  "type": {
    "@context": {
      "@vocab": "",
      "sources": {
        "@container": "@list",
        "@context": {
          "@vocab": ""
    "data": "input validation error",
    "sources": [
        "db": "CNNVD",
        "id": "CNNVD-202101-1521"
    "trust": 0.6

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Taxonomy of the tags.



  • Seen: The vulnerability was mentioned, discussed, or seen somewhere by the user.
  • Confirmed: The vulnerability is confirmed from an analyst perspective.
  • Exploited: This vulnerability was exploited and seen by the user reporting the sighting.
  • Patched: This vulnerability was successfully patched by the user reporting the sighting.
  • Not exploited: This vulnerability was not exploited or seen by the user reporting the sighting.
  • Not confirmed: The user expresses doubt about the veracity of the vulnerability.
  • Not patched: This vulnerability was not successfully patched by the user reporting the sighting.